twenty three

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Stefan stood upright and faced Damon head on, "You know what, let them go. Let them tell everyone that vampires have returned to Mystic Falls. Let them chain me up, and let them drive a stake through my heart, because at least I'll be free of you."

Quinn didn't have to be told twice, using the opportunity to continue what her younger sister had started.

The girls fled to the side of the building, hoping reach the fire escape Quinn had climbed or at least put some distance between them and the two psycho brothers on the roof with them.

"Huh, wow."

Damon was suddenly stood in front of them, causing the girls to stumble back.

Damon reached out to grab Victoria, "Come here, sweetheart."


"It's okay." Damon soothed, leaning down to whisper something to her ear.

Quinn watched as Victoria's face fell into a relaxed expression, all signs of struggle leaving her body.

"What?" Quinn whispered, her head reeling with all the thoughts and emotions of the last hour.

He was in front of her then, speaking to her in a way that felt truthful.

But it wasn't true, what he was trying to make her believe, it wasn't the truth.

His voice was in her head, twisting and tangling through her thoughts.

He was asking her to agree to what he said, to speak it back to him.

She wanted to ignore him, grab her sister and run.

But when he spoke again, she felt herself nodding along to his words, repeating them back to him.

Believing them.

"You okay?" Stefan spoke, pulling Quinn's attention away from the blue-eyed man in front of her.

Quinn shook her head in confusion, "I... I was looking for Victoria."

"What happened? Where am I?" Victoria suddenly asked, confusion lacing her tone before she felt a sharp pain in her neck. "Oh, shit. I ripped my stitches open."

"Jesus, Vic." Quinn murmured, moving towards her.

"We heard you shouting for help, you were trying to stop her from jumping." The blue-eyed man supplied.

Quinn looked over to him in confusion, "What? What are you talking about?"

Quinn paused when she saw his blue-eyes, "I... I remember you."

Stefan looked surprised, and then concerned, quickly looked between the two.

Quinn shook her head as she tried to remember, "You were at that party at the falls, right?"

Stefan began to panic, thinking she meant the party where Victoria was attacked.

But Quinn continued, "Back in May, right?"

The blue-eyed man, who's name Quinn now remembered to be Damon, looked surprised, "Huh, yeah. You were with Elena Gilbert."

Quinn nodded, remembering now, "Yeah, I thought it was super weird that you were hanging around a high school party."

Damon frowned, "Right."

"Quinn, can we go? I feel like shit." Victoria spoke up, her hand over her re-bleeding neck.

Quinn blinked in surprised, "Oh, shit. I'm so sorry Vic."

"S'okay. That night was fucking traumatising." Vicki commented, referring back to the night of the accident. "You looked dead when we arrived at the hospital."

Quinn frowned, "That's because I was."

She quickly shook her head, "Let's not talk about it. C'mon, the Grill will have a first aid kit."

"We'll walk you back to the Grill." Damon said, a charming smile on his face.

Stefan frowned, "Yeah, Matt was looking for you."

Both girls nodded numbly, following him.

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