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── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──

Elena and Quinn stood off to the side of the main square, away from the main crowd that had gathered to watch the town's celebration for the arrival of the New Year.

This year had been a rollercoaster of emotions for both girls, and tonight marked the end of it all.

Quinn smiled softly at Elena, "I don't know about you, but I'm glad this year is over."

Elena nodded in agreement, her eyes reflecting her new-found resilience but also some anxiety, "Me too... But I can't help but feel like this year was only the beginning..."

The girls stood in contemplative silence as the clock struck midnight and fireworks burst in the sky, illuminating the night with a kaleidoscope of colours.

Elena gently cupped Quinn's face, capturing the essence of the moment with a loving kiss.

"Happy New Year, Quinnie." Elena whispered against Quinn's lips.

Quinn smiled gently, "Happy New Year, Elena."

── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──

Both girls retreated into the warmth of the Mystic Grill, where Matt had reserved them a corner booth and a cozy setup awaited them. Matt had snuck them a bottle of sparkling cider, which he had disguised by pouring it into the gold opaque glasses that the Grill were using to celebrate the holiday.

They clinked their glasses, sipping the sweet liquid as they reminisced about the challenges they had faced and the strength they had discovered within themselves and each other.

── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──

Quinn and Elena soon returned back to Elena's house to continue their celebrations.

The night unfolded with laughter, heartfelt conversations, and a promise to face whatever the future held hand in hand.

They danced terribly to the music that filed the house, creating memories that would linger long after the clock struck midnight.

After a particularly bad attempt at slow dancing that had ended in fits of giggles, Elena intertwined her fingers with Quinn's, "Life threw a lot at us, but it also brought us closer together and I'm thankful for that."

As the first light of the New Year painted the sky, Quinn whispered, "Here's to us and to a brighter tomorrow."

Elena hugged her tightly. "To us and to whatever comes our way. Happy New Year, Quinnie."

And in the quiet moments of that New Year's morning, Elena and Quinn found solace in each other, ready to embrace the unwritten chapters of their love story in the year ahead.

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