Chapter 32

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Jeffery's POV

We made it to the abandoned warehouse, and now the plan was going all into play. I got the girl into a chair and tied her up. Also put a clouth over her mouth, I took out my phone and recorded a video explaining some stuff and sent it to Caylus. I still had his contact for some reason, I turned to the girl.
"Ok, now all we have to do is wait for your girlfriend to show up." I said,
She just stared at me with a angry look in her eyes. I turned back around and started to wait for Luna to come.

Luna's POV

After me and Sam's date, I decided to watch TV. It was a little close to dinner, but I predicted I could watch some TV before. A little bit later Caylus came up and joined me.
"Good to have you back Luna." He said,
"Yeah, it's feels good to be back in control dude." I said,
I continuted watching TV along with Caylus. After a few minutes Caylus' phone went off. He took it out and looked at the notification. He was a little silent more than usual, normally he'd tell me what the notification was about but he didn't. I got a little concerned and turned to him.
"You ok dude, what's the notification?" I asked,
"See for yourself." He said, hnading me his phone.
I took it and looked at a text message from Jeffery, I didn't know he still had him in his contacts.
"Dude, why do you still have Jeffery in your contacts?" I asked,
"That's not the problem, look at the recent text message." He said,
I looked down at the recent text message, it was a video. Jeffery was on the preview, and under it read show this to Luna. I clicked on the video and hit play. It looked like he was in an abandoned warehouse.
"Hey Luna, I have your girlfriend." He said, then turned the camera to a person tied up in a chair. I reconized it was Sam. I gasped. He turned the camera back to him.
"If you want to see her again, then come to this abandoned warehouse. It's the only one in Royal Woods, and come in your wolf form and alone. No police, and no one else." He said,
The video ended, I was in shock. First he kidnaps me, forces me to fight in Dog Fights, then tries to do it again. Breaks out of jail, and now kidnaps Sam. Caylus saw me in this shock and tried to talk to me, I listened to what he had to say.
"So he's got Sam, how do you want to do this?" He asked,
"We're going to save her, get ready dude." I said,
"But he said come alone." He said,
"Yeah, but I have a plan." I said,
"What's the plan?" He asked,
"The plan is to make him think that I came alone, but you and Tank will be there waiting for my signal dude. Then when he's distracted by me fighting him. You'll help Sam, then call Zachiah. He'll come and arrest Jeffery." I said,
"That's not a bad idea, let's do it." He said,
I nodded, and stood up, he did the same. We both walked to the door and opened it. It was a perfect time because it was a full moon tonight. I'll turn into the wolf and be stronger. I turned to him.
"You ready dude?" I asked,
"Ready as I'll ever be." He said,
I ran out the house and let the moon hit me once it did. I turned into the wolf quickly. Caylus and Tank came out after me and we started heading to the abandoned warehouse. I had a little change in plan to try to figure some out with Jeffery surely there was explaination for why he's doing this. I stopped and wrote in some dirt the change in plan to Caylus. He understood and agreed to go through with it. We continuted walking, after a couple minutes we made it to the abandoned warehouse. I don't think I've ever seen it in my life. That's what was werid to me. Anyway I busted through the wall, I did damage some of the wall but, I was so big. I don't know how I would fit through the door. Jeffery was there, he stood there with a smile on his face.
"Well, well, well, look who decided to show up." He said,
I growled.
"Ok, go ahead attack me, see what happens." He said,
I continuted to growling at him, then started walked slowly up to him. He still had a stupid smile on his face. I made it up in front of him. He didn't change his expression at all. I cotinuted to growl at him, but never striked him.
"Come on, what are you waiting for attack me." He said,
I didn't attack him, and I stopped growling. Caylus walked up from behind me with Tank. Jeffery saw him and pulled out a gun, it looked like a pistol and pointed it at him.
"Whoa, I don't want to fight. I'm here on the behalf of Luna. She wants to hash some stuff out. She wants to figure some stuff out with you. She thinks there must be a reason for why you did this." Caylus said,
Jeffery lowered his pistol.
"So, why do you want to know?" Jeffery asked,
"Not me, Luna, remember." Caylus said,
"Why does she want to know?" Jeffery asked,
"Well, to be honest, she just wants answers. Just so you know, you've been nothing but a jerk to her and you don't care for anyone, but yourself." Caylus said,
"That's not true, you know Caylus." He said,
"Yeah, when you kidnapped Luna for the first time, you never thought to yourself about her family or friends felt. All you wanted was stupid money." Caylus said,
"That's because she was mine, I found her. I had full custody." Jeffery said,
"Actually you didn't, you aren't her parents and you certainly don't own anyone." Caylus said,
"Come on, you really think I'm in the wrong here, I was betrayed by my best friend. Who then ratted me out to the police." Jeffery said,
"You are in the wrong here, and to be honest. I never wanted to be your friend in the first place. Back when we lived in Wisconsin, I stood up to you when no one else would. And where did that get me a knife in my back due to you forcing me into Dog Fights." Caylus said,
"I never did anything to you!" Jeffery shouted,
"Are you seroius Jeffery, you never let me do anything I liked. You also made me do what you wanted to do, and that's not being a good friend. You forced me to do a buch of things I never liked. You were a bad friend and a dictator. So sorry you feel so betrayed by me, but you deserved it." Caylus said,
Jeffery lost his cool and shot at Caylus, good thing Caylus dodged it. Then I wacked him away, and started to attack him. Tank ran at him as well to help me with him.

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