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"Time to get up, Elena!" Quinn cooed from where she laid beside her girlfriend. 

Elena groaned, burying her face further into her pillow, "5 more minutes!"

"Nope, Jeremy is finally out of the bathroom, so move your butt!" Quinn giggled, pulling the covers away from their bodies. 

Elena let out an involuntary shiver as the cool air brushed against her skin. 

"Quinn, you know I--"

"I know," Quinn interrupted. "Did I say you were showering alone?"

Elena flushed pink and let the shorter blonde pull her from her bed. 

──── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ────

It had been a difficult summer following the car accident that claimed the lives of Miranda Sommers-Gilbert and Grayson Gilbert.

The town of Mystic Falls was calling it a bittersweet tragedy, as at least the other two occupants of the car, Elena Gilbert and Quinn Donovan, had survived. 

Elena Gilbert had a few cuts and bruises from the crash, but way otherwise fine. She woke up in the ambulance when the paramedics were trying to resuscitate Quinn. The thought of losing someone else had driven Elena into a full blown panic attack. 

Elena's Aunt Jenna shook her head to clear the memories out of her mind, instead focusing on chewing her thumb nervously as she waited for either Jeremy or Elena to appear downstairs. 

It was their first day of school and their parents weren't here. 

It wasn't a foreign concept for Quinn Donovan, given that she didn't remember her father and her mother was gone from home for months at a time. 

For Elena and Jeremy, though? Quinn wasn't sure how the siblings were going to cope. 

Quinn stumbled down the stairs, followed by Elena. When Jenna saw them her heart began to pound harshly in her chest. 

"Thanks so much for letting me stay the night, Jenna." Quinn smiled sweetly, wrapping her arms around the older woman.

Jenna returned the hug, whispering into her hair, "Thank you for being there for Elena."

Quinn gave Jenna another tight squeeze instead of a response, pulling away after a moment.

"Toast!" Jenna exclaimed suddenly, making the two girls jump in surprise. "I... I can make toast."

Elena smiled sweetly at her aunt, her tone soothing, "It's all about the coffee, Aunt Jenna."

"Gross." Quinn commented, but it was practically drowned out by the sound of Jeremy Gilbert thumping down the stairs to join them in the kitchen.

"Is there coffee?" He asked tiredly, walking into the room and taking the freshly poured coffee mug straight out of his sister's hands.

The action caused Quinn to laugh lightly whereas Elena huffed at Jeremy before pouring herself a new cup, holding onto it protectively so prevent it being taken.

"It's your first day of school and I'm totally unprepared," Jenna sighed dejectedly, rifling around in her bag for her purse. "Lunch money?"

"I'm good." Elena just smiled whilst Jeremy reached out and grabbed the money from Jenna's outstretched hand.

"Quinn?" Jenna asked, offering her hand out to her. 

Quinn smiled at the gesture, "I'm okay, Jenna. Thank you."

Jenna merely nodded, returning the leftover money to her purse. 

"Anything else? A number two pencil?" Jenna joked, moving across the kitchen to place things in her bag. "What am I missing?"

"Don't you have a big presentation today?" Elena asked curiously.

"I'm meeting with my thesis advisor at... now. Crap!" Jenna groaned, pulling the hair tie from her ponytail and letting her hair fall around her shoulders.

"Then go. We'll be fine." Elena reassured.

Jenna shot her a relieved smile as she disappeared from the room.

Elena's gaze wondered over to her younger brother.

She eyed him warily, asking, "You okay?" 

Jeremy glared at her, "Don't start."

Quinn watched as he stormed out of the room and Elena sighed dejectedly. 

"We'll keep an eye on him, Lena, that's all we can do."

Elena nodded sadly. 

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