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"Major lack of male real estate. Look at that shower curtain on Kelly Beech. She looks like a hot, wait - can I still say 'tranny mess'?"

Quinn raised her eyebrows in disgust, "It was never okay to say that, Bon Bon."

Bonnie raised her arms in mock surrender, "Sorry, Quinn."

Quinn slightly punched Bonnie's shoulder and Bonnie sighed in fake content, "Ah. Find a man, coin a phrase, it's going to be a busy year."

"'Find a man'? Ooh, is the Bonnie Bennett on the market this year?" Quinn grinned. "You've got to let Care and I take you shopping."

Quinn watched as Bonnie's expression changed to one of mock-fear, before averting her eyes over the the other brunette in the group.

Elena was yet to contribute to the usual teasing of Bonnie's love-life, and Quinn was about to ask if something was wrong, when she caught sight of who Elena was looking at.

Quinn's older twin brother, Matthew Donovan, was staring at the trio from across the hall.

He glanced at Quinn and Elena's joined hands before slamming his locker shut and storming off.

"He hates me," Elena mumbled.

Bonnie gave Elena a reassuring look, "That's not hate, that's 'you rejected me and I was too stupid to realise you were a lesbian who was secretly dating my twin sister'."

"Ouch, Bon!" Quinn laughed as Elena hid her face into Quinn's collarbone in embarrassment.

"Listen, as his twin I feel I am most qualified to comment: Elena, Matt doesn't hate you, I don't even think hate is in his vocabulary. That," Quinn gestured to Matt's retreating figure, "is hurt, not hate... And he'll have to get over it."

As if from nowhere, Caroline Forbes materialised by the girls.

Caroline smiled at Bonnie sweetly before tackling an unsuspecting Elena and Quinn into a bear hug, "Elena! How are you? It's so good to see you!"

She loosened her grip to allow her to face all three girls, as if not expecting an honest answer from Elena herself, "How is she, is she okay?"

"Caroline, I'm right here and I'm fine, thank you," Elena smiles in an attempt to soothe the blonde.

"Are you sure? Oh my gosh, you poor thing," Caroline continued, wrapping her arms around her once more.

"Care," Quinn murmured, sensing Elena getting uncomfortable, "You're squishing me. How am I meant to be your top flyer in cheer if you crush me?"

"Oh!" Caroline quickly released the duo. "You're totally right, so sorry Quinn. I've actually gotta go put up the tryout posters, so I'll see you guys later, okay?"

Then the taller blonde was gone, leaving Quinn, Bonnie and Elena stare at each other for a moment.

"No comment," Elena smiled cheekily.

"I wasn't going to say anything!" Bonnie laughed.

"I think I'm actually scared that she's our cheer captain this year." Quinn mused, as the other girls laughed.

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