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"Hold up. Who's this?" Bonnie asked, coming to a halt by the door of the school office as the trio walked past.

"All I see is back." Elena commented.

"It's a hot back." Bonnie defended.

Quinn snorted, "Sure, Bonnie."

"I'm sensing Seattle, and he plays the guitar." Bonnie added dreamily.

"You're really going to run this whole psychic thing into the ground, huh?" Elena asked teasingly.

"Pretty much." Bonnie confirmed with a laugh.

"So, are you gonna ask him out?" Quinn teased.

Bonnie blushed bright red, turning to retort back when they were interrupted by someone shouting just down the hall, "Jeremy! Good batch man."

Jeremy quickly slipped into the men's room.

"I'll be right back." Elena told Bonnie, storming around the girl and into the men's room.

"Uh-oh, Elena, wait!" Quinn called, following after the brunette.

Jeremy raced into the men's bathroom and quickly began using the eyedrops he'd been recommended.

Unfortunately for him, Elena came in at just that moment, almost knocking some other dude over as he exited a stall.

"Whoa, pants down chick!" He exclaimed.

Quinn simply rolled her eyes, retorting, "Wash your hands."

The guy looked surprised before sheepishly running his hands under the water of the tap while Elena leant forward and grabbed Jeremy's face in her hands.

"Great. It's the first day of school and you're stoned." Elena scolded, disappointment clear in her tone.

"No, I'm not." Jeremy denied with a scoffed.

"Where is it? Is it on you?" Elena said continuing, moving her hands from his face down to the pockets of his jacket.

"Stop, alright? You need to chill yourself, alright?"

"Chill myself? What is that, stoner talk? Dude, you are so cool." Elena mocked, disappointment now clear on her face as well as in her tone.

"Look, stop! I don't have anything on me. Are you crazy?" Jeremy cried, pushing her hands away.

"You haven't seen crazy, Jeremy!" Elena snapped at him. "I gave you a summer pass, but I am done watching you destroy yourself."

Jeremy went to stand from where he'd been leant up against the sinks, but Elena placed her hand on his chest to still his movements, "No, no, no, you know what? Go ahead, keep it up, but just know that I am going to be there to ruin your buzz every time. You got it?"

The sound of the toilet flushing made the Gilbert siblings aware of their surroundings, especially when the student stepped out of the stall and fled the bathroom as fast as he could.

Quietening her voice, Elena murmured softly, "Jeremy, I know who you are... And it's not this person, so don't be this person."

"I don't need this." Jeremy scoffed, clearly uncomfortable.

He pushed past Elena and Quinn and headed to the door.

"You need to talk to Jenna, okay? She might be able to get through to him." Quinn murmured, hoping to sound comforting.

"I know, I know. I'm meant to be his sister, not a replacement mom..." Elena sniffed.

"No-one is going to be able to replace your mom, or your dad. But we can get Jeremy the help he needs, if thats what he wants."

Elena nodded, "Let's get out of here, it stinks."

Quinn laughed and began to follow Elena out of the door when she bumped into someone trying to come in.

Quinn recognised the jacket to the be same as the one on the guy Bonnie was oogling not 5 minutes beforehand.

"Uh, pardon me. Um... Is this the men's room?" He asked.

"Yes. Um, I was just, Um- I was just- It's a long story. Just... Thank you." Elena stumbled over her words, trying to move past him.

He moved to the side to let the two girls past and Quinn immediately burst into giggles when she thought they were far enough away.

Elena jokingly pushed her, pouting, "Don't laugh at me, Quinn!"

"Sorry, sorry, you're just so adorably awkward."

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