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Jeremy was shocked to see Victoria in the Mystic Grill so soon after the attack.

He quickly moved over to her, "Vicki, what are you doing here?"

Victoria sighed frustratedly, "Fighting with Robert about my schedule. You'd think getting ripped up by a rabid animal would merit an extra sick day."

Jeremy paused, noticing Victoria absentmindedly touching her throat, "Are you feeling okay?"

Victoria quickly lowered her hand, realising what she was doing, "Sorry, it-- it hurts."

"Well, the doctor gave you something, right?" Jeremy asked as concern laced his tone.

"The kid stuff, it barely touches the pain. It appears that my 'reputation' exceeds me." Victoria scoffed, using air quotations to show how much it annoyed her.

Jeremy reached into his jacket pocket and pulled out an orange medication container, "Here. Knock yourself out, literally."

Victoria hesitated, taking a brief look around the room to see if anyone was watching.

She reached out and quickly grabbing the container from his fingers, looking at him gratefully.

Jeremy could practically see the tension leaving her shoulders at the thought of easing some of the pain, "Thanks, Jer."

Jeremy guessed that she must have been in more pain then she let on, or maybe she had said how much it hurt but got brushed off as a drug addict.

Sure, Victoria took some stuff, but it wasn't always for 'fun'. She suffered from chronic pain and had crippling anxiety.

She was a product of her upbringing, and being born prematurely meant that she was disadvantaged from the beginning of her life.

The Donovans often couldn't afford the medication they needed, so it often led them to source it from elsewhere.

So yes, she did smoke weed in the Stoner's Pit at school, just like the other half of the high school population did.

The only difference was, was that Victoria's family was from the 'wrong side' of town.

She wasn't a Founding Family member, so it didn't matter if her reputation was mud.

Jeremy's voice interrupted her thoughts, "So you gonna, uh, watch the comet later?"

"I hadn't really thought about it," Victoria mused. "But I could be talked into it. I'll meet you out there in a few?"

The young teens were then approached by Tyler Lockwood.

Tyler ignored Jeremy, immediately focusing on Victoria, "Hey, Vic. How you feeling?"

Victoria scoffed, "Like you care."

Victoria moved away swiftly, leaving Tyler alone with Jeremy, who oozed smugness.

"What are you lookin' at, Gilbert?" Tyler gruffed, pushing past him.

Victoria moved swiftly away from Tyler, she was still upset about the way he acted in the woods.

Shuffling past the bar, Victoria got the strange feeling that someone was watching her, causing her to look over her shoulder.

Victoria barely registered that it was her own voice that had spoken, causing the man at the bar to look up, "I know you."

Damon Salvatore turned his head to look at the younger Donovan girl who was staring at him, her eyes wide and doe like.

The vampire smirked, tilting his head at her.

"Well, that's unfortunate."

"Um..." Victoria stepped a little closer to him, confusion spreading across her face. "I-I don't know why... but... your face..."

She blinked a few more times and looked again at the dark-haired man, confusion still clear on her face.

Realising what she was doing, Victoria blinked again, stuttering, "Excuse me, sorry."

Stumbling away from the man, Victoria fled to the bathroom.

She clutched the cool porcelain of the sink and tried to take some calming breaths.

"You're fine, you're fine," Victoria repeated. "I'm fine, I'm fine."

Why do I know his face?

He was in the woods.

There's all these stupid gaps in my memory... but that face.

I know that face.

But his eyes... they were red.

Victoria looked up from the sink, lifting her head to look at herself in the mirror.

She felt her blood run cold and she tried to run.

Her screams were cut short and she lost sight of reality, fading into darkness.

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