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"Caroline Forbes told me that my ponytail lacked zhuzh." Elena quoted to Bonnie Bennett and the Donovan twins as they walked across the school grounds.

Elena, Bonnie and Quinn were all in their cheer uniforms, pompoms in hand, whilst Matt was proudly sporting his letterman jacket.

"I don't even know what that means." Matt laughed.

"It means Caroline is jealous of Elena, what else is new?" Quinn laughed, shoving her twin. "But if you want a literal answer, Caroline is saying that Elena's ponytail lacks style, which is totally untrue."

Bonnie snorted, "You'll always be Elena's biggest supporter, Quinnie."

"Duh! We're soulmates." Quinn scoffed teasingly.

Bonnie rolled her eyes in response, "Anyway, I psychically predicted that flare jeans are making a comeback and I was so right."

"That doesn't make you psychic, Bonnie, it means that you watch too much 'Top Model'." Elena teased.

"Say what you want about my psychic abilities," Bonnie scoffed, before her mood changed. "But I've got a bad feeling about the bonfire tonight."

Elena paused, before sighing and saying, "Doesn't matter anyway, I can't go."

Upon seeing the looks on Bonnie and Matt's faces, Elena quickly continued, "I know! But Jenna's in town and my parents want to do a family night."

"And I wasn't invited?" Quinn gasped dramatically.

"You're always invited, Quinn," Elena retorted with an eye roll as she pulled the shorter blonde into a sideways hug. "We just stopped giving verbal invitations because you'd show up regardless."

Quinn hummed, "True."

"You have to go!" Matt exclaimed. "See if you can sneak out."

Elena tried to hide her grimace. 

She had a feeling, backed by Bonnie's psychic prediction, that Matt was going to try to ask her out tonight. 

He'd been pining for ages, and Elena was thankful that he hadn't made a move because she didn't want to hurt him.

There was an awkward silence for a moment, Matt gazing longingly at Elena. 

Quinn cleared her throat and raised an eyebrow at her twin brother.

"I gotta go see coach Tanner," Matt said suddenly, sparing Elena one last hopeful look as he walked off.

Elena turned to face Bonnie to see her giving her a knowing look.

"What?" Elena asked, confusion evident on her face.

"He's totally into you... and if you're not into him, you need to tell him."

"Why, Bonnie?" Elena huffed, the familiar awkward feeling that always arose whenever Elena's love life was mentioned appearing. "I'll cross that bridge if it gets to it. I'm not going to hurt him just for the sake of it. Besides, we're not dating and he's never asked me out."

Bonnie just raised a brow, "Yet."

"Aw, leave her be, Bon Bon," Quinn piped up before her tone turned teasing. "Or we'll start discussing your love life next."

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