twenty seven

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"Bonnie?" Quinn asked quietly. "How certain are you about this bad feeling about the Salvatores?"

Bonnie looked over at the blonde girl sat on the kitchen island, "Every fibre of my being is telling me to stay away from them... so I think we all should."

Elena nodded solemnly, "I felt bad for the guy, being a new kid in a small town. Everyone was bound to talk. But then he just started showing up wherever I was, he was even at the cemetery on the first day of school."

Bonnie looked at her curiously, "Really? What did he say?"

Elena blushed, "Well, I, like a total narcissist, asked him if he was following me. He said he was visiting."

Quinn raised a brow, "Visiting? He's new to town, who is he visiting?"

Bonnie nodded in agreement, "He said he was born here, and there is that Salvatore family crypt... but it seems a bit too convenient to me."

"And then he showed up at my house later, with my diary in his hands." Elena continued.

"How did he know where you lived?" Bonnie asked.

"And how'd he get hold of your diary?" Quinn added.

Elena shrugged uneasily, "I must have dropped it when I was at the cemetery. He said Mystic Falls is a small town so he asked the first person he saw, he wanted to give it back to me straight away."

"Kind, but creepy." Quinn commented, shivering slightly.

"Then he was just standing at the door and I felt like I couldn't just walk past him, so I asked if he wanted to join us at the Grill. The drive over was really awkward, he was just staring at me." Elena finished.

"Did you see his reaction when Caroline said you weren't single?" Bonnie asked.

Elena nodded, "And then he just managed to magically find Quinn with Vicki on the roof. It's just weird."

"Can we change the subject? It's giving me the creeps." Quinn piped up, having been quiet as she listened to Bonnie and Elena talk.

Bonnie and Elena looked over at her, Elena moving over to take her hand in her own.

Bonnie nodded, "Of course. So, last night, I'm watching Nine-o, and commercial breaks come on and I'm like, I bet it's that phone commercial. And sure enough, it's that guy and the girl with the bench, he flies to Paris and he flies back. They take a picture."

"Are you saying that you psychically predicted what commercial would be on?" Quinn laughed.

"Bonnie, that commercial is on a constant loop." Elena pointed out, a teasing smile on her lips.

Bonnie huffed, before trying again, "Fine. Well, how about this? Today I'm obsessed with numbers. 3 numbers. I keep seeing 8, 14, and 22. How weird is that?"

"Maybe..." Elena trailed off dramatically, leaning forward to rest her elbows on the table. "We should play the lottery."

The girls laughed, but Elena soon cut them off, "Jokes aside, have you talked to your Grams?"

Bonnie shook her head with a sigh, "She's just gonna say it's because I'm a witch. I don't want to be a witch... Do you want to be a witch?"

"I don't want to be a witch."

Quinn crinkled her nose, "Me neither."

The girls all nodded in agreement as Elena poured the takeout food into a bowl.

"Why are you putting it in a nice bowl? It's just us." Quinn teased.

Elena glared jokingly at her friends, "Okay, okay, whatever. Excuse me for wanting to have a nice dinner with my friends. Make yourself useful, where are the serving spoons?"

"Middle drawer on your left." Bonnie answered, almost automatically.

"Okay..." Elena began, as she opened the drawer and the spoons were right there. Quinn raised a brow. "So you've been in this kitchen like a thousand times."

"Yeah, that's it." Bonnie sighed.

The sound of the doorbell echoed through the house, temporarily halting the conversation.

"Since when does Caroline Forbes use the doorbell?" Quinn wondered aloud.

Pulling the door open, Elena was met with a smiling Caroline, Damon Salvatore and Stefan Salvatore.

All three girls' eyebrows raised as they looked at the sight in front of them.

"Surprise!" Caroline grinned nervously, holding out a dessert in her hands. "They heard we were doing dinner, so they brought dessert."

"Oh," Elena said, glancing over at the other girls.

"Hope you don't mind.." Damon piped up, a smirk on his face that Quinn wanted to punch off.

"We've actually just finished up..." Bonnie said currently, making eye contact with the other two girls in the house. She hoped they understood what they were saying.

Quinn nodded, supporting Bonnie's statement, "But if you guys haven't eaten you could always go to the Grill?"

"Aren't you going to invite us in?" Damon asked, an oddly dangerous look in his eye.

Elena piped up, "Oh, uh... Jenna doesn't really like me inviting people she hasn't met into the house. Especially when she isn't home. You understand, right?"

Quinn watched as Stefan looked torn between being absolutely downtrodden and relieved, while anger flashed across Damon's face.

"Oh, uh, yeah..." Stefan trailed off awkwardly.

"Great!" Caroline beamed, diving across the threshold. "You guys have a nice dinner."

Bonnie quickly slammed the door in the Salvatore brothers' faces, her heart racing.

"What. The. Fuck."

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