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Victoria finally made it inside the school, the warmth of the crowded halls immediately warming her up.

She'd been feeling frozen to the bone recently, and it was only going to get worse the further they went into the winter.

She hoped that they had enough money for the heating bill this year, or at least enough that she could buy herself a thick sweater or maybe even a coat. She shook the idea out of her head, how was she going to pay for that with her measly waitress wage?

Her mind wandered back to this morning's thought about asking Matt to get a job too, but she quickly shook that thought away too.

Making her way further into the school to find her locker, she heard someone call from down the hall, "Jeremy! Good batch man."

Jeremy caught Victoria's eyes, a bewildered look on his face as he quickly slipped into the men's room. 

Elena Gilbert, Jeremy's older and very protective sister was also in the hallway with Bonnie Bennett. Victoria's older sister, Quinn Donovan, was also with her, all of them clearly hearing what was said.

God, he was stupider then she thought if he really believed that going into the men's room would stop Elena Gilbert.

Victoria watched as Elena stormed around Bonnie towards the men's room, with Quinn quickly following. Victoria hesitated by her locker, having the urge to follow the siblings. She thought better of it when she realised she'd probably only make the situation worse rather than better.

──── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ────

"Don't coming running over here to me with your tail between your legs, Jeremy Gilbert," Victoria semi-teased, not bothering to look up from where she was organising her locker. "Elena Gilbert does not need any more reason to dislike me."

Jeremy snorted, "I doubt she'll even notice, looks like she's going to be fending off more unwanted male attention."

Victoria looked up in interest, her gaze catching what Jeremy was referring to as Elena and a boy seemingly danced around each other whilst trying to pass, Quinn laughing at the interaction. 

Finally, the boy moved to the side and allowed Elena to pass by out of the men's room, presumably so he could enter. Elena smiled in thanks, before her gaze moved over to the two younger students.

Victoria immediately lifted her books in front of her face, "Shit, did she see me?"

Jeremy snorted at her, "Let her look, who cares?"

Lowering her books slowly, she caught the tail end of Elena's disapproving look before she was distracted again but by Quinn this time.

Victoria hummed, "Let's just hope my sister will keep her distracted enough that we can actually talk without her breathing down our necks."

"Talk?" Jeremy smirked, arrogance clear on his face. "Cause we weren't doing a lot of tha--"

"Shut up!" Victoria whisper-yelled as she whacked him with the books she'd previously used to hide her face.

Another part of her was blushing like a school girl, not that she'd ever admit her crush on Jeremy Gilbert to anyone.

It'd never work, anyway.

He was Jeremy Gilbert, a member of the Founding Families of the Town, who had simply picked her up because he was going through a rough patch.

Victoria had been more than happy to oblige, of course, given that she'd been crushing on him since they were toddlers and even more when her sister and Jeremy's sister Elena started secretly dating, meaning the younger siblings were always forced to hang out together.

Times had changed, though. The harsh realities of growing up hitting Victoria like a bulldozer.

After all, growing up is chaotic.

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