twenty six

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"World War II ended in?" Mr Tanner was asking another round of questions to his unresponsive class. "Anyone got anything?"

When no-one moved to answer him, Mr Tanner sighed and answered his own question, "1945."

Elena's not-so sneaky conversation with Quinn was rudely interrupted by Mr Tanner asking her a question, "Pearl Harbor? Ms. Gilbert?"

"Hm?" Elena questioned.

He cleared his throat. "Pearl Harbor."


As if waiting for a chance to impress Elena, Stefan cut in and answered, "December 7th, 1941."

"Thank you, Miss Gilbert," Tanner said sarcastically, in an attempt to embarrass Stefan. A few students chuckled.

"Anytime." Stefan grinned, unperturbed.

"Very well." Mr Tanner was always up for a challenge. "The fall of the Berlin Wall."

"1989." Stefan replied, to which Mr Tanner looked vaguely impressed.

"I'm good with dates, sir." Stefan explained.

"Are you?" Tanner asked. "How good? Keep it to the year. Civil Rights Act."

"1964," Stefan answered.

"John F. Kennedy assassination."


"Martin Luther King."




"Roe v. Wade?"


"Brown v. Board?"


"The Battle of Gettysburg."


"Korean War."

"1950 to 1953."

"Ha! It ended in '52."

Tanner started to turn and walk away as Stefan said, "Uh, actually, sir, it was '53."

"Look it up. Somebody. Quickly." Tanner ordered.

"It was... 19... 53."

──── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ────

Quinn watched as Stefan talked to Mr Tanner about joining the football team before collecting her things and walking towards the cheerleading practice spot.

She was willing to bet that neither Tyler nor Matt would be happy about it.


The blonde spun at the sound of her name being called.

"Hey, Elena. Is everything okay?"

"Hey, I still haven't seen Caroline, have you?" Elena asked, while Bonnie tapped through her contacts on her phone.

"No, I haven't. This is really out of character for her..." Quinn commented. "I hope she's okay."

"Seriously? Where is she?" Bonnie sighed in frustration.

Elena turned to her, "I don't know. Quinn's right, it's not like her."

"I'll try her again." Bonnie said, pulling out her phone again.

As if on cue, Caroline arrived in a light blue Camaro convertible.

"Uh..." Quinn began, when she caught sight of the driver.

"Oh, my God." Bonnie whispered.

"Is that Damon Salvatore?" Elena questioned, disbelief in her tone.

"You have got to be kidding." Bonnie groaned quietly as Caroline sauntered over to the cheerleading team.

"So the creep that hangs around high school parties is now dropping off high school girls to school..." Quinn commented.

Caroline smiled at the cheer team, telling them to start warming up, and then gestured for her trio of best friends to come closer.

"Looks like being a stalker is a trait of both Salvatore siblings," Caroline grit out while maintaining a smile on her face like everything was fine. "I seriously regret giving him my number."

"Caroline, are you okay?" Quinn asked, disturbed at how uncharacteristically flustered Caroline was.

"He showed up at my house this morning asking me out for coffee before school, then refused to drive me to school until I agreed to be his date to the Founder's Party that's coming up. Apparently the Salvatore's don't get invited anymore."

"Jesus, Care!" Elena whisper-yelled in alarm.

Caroline shook her head, and Quinn was worried that she was fighting to maintain her composure, "Like, he's hot... but what 25 year old wants to go out with someone who's not even 17 yet? Major creepy vibes."

Caroline quickly turned at called out to the cheerleaders, "Alright, girls! Let's start with the double pike herkey hurdler, okay?"

Spinning back to face Elena, Bonnie and Quinn, Caroline said, "Can we talk about this later?"

All the cheerleaders moved into position, but Elena stopped them joining the team, saying, "Dinner tonight, my place."

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