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Bonnie's prediction about the bonfire being a bad idea was definitely correct.

Elena hurried through the mass of people to escape Matt's hurt face and sad blue-eyes.

She hadn't meant to hurt him, but wasn't it better to tell him that she was interested rather than just string him along?

Huffing out a breath as she finally found a quiet place, she pulled out her phone and dialled the Gilbert Home number.

It rang for a moment before Elena heard someone pick up and she said, "Hey, it's me."

"Your family is making me play Pictionary. I suck at Pictionary!" Jenna whined immediately from the other end of the phone.

Elena heard some muffled comment and Jenna bit back with a, "Bite me, Grayson."

"Listen," Elena interrupted, surprised at her own tone. It felt as if Matt's gaze was still on her and the whole feeling was unnerving. "Do you think someone could come pick me up?"

"Oh, having second thoughts about ditching family night?" Jenna teased, before Elena heard the shuffling of movement and suddenly her mom's voice was on the other end, "Elena, everything okay?"

Elena sighed, still feeling awkward, "Matt asked me out and I tried to let him down easy but he was just being so insistent and I think I've really hurt him, mom."

"He's just trying to figure out how you feel about him right now." Miranda replied in a soothing tone.

"I feel nothing about him! I don't do relationships. I-- I don't know how I feel." Elena replied defensively.

"Yes, you do. You're just afraid to say it."

Quinn Donovan appeared just a few steps away, looking at Elena worriedly.

Elena pressed her lips together, "Please come and pick me up."

The line went dead and Elena took that as confirmation that her parents were on their way.

She inhaled a shaky breath before texting Bonnie that she was leaving.

She opened her mouth to speak to Quinn, but almost immediately her phone began to ring, causing Elena to quickly answer to stop the shrill tone, "Bonnie! I'm fine, it's fine."

"You can't just leave! The party's barely started and Caroline will kill me if she knows I let you sneak off."

"I spoke with Matt." Elena said quietly, causing the brunette on the other end to pause.

"Say no more. I'll text you tomorrow?"

Elena smiled, grateful for her friend, "That would be great. See you, Bon."



"I told him not to, Lena. I tried to tell him you weren't interested." Quinn murmured softly, walking closer.

Elena opened her arms and Quinn quickly buried herself in the familiar embrace.

Pressing her head against Elena's chest, Quinn could hear the nervous flutter of Elena's heart. She looked up through her thick lashes and caught Elena's gaze. In an instant, Elena bent down and kissed her. Quinn smiled into the kiss before gently pulling away.

"Why'd it have to be my twin brother who has a crush on my secret girlfriend?" Quinn pouted.

Elena huffed a light laugh, "I hope he's okay. I really didn't meant to hurt his feelings."

"He'll get over it. Twins have to share everything, right down to our birthday. It's my turn to be selfish and have something all to myself." She pressed another chaste kiss to Elena's soft lips.

"Well, I only want you. So selfishness works for me." Elena grinned, pulling Quinn back in.

Pulling apart, Elena almost had a heart attack when a man appeared in front of them.


"No – um – I," Elena stumbled over her words and even looked behind her and Quinn to make sure he wasn't talking to someone else. "I'm Elena... and this is Quinn."

"Oh, you –" The raven haired man cleared his throat as his blue gaze flicked between the young girls, still wrapped in each other's embrace. "You just look...I'm sorry, you just really remind me of someone. I'm Damon."

"Okay..." Elena trailed off, avoiding Damon's piercing gaze as he analysed her face.

Quinn wrapped her arm protectively around Elena, sending a small glare in the direction of the man who was making both of them uncomfortable.

Thankfully, at just that moment the Gilbert family car pulled up just a few steps away.

Elena quickly glanced at the strange man again, rushing out, "Well, nice to meet you Damon, but that's my parents."

Both girls were gone before Damon even had a chance to realise, "Wait!"

But Elena was in the car already, pulling Quinn in with her and quickly telling her parents to start driving.

"Who was that?" Grayson Gilbert asked.

Elena shrugged, "No idea, but he seemed a little old to be hanging around a high school party."

Quinn snorted in agreement, "True, what a creep!"

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