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Victoria Donovan could already tell that her first day back at school after summer was going to be shit.

It had started when she realised she'd run out of her 'happy pills', as Jeremy Gilbert would often call them.

She sighed in frustration, clenching her shaking hands around the empty pill bottles as she willed herself not to cry over something so stupid.

She'd already been rationing them, taking well below to dose recommended to her, but it wasn't by choice.

They were expensive and there was only so much a minimum wage waitress job would earn her.

She had no savings, having used up both her own and Quinn's to bail her mom out of jail for drink driving that time.

Biting her lip, Victoria wondered about asking her older brother Matthew Donovan to finally get a job... but she was probably asking for too much, he had his football team to worry about.

It was his shot out of this godforsaken town, maybe he could get a football scholarship somewhere.

Not like Victoria, she was born here and she was pretty sure she'd die here too.

She would never ask Quinn to get a job either, not after everything she went through in the summer with her girlfriend, Elena Gilbert.

The second indicator that the day was going to be shit was the fact that Matt had used up the last of the hot water, meaning the young brunette had to stand beneath a freezing stream of water rather than the hot, soothing warmth she so desperately needed.

The final straw was that the fridge was empty.

Victoria did allow herself to cry then.

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By the time she got to school, Victoria was tired, cold and hungry.

Shoving her frozen fingers into the pocket of her jacket, she felt the smooth cardboard of a cigarette box.

That would help her warm up and hopefully settle the hunger pangs.

Pulling the box out, she continued searching in her pocket for her lighter but came up short, causing her to huff in frustration for what felt like the hundredth time that morning.

Storming off in the direction of Mystic Falls' High Schools' very own 'Stoner Pit', Victoria was relieved to see her best friend Jeremy Gilbert standing off to the side.

"Don't take more than two in a six-hour window." Jeremy warned whilst placing some pills into another student's hands.

Victoria watched the exchange quietly before mumbling, "Hey, Jer, you got a light?"

Her hands were shaking, either from the cold or from her raising anxiety, she wasn't sure.

"Oh, Vic," Jeremy sounded surprised, only just noticing her presence. "Yeah, yeah, of course."

Jeremy lit her cigarette and she smiled thankfully at him, raising her trembling hand to her lips.

Jeremy watched with mild concern and Victoria was about to wave him off when Tyler Lockwood appeared.

"Hey, Vicki," Tyler greeted. "I knew I'd find you here with the crackheads."

His tone was snarky, but Victoria ignored it, choosing instead to greet him back, "Hey."

Tyler wrapped his arms around her shoulders, and Victoria was thankful for the extra warmth the action brought.

Jeremy used the distraction to steal her still lit cigarette.

Watching him inhale the smoke, Tyler couldn't help but make another snarky remark, "Hey, Pete Wentz called. He wants his nail polish back."

As if to emphasise his point, he pulled the cigarette from Jeremy's fingers and dropped it on the ground.

Victoria looked over at Jeremy's messily painted nails with surprise.

She'd painted her own nails as well as Jeremy's the other night, but didn't think he'd keep it on for school.

"Tyler," Victoria whined, the action reflecting her age. "Those are expensive, you know."

"I'll get you a whole new pack." Tyler said, pressing a kiss to her cheek.

"Pete Wentz, huh? How old school T.R.L. of you. Carson Daly fan?" Jeremy retorted.

Anger flashed across his face and Tyler made a move towards Jeremy, causing Victoria to pull him back, "Tyler, be nice. That's Elena's little brother."

and my best friend... with benefits.

Victoria knew Tyler knew who Jeremy was, but was hoping it would remind him of Jeremy's current circumstances.

Mainly the fact that both of his parents drowned when their car went over Wickery Bridge four months ago.

"I know who he is," Tyler huffed. "I'll still kick his ass."

Tyler immediately pulled Victoria into a kiss, which she reciprocated, enjoying the feeling of being wanted.

She quickly pulled back when she remembered Jeremy was standing right there, embarrassment painting her cheeks pink.

"I'll see you later, okay, Ty? I still need a cig." Victoria mumbled, pulling at the sleeves of her sweater.

Tyler nodded, looking mildly annoyed that she was sticking around with Jeremy.

Victoria was half tempted to roll her eyes, she didn't know why it surprised him.

Victoria Donovan and Jeremy Gilbert had been best friends since diapers.

Jeremy enjoyed watching Tyler's scowl as Jeremy pulled out another cigarette and lit it for her before passing it to her.

"Whatever, see you later, Vic." Tyler grumbled as he stormed off.

Jeremy barely suppressed his laughter, causing Victoria to hit his arm as she also laughed, "Shut up, Jer! Go sort yourself out before class, your eyes look crazy."

Watching Jeremy saunter off, Victoria took a minute to breath deeply. She was going to be better this year, she had to be.

The cigarette warmed her fingers, reminding her of its presence. She took a quick drag , grimacing at the taste it left in her mouth but enjoying the feeling of being warmed from the inside out, before dropping it on the floor and stomping it out.

Starting now.

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