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Quinn walked through the darkened halls of the hospital towards her sister's hospital room.

She wondered why the halls of the hospital were so dark but the rooms where the patients were trying to sleep were so bright. It didn't make sense to her.

Finally navigating herself to Victoria's room, she didn't notice the outline of Stefan Salvatore hidden in the shadows.

Walking into the hospital room, she was confused.

Victoria's bed was empty, her sheets bundled messily at the end of the bed.

Her IV was still hanging from the hook, but Victoria was nowhere to be seen.

Bathroom, maybe? Quinn wondered, turning in that direction.

"Whoa!" Quinn gasped out as Victoria all but materialised behind her, making the blonde jump in surprise.

She held her arms up slightly, as if Victoria was a frightened animal.

There was a far away look in Victoria's eyes as she stared at Quinn's chest.

"Vic? Vicki, hey," Quinn soothed. She tried to catch her eye, "Vic, it's Quinn. Hey, what's wrong?"

She watched as a tear rolled down Victoria's cheek, and reached out to her in concern.

Then Victoria was screaming.

"No! No!"

"Hey! Vicki, Vicki!" Quinn yelled, her arms instinctively wrapping around Victoria's middle. "It's me, Vicki! Stop! Please!"

But she continued screaming and thrashing in Quinn's arms, Quinn hated it. She sounded scared, frightened of her.

Victoria broke free, stumbling back into the bed still shouting 'no' in protest.

Quinn looked at Victoria, a heartbroken look on her face. She didn't know what to do, and Victoria was still crying, her whole body shaking. 

With one last glance back, Quinn took the opportunity to run from the room to grab a nurse.

Within a second, Victoria was laying back on her hospital bed as Stefan Salvatore stared into her tear-filled tears.

"It was an animal," Stefan compelled. "It came out of the night and jumped you. You blacked out. That's all you remember."

"That's all I remember," Victoria repeated monotonously.

"An animal attacked you, you blacked out, that's all you remember." Stefan repeated again, worried his compulsion might not work.

"That's all I remember." Victoria repeated again.

Then he was gone.

From down the hall, Quinn frantically searched for a nurse, "Nurse! Please! I need help! It's my sister."

A nurse saw the panicked look on her face and quickly followed her down the hall.

However, when they entered the room, Victoria was laying back down on her bed, seemingly asleep.

"She seems fine..." The nurse commented, raising an eyebrow at the dishevelled blonde girl. "Are you okay yourself, sweetie?"

Quinn blinked, there was no way she imagined that, "I--"

She turned in confusion, suddenly catching sight of someone leaving out of the corner of her vision.

The nurse reached out, a concerned look on her face, but Quinn was gone. 

Instinctively following behind the figure, she realised it was Stefan Salvatore when he looked back over his shoulder. 

Before she could call out to him, Stefan had ducked into a room.

Unfortunately, in his rush to escape from Quinn, the room Stefan had ducked into was full of blood donors. His face began to change and he rushed behind a curtain in the room.

Quinn entered the room, her eyes scanning for Stefan as her heart raced in her chest.

When she couldn't see him, she quickly concluded that he could only be behind the curtain in the room, but she he pulled it back there was no one there.

Instead, the window was wide open.

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