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Quinn Donovan sat quietly at her sister's beside at the hospital. Victoria's neck had been treated and wrapped, and they'd given her antibiotics to try and prevent any infection.

Quinn hoped that she'd wake up soon. She just wanted to see that she was okay.

As if she'd heard her internal thoughts, Victoria's eyes fluttered open.

She tried to focus her gaze but everything felt fuzzy and weird.

Panic swept over her when she realised she wasn't home.

Tears leaked from her eyes and she let out a small noise, alerting Quinn that she was awake. 

"Hey, hey... it's okay..." Quinn whispered reassuringly. "You're gonna be okay."

Memories were coming back to Victoria and she struggled to make sense of them.

"Quinnie--" She murmured, but was interrupted by Quinn worriedly saying, "Hey, don't try to talk, okay? You're fine."


Quinn's eyes narrowed in confusion, shock evident on her features.

Victoria watched as Quinn's face went out of focus and then she was falling unconscious again. 

──── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ────

Quinn woke up with a start to the sound of shuffling next to her, and a nurse saying, "You can't be in here, hon. Visiting hours don't start till 9am."

Quinn was about to sleepily retort when she heard a quiet voice say, "I just..."

Is that Jeremy Gilbert?

Jeremy cleared his throat, his voice still quiet, "How is she?"

Quinn blinked, forcing her brain to wake up and focus to get an update on her sister.

"She's lost a lot of blood." The nurse smiled sadly, pulling the file from the foot of Vicki's bed and scanning it quickly.

"Yeah, but she's gonna be okay, right?" Jeremy asked, worry in his eyes.

The nurse turned to him, gently pushing him out the door, "She needs to rest, so you can come back later, okay? C'mon."

Quinn scrambled up, the room spinning from moving so fast, "Wait, Jer! I've gotta get to school too, can I walk with you?"

──── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ────

Jeremy was practically buzzing with anger by the time he got to the school with Quinn. He caught sight of Tyler Lockwood chatting up a few girls by the chainlink fence, and before Jeremy knew was he was doing he was storming over to the older boy.

"Hey, Tyler. Hey, I'm sorry to interrupt. I was just wondering how Vicki's doing, since you guys are so close. Is she okay?" Jeremy snarked, anger clear in his tone.

Tyler looked him up and down, replying, "She's fine. Now get out of here."

Jeremy scoffed, knowing that Tyler hadn't even bothered to go and see her, "How bad is she? Do they know what attacked her? Is she going to make a full recovery? Was she happy to see you? What room number was she in?"

"I'm gonna kick your ass." Tyler growled warningly.

"Yeah, you keep saying that, but when are you actually going to do it? Huh? 'Cause I vote for right here and right now." Jeremy demanded, shoving Tyler back against the fence.

Tyler stumbled back in surprise but quickly recovered, looking around to see if anyone saw, "Walk away, Gilbert. It's your final warning."

"No, this is your final warning, dick," Jeremy seethed. "I'm sick of watching you play Vicki. If you hurt her one more time, I swear to God, I will kill you."

Jeremy turned and stormed away, his heart hammering in his chest.

"Damn, that was like a death threat. Did you hear that?" Tyler joked to the girls besides him. 

──── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ────

"Elena! Hey," Quinn called, causing the brunette to turn.

"Hey, Quinnie. I missed you in History this morning, Mr Tanner was particularly grumpy. How's Vicki?" Elena looked at Quinn and noted she was wearing her cheer uniform, adding, "Do we have practice today?"

Quinn blushed, "Oh! No. I fell asleep at the hospital last night so didn't have time to go home and change. I had a spare cheer uniform in the locker room here at school. They're keeping Vicki overnight to make sure there's no infection, but she should be able to come home tomorrow."

"That's good news," Elena smiled at her as the couple began to walk. "Did you get in touch with your mom?"

Quinn scoffed, rolling her hazel eyes, "Called and left a message. She's in Virginia Beach with her boyfriend, so... we'll see how long it takes her to come rushing home."

Elena looked at Quinn sadly, murmuring, "Vicki's lucky that she's okay."

On a picnic bench not far from them, Elena spotted Stefan. She glanced over at him, but he was facing the other way. 

"I know," Quinn let out a breath. "And now there's talk of some missing campers..."

"Did she..." Elena paused briefly, working out the best way to ask. "Say what kind of animal it was that attacked her?"

Quinn hummed, "She said it was a vampire."

"What?" Elena laughed lightly, but confusion and concern laced her tone.

"Yeah, she wakes up last night and mutters 'vampire' and then passes out." Quinn laughed nervously, twisting a strand of blonde hair around her finger.

"Okay, that is weird." Elena laughed in agreement.

"I think she was drunk," Quinn rationalised, watching Elena glance away. She saw her looking at Stefan. "Caroline said he fled as soon as we brought Vicki out of the woods. That's weird, right?"

Elena glanced at Stefan once more before turning her full attention to Quinn, sighing, "Normally I'd say yes, but I think he's just afraid of blood."

"What?" Quinn asked, clearly confused. "How do you know that? Has Caroline's detective skills really got that good?"

Elena laughed, "No. Well, I wouldn't put it past her. But I actually stumbled across him when I fell in the graveyard, he freaked when I realised I was bleeding."

Quinn raised an eyebrow before nodded thoughtfully, "I've got to get back to the hospital. I want to be there when Vicki wakes up, get the real story about last night."

Elena nodded, "Text me if you need me, please."

"Of course. I love you."

"I love you too."

Elena watched as she walked away. She turned, ready to walk towards where Stefan was, but he'd disappeared. She looked around in confusion, but he was nowhere to be seen.

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