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"Hey!" Jeremy greeted Victoria after school, inside the Mystic Grill.

"I'm working, Jer." She reminded him, willing her hands to stop shaking so she wouldn't drop the plates of hot food she held.

Jeremy looked a little sad, and the thought of hurting Jeremy made Victoria's heart clench.

Realising the food was going to a booth that seated her brother and his best friend, Victoria plastered a smile on her face as she delivered it.

"Thanks, Vic." Matt smiled at her.

She could feel Tyler starting at her, causing her to turn to him, "Do you need another refill?"

Tyler smirked, "I'd love one."

"Great," Victoria smiled, leaning over to grab his empty glass.

She turned and left the table but could feel Tyler watching her walk away.

──── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ────

Victoria was juggling empty glasses in her hands as she collected them from tables she passed, she was also trying to remember the refill orders she had when she was interrupted by Jeremy, "Hey, what's your deal? I mean, summer you act one way and then school starts and you can't be bothered."

"Look, Jeremy, I'm working and I really can't afford to lose this job, so quit following me around like a lost puppy." Victoria tried to explain.

"When's the last time you had sex with a puppy?"

"Jeremy!" Victoria squeaked, her blushing profusely. "Will you keep it down? I don't want to tell the whole world I deflowered Elena's little brother, least of all your sister or my brother, who is sat over there by the way!"

Victoria gestured towards the booth where Matt sat to emphasise her point, but Jeremy continued, "Yeah, and deflowered and deflowered."

"Jeremy!" Victoria repeated, harder this time. "Please."

"Hmm, I've heard that somewhere before too." He teased.

Victoria wanted to throttle him, "Shut up, or I will pour these leftover drinks on you."

Jeremy laughed at her, "Yeah, that'll help you keep your job."

Victoria sighed tiredly, "Listen, Jer, you know I need to keep this job, okay?"

"Is this about Tyler Lockwood?" Jeremy jumped to conclusions, as usual. It seemed like that was a more believable option than messed-up Vicki Donovan wanting to keep a job. "Oh, come on, the guy's a total douche. He only wants you for your ass."

Victoria bristled at his comment, hurt flashing across her face, "Yeah? What do you want me for?"

Jeremy quickly realised his mistake as Victoria shoved past him, trying to ignore the familiar burn of tears in her eyes. 

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