thirty six

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The Lockwood bathrooms' were fancy and large enough that one of them even had its own powder room attached. Quinn and Elena had retreated to fix their lipgloss and just escape the disdainful looks they were getting from the townspeople.

"Ugh, this town sucks. Don't they have anything better to do than stare at two girls dancing?" Quinn whined, Elena smiling sadly at her.

They were interrupted by Caroline entering the bathroom and approaching the vanity area. She was fidgeting nervously, fixing her make up and re-adjusting her shawl.

"Are you okay, Caroline?" Quinn asked, noticing Caroline's behaviour. "And where the hell did you get that shawl? It's ugly as hell."

Caroline tried to crack a smile at Quinn's comment, but it was strained, causing both girls to immediately get worried.

Caroline lent forward to apply her own lipgloss. Elena watched her, before noticing something that Quinn also saw.

"What is that?" Elena asked suddenly.


Elena was reaching for Caroline's shawl suddenly. Caroline pulled away just as fast, "Don't!"

But Elena had the shawl in her grip, lifting it away to reveal a horrific and vicious bite mark on her shoulder. 

Quinn blanched.

"Oh god, Caroline, what happened?" Elena gasped.

"Nothing, okay?!" Caroline panicked, pulling away from her.

"That is not nothing! Did somebody hurt you?" Elena asked again, a protective flare in her voice.

"No, okay, it's nothing..." Caroline denied again, leaning back towards the mirror to continue re-applying her lipgloss.

"Did Damon hurt you?" Elena accused, her tone beyond disgusted.

Quinn couldn't bring her eyes away from the vicious mark, even as Caroline pulled the shawl back onto her shoulders to hide it from her view.

"No! Of course not! Just leave me alone. Okay, Elena?! God." Caroline hissed, pulling away from them and exiting the bathroom.

Elena watched as she swiftly left the room, then turned to Quinn.

"Quinn," Elena began, her tone alarmingly scary. "What attacked Vicki in the woods the night of the back to school party?"

"She said it was a vampire."

──── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ────

Caroline stormed out of the bathroom, clearly flustered and nearly knocked Stefan over. 

Stefan looked concerned, "Everything okay, Caroline?"

Caroline blinked back the tears in her eyes, "Yeah, of course. Though, I could really do with that drink now."

"Uh, yeah, sure." Stefan nodded, gently guiding the blonde towards the drinks table. 

He passed her a tissue so she could dab her eyes, using the distraction to slip the concentrated vervain into her drink.

"Thank you. I really needed this," Caroline sighed, downing the drink in one go. She pulled a face at the odd taste. "God, how can people even drink champagne, it tastes disgusting."

There was a pause and she held her hand out expectantly, "I need another."

Stefan merely smiled and handed her another one. 

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