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Elena Gilbert and her girlfriend Quinn Donovan are celebrating their first Christmas together as a not-so-secret couple.

The living room was like a scene from a Christmas movie - adorned with twinkling lights and ornaments, but the warmth of Christmas was overshadowed by the noticeable absence of Miranda and Grayson Gilbert.

Elena and Quinn found solace in each other's company, celebrating their first Christmas as an official couple without the need to sneak kisses under the mistletoe.

Quinn's smile was infectious as she held out a beautifully wrapped gift for Elena whispering, "Merry Christmas, my love."

Elena's doe-brown eyes sparkled with multitude of emotions as she unwrapped the present, revealing a delicate silver locket. Inside was a tiny photo of both Quinn and Elena, shadowed by Elena's parents who stood behind them. All four of them had been caught laughing at something that was happening out of shot of the camera. The candid shot captured them all perfectly and Elena couldn't stop the few tears that escaped at the thoughtful gesture. 

Leaning forward, Quinn used the pad of her thumb to gently wipe away a traitorous tear that had escaped onto Elena's cheek.

"They're always with us, but especially during the holidays."

Their little bubble of shared sorrow and love was promptly burst by Jenna's indignant yell. Looking up, both girls watched as their respective brothers were ushered out of the kitchen with sheepish expressions on their faces.

Quinn only had to raise an eyebrow at her brother to get him to squeal.

"We were only checking to see if the cookies were done cooling down!" Matt defended, his ears pink with embarrassment as Jeremy merely continued to chew the stolen treats.

"Yeah," Jeremy began after swallowing. "How would you have known they were ready for icing if we didn't check for you? You're welcome."

The room filled with laughter and the scent of freshly baked treats as Jenna joined the teenagers, a mock-exasperated look on her face, "Well they've got less icing to make now thanks to you two."

"No way! The icing is the best bit!" Jeremy gasped dramatically. "Quinn always lets me lick the bowl."

Jenna, the anchor of the makeshift family, smiled warmly, "Let's make this Christmas memorable, even if it's different. We're all here for each other, always."

They gathered around the Christmas tree, exchanging stories of their loved ones and finding comfort in shared memories.

Matt started a lively game of charades, bringing unexpected laughter to the room.

As the evening unfolded, the makeshift family discovered that love had the power to heal. Despite of their grief, they found joy in each other's presence, creating new traditions that would forever be cherished.

By the end of the night, beneath the glow of Christmas lights, Elena and Quinn exchanged a quiet moment. "Thank you for being my light in the darkness," Elena whispered, holding Quinn close.

Quinn kissed her forehead. "Always, my love. Merry Christmas."

And in that imperfect, yet deeply meaningful celebration, it was clear that they would always have each other. 

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