twenty five

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"I don't think we should be hanging around that Stefan guy anymore." Bonnie spoke up suddenly, when Elena and Quinn were stepping out of Bonnie's car.

Quinn's brow furrowed, confused about where Bonnie's sudden comment came from.

"You were the one who said he looked lonely." Elena reminded the girl.

"Now I'm saying to leave him alone." Bonnie reiterated.

"What's brought this on, Bonnie?" Elena asked curiously.

"It's stupid." Bonnie trailed off.



"Spit it out."

Bonnie sighed, biting her lip nervously, "I accidentally touched Stefan...  you know, when I was passing him Caroline's phone? And I got a really bad feeling."

"Is that it? Bonnie." Elena semi-scolded, but Quinn squeezed Elena's hand. It was a subtle reminder that Bonnie's feelings were usually pretty accurate.

"It was bad bad!"

Quinn reached out and rubbed Bonnie's shoulder, "It's okay, Bon. We believe you. If you think we should avoid him, then we will."

As if he'd heard his name, Stefan suddenly appeared besides them, "Good morning Elena, Bonnie, Quinn."

"Hey, um, I gotta find Caroline. She's not answering her phone..." Bonnie started, looking around awkwardly. "So I'll see you guys later."

"That's unlike her." Quinn commented on Caroline's behaviour worriedly.

Bonnie was gone, having shot off before either Quinn or Elena even got the chance to follow her.

"She doesn't like me very much." Stefan pointed out.

Elena jumped to Bonnie's defence quickly, "She's just worried about Caroline."

Stefan nodded awkwardly.

Across the grass, Matt and Tyler were throwing a football around.

"Look... Elena's new stalker won't leave her alone." Tyler pointed out to Matt.

"Quinn said he gave her the creeps. Him and his brother somehow found her and Vicki on the roof last night."

"Sounds like Elena isn't the only one he's stalking," Tyler suggested, raising an eyebrow at Matt. "That's not very gentlemanly of him. Shall we teach him a lesson?"

Matt didn't even have a chance to react before Tyler was hurtling the football at Stefan's back.

"What are you doing? Ty, don't. Ty, don't! Ty!" Matt scolded.

Both boys stared in shock as they saw Stefan whip round just in time to catch the football.

Stefan then took aim and threw the ball so perfectly that it knocked Tyler back a few steps.

Quinn, Elena, Matt and Tyler all looked at Stefan in astonishment, before Tyler began scowling and glared at the new kid harshly.

Elena took the opportunity to grab Quinn's hand and pull them away from the new kid.

Both girls sent the boys thankful looks as they disappeared into the school building.

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