Chapter 8

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Luna's POV

I woke up and started getting ready, when I looked in the mirror I realized that I had some of my wolf features, just the wolf ears, fangs, and tail. I was able to make them disapear pretty fast, I think I was getting better at getting them to disapear. I finished getting ready and went down stairs to eat breakfast, once I was done eating, I headed off to school. When I got there I noticed a guy parked in the parking lot, I didn't get a good look at him since he was standing next to I believed was his car but I saw he had, messes hair, sideburns, a subble, a subble-like mustache, a white tank top, black vest, a belt, jeans with rippes in them, a chain connected to his belt around his left leg, black boot, punk-like cuffs with spikes, fingerless golves with his the top of his hands showing, and a skull tattoo on his right arm. I decided to ingore him thinking he was one of a kid's parents, I ran up and greeted my friends, we talked for awhile, then went off to class. As we walking up the stairs to the enterance my wolf ears appeared, I turned around so no one would see and got them to disapear, then ran in the school after my friends.

?'s POV

I was at the Royal Woods High School because I believed the girl from yesterday went there and I was right, I saw her arrive. She saw me but didn't do anything, she probably thought I was one of the kid's dads or something. She went and talked to her friends for awhile then went off to class but as she and her friends were walking up the stairs to the enterance something happened her ears changed from human to wolf. I thought it was just my eyes playing tricks on me so I grabbed some binoculars from my car and looked threw them. I saw her turn around and make the wolf ears disapear then run in after her friends. I stopped looking threw the binoculars to question what just happened after a bit, it hit me this was the wolf I trying to find, I knew it. I was coming up with a plan to kidnap her, I settled for I'll follow her home and kidnap her then, I now just need to wait for the school day to end in order to execute my plan.

Luna's POV

Class started and everything was ok, when my wolf features come out I'm able to make them disapear fast. Class ended after a bit then it was Lunch, as I was eating Sam wanted to talk to me.
"Hey Lunes?" She asked,
"Yeah, dude?" I asked,
"Can I talk to you?" She questioned,
"Sure, dude about what?" I asked,
"About yesterday." She said,
"Ok, let's talk in pravite." I said,
"Good idea." She said,
I took one more bite, then stood up.
"Uh, you two me and Sam are going to talk in pravite for a little bit." I said,
"Ok." Sully said,
Me and Sam went to somewhere pravite to talk, like near the enterance of the cafeteria.
"Alright about yesterday." I said,
"Yeah, I just want to thank you for defending me even though you risked your own safety." Sam said,
"No problem dude, no one messes with my friends." I said,
She laughed for a little bit, I smiled but then her laugh died down.
"I still thinking that you're hiding something from me." She said,
"Now why would I do that dude?" I asked,
"Maybe because you think that I will think you're a freak, but just so you know I won't think that." She said,
"Yeah, ok dude." I said
"Ok, now let's return to eating lunch." She said,
"I agree." I said,
We both returned to our friends and continuted to eat our lunch. After lunch we headed to our next class, everything went smoothy again when my wolf features appeared I quickly got made them disapeared. Then school ended and I was about to get on the bus to go home but my friends reminded me that we have band pratice today. I stopped what I was doing and went off to go and pratice with my friends after a while, we called it a day, as I reminded my mom to pick me up, I noticed the same guy that was standing in the parking lot was still there. I thought it was really werid that he was still there, no kid was in class at the moment, I wanted to go and tell the administrators but he saw me, got into his car and drove off. I strugged it off and continuted to remind my mom, she came after a few minutes and she drove home. I walked in the house and sat down at the table to wait for dinner, dinner was ready after a couple minutes. I finished it up quickly, and went up stairs to go pratice or have fun playing my guitar.

?'s POV

After I got caught by the girl but I quickly left the high school parking lot before she could tell the administrators, I waited for her ride, once it came she hopped in and it drove off. I followed it all the way to her house, it was on Franklin Avenue and I checked the address it was 1216. I parked close to the house but no too close to avoid being suspicious, I got out of my car and walked up to the house. I peaked in the house a little bit looks like the family was eating dinner, and also the parents have a lot of kids, I counted, they had 11, 10 girls and 1 boy. I almost pass out, my parents never would have that many kid, they only had 1, me, anyway the girl that was the wolf I was looking for finished fast then walked up stairs. I ran to the back of the house, there was three windows but I didn't know which one lead into the girl's room. I decided to check them all, I found a ladder and placed it in front of the first window, I climbed it and didn't see the girl in the room. I climbed back down and tried the next window, she also wasn't in there, I went to the last one and cilmbed up and saw her. I climbed back down and thought about a time to kidnap her. I decided to do it when it was time for bed so I had to wait for a while in order to put my plan in action.

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