twenty four

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Back in the Mystic Grill, Quinn trailed behind Stefan as he made his way over to a table where Bonnie, Elena and Caroline sat.

Matt had appeared as soon as he spotted them, ushering Victoria off with him to get the first aid kit.

"Quinn!" Elena exclaimed, jumping up from the table. "Where have you been? I've be worried sick and Matt was freaking out."

Quinn mumbled out a soft 'sorry', as Damon explained that he found her talking Victoria down from jumping off the roof.

"Holy shit, Quinn! Are you okay?" Elena asked worriedly, pulling the smaller blonde into the booth with her. Quinn hadn't realised that tears were dripping down her faces and she was shaking.

"She might be in shock." Stefan said quietly.

Elena nodded in confirmation that she heard him, continuing to run her fingers through Quinn's hair comfortingly.

"I can't believe she tried to jump off that building. Thank God you two were there to help Quinn." Caroline gushed, her focus on the two handsome men standing at their booth.

Damon smirked, obviously enjoying the attention, whereas Stefan just looked uncomfortable.

"It was nothing." Damon said, but his ego was clearly enjoying the attention.

"Well," Caroline spoke, pulling out her phone. "I'm going to need both of your numbers, just so I have someone to call in an emergency."

Caroline leant forwards, but couldn't reach the Salvatore men, so she asked Bonnie to pass her phone over so they could put their numbers in.

Bonnie rolled her eyes at Caroline's antics, but passed the phone to Stefan anyway.

However, when her hand brushed against Stefan, she let out a loud gasp and pulled away.

Bonnie looked horrified and the reaction caused the whole booth to give her confused looks.

"You okay?" Stefan asked, concern lacing his tone.

"What happened to you...?" There was a small pause as Bonnie composed herself and began smiling awkwardly. "That's so rude... I'm sorry, excuse me..."

She stood up and left, both Stefan's and Damon's eyes following her.

"Don't worry, Stefan. She kind of wigs out." Caroline said. "It's like her thing. So, how about those numbers?"

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