thirty three

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"Jenna's going tonight so we've gotta protect her from Logan Scum Fell." Elena spoke from the kitchen as she looked over at Bonnie.

Bonnie laughed from her place where she was browsing through Elena's nail varnish collection, "Logan who?"

"It's a long story, confusing details. You know the guy from the news?" Elena laughed.

Quinn nodded, "Apparently he was the reason she moved away from Mystic Falls."

"No way! Okay, well, help me pick a colour that gives off 'stay back, Scum Fell' vibes," Bonnie grinned, looking at the names on the bottles, "Delicate Flower versus Naughty Vixen... or maybe just the prettiest colour..."

Quinn laughed whilst Elena hummed in contemplation, "Tough call, can we mix them?"

"Look at you, getting all pretty for your date," Bonnie sing-songed as she continued to look through the makeup bag in front of her. "You seem happy-ish."

"I am-ish," Elena replied, lowering herself into the seat next to Bonnie as Quinn pulled up the chair next to her. "Tonight's gonna be a good night. As long as we all keep our distance from you know who."

"Amen." Bonnie sighed, passing a bottle of nail varnish to Quinn.

──── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ────

Quinn had been dragged upstairs by the girls to continue getting ready for the Founder's Party. Elena had insisted on curling Quinn's hair, the action making Quinn smile.

Her thoughts were interrupted by the house phone ringing obnoxiously from inside Elena's room. Elena carefully placed the curling iron down and moved to her room to answer the call.

Quinn watched her leave the room before turning her gaze to the curling iron. She was honestly surprised Elena even owned a curling iron given that she only wore her hair pin straight.

Bonnie caught her gaze and laughed, "Every time I get ready here it always makes me laugh that Elena owns a curling iron."

Quinn grinned, letting out a small laugh before she caught the end of Elena's conversation.

"Are you sure? Because I saw it... Let me check. Mmhmm," Elena was standing from her bed and walking straight towards Jeremy's room. "I will find it and bring it. Okay. Bye."

"What's wrong?"

"Elena? What are you doing?"

Elena strode into Jeremy's room, slapping his headphones off so he could hear her.

"Ahhh! God, what now?" Jeremy groaned as his headphones became tangled around his neck.

"The pocket watch. Where is it?" Elena asked sternly.

"W-what watch?" Jeremy replied innocently.

"The one you stole from mom's box," Elena continued, unimpressed. "Look, Mrs. Lockwood just called me freaking out. It was on the list, Jeremy, and she can't find it and she thinks she's the one who lost it."

"Maybe she did. Maybe, uh, maybe Tyler took it." Jeremy suggested.

"Don't even play that card, Jeremy, you took it," Elena sighed, annoyance clear in her tone. "If I go online am I gonna find it on eBay? Is that how you pay for your pot?"

Quinn shook her head in disbelief, this was not the way to go about this, but she knew better than to get in the middle of a fight between the Gilbert siblings.

"Screw you," Jeremy snapped, standing from his seat and moving over to his book case. He crouched down and retrieved the watch from somewhere on the bottom shelf, telling her, "I would never sell this, okay?"

"Then why did you take it?"

"Because it's supposed to be mine. Dad said it goes to the first born son. His father gave it to him and now what?" He replied, slamming the watch into Elena's palm forcefully.

A sadness hung in the air and Elena murmured softly, "He was going to give it to you."


Jeremy's tone was clearly one of hurt and he moved to place his headphones back on.

"Look, Jeremy, it's still yours, okay?" Elena tried to reassure him. "Mom, promised Mrs. Lockwood. What do you want me to do?"

"Just take it and get out."

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