twenty two

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Quinn screamed out in terror as she was once again lifted off the ground.

Victoria scrambled forward from her place of the ground, reaching out to her older sister, but Stefan grabbed her shoulder.

"Damon, stop!"

"Ugh!" The man, Damon, complained. "Relax."

Quinn was thrown roughly into Victoria's arms.

Her whole body shook as she looked up at the two men who were with them on the roof.

"What is happening?" Victoria cried, wrapping her arms around Quinn like a life line.

"I don't need her to be dead, might," Damon grabbed the back of Victoria's head from where it was buried in Quinn's blonde hair, forcing her to look at him. "What attacked you the other night?"

Victoria gasped in pain, "I don't know! I don't know! An animal?"

"Are you sure about that? Think. Think about it. Think really hard. What attacked you?"

Victoria controlled her breathing, pulling herself free from his grasp as she stared into his eyes, "A vampire."

"Who did this to you?"

"You did!" She screamed at him.


"Don't." Stefan pleaded. The words were quiet but desperate.

"It was Stefan." Damon emphasised, causing Victoria and Quinn to look up at him in alarm.

"Don't." Stefan repeated.

"Come here." Damon said, but it wasn't a request. It was a command.

Damon reached down and pulled Victoria up off the floor, the girl barely resisting him as she stared at Stefan in confusion.

Quinn watched in confusion and horror as Damon placed his hands on both sides of Victoria's head and forced him to look at him.

"Stefan Salvatore did this to you." He spoke in such a way that the words seemed truthful, even if they weren't.

Victoria seemed particularly affected by this as she repeated,"Stefan Salvatore did this to me."

"He's a vampire. A vicious, murderous monster." Damon continued.

"Please, Damon. Please, don't do this." Stefan pleaded, his eyes flicking between the ground where Quinn was crumpled and Victoria who was in Damon's grip.

"If you couldn't fix it before, I don't know what you can do now."

In one swift motion Damon had pulled Victoria's bandage from her neck, revealing the bleeding wound.

Quinn gasped out in shock as Victoria was thrown back to her, both of them collapsing by Stefan's feet.

"Your choice of lifestyle has made you weak," Damon growled, throwing the bloody bandage at Stefan's face. "A couple of vampire parlour tricks is nothing compared to the power that you could have, that you now need."

Instantly, Stefan's face began to change and Quinn fought to maintain the last threads of her sanity.

There was no way that the girls were getting out of this alive.

What the fuck was wrong with these people?

They were on the roof of a building where no-one would think to look for them.

"But you can change that. Human blood gives you that."

"No!" Victoria yelled, one hand covering her re-bleeding neck and one hand grabbing Quinn. She began to pull her younger sister to her feet and forced them in the direction of the fire escape that Quinn had climbed up.

"You have two choices," Damon continued, as he watched the two girls stumble to their feet. "You can feed and make them forget... Or you can let them run screaming "vampire" through the town square."

"That's what this is about?" Stefan gasped out. "You want to expose me?"

"No!" Damon shouted in annoyance. "I want you to remember who you are!"

"Why? So I'll feed? So I'll kill? So I'll remember what it's like to be brothers again?"

That sentence alone had Quinn halting any movements.



Oh, fuck.

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