twenty eight

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The girls sat in Elena's living room, all huddled on one couch like the used to when they were kids. It was bit of a squeeze now that they were older, but Elena was quite happy to curl up in Quinn's lap to give Bonnie and Caroline extra room.

"Tyler's seething," Caroline commented, trying to ease the tensions of all the girls in the room. "Tanner let Stefan on the team."

Quinn nodded, "Yeah, I heard. Matt texted and said they roughed him up a bit."

"Clearly not enough for them to take a hint," Caroline whined. "However, I was able to do some digging on the way over though."

The girls all looked at Caroline expectantly, so she began, "Okay, so, Stefan has an ex-girlfriend called Katherine and Damon says Stefan is totally on the rebound right now. Doesn't excuse his weird behaviour, but anyways. So I start asking questions about her and turns out she died."

"Oh, my God." Quinn blinked. She wasn't expecting that.

Caroline nodded enthusiastically, "I know. So, she died in a fire not too long ago. But that's not even the juiciest bit of the story."

Bonnie rolled her eyes at Caroline's theatrics, "Spit it out, Caroline."

"Right, sorry, sorry. Turns out they both dated her!"

Quinn groaned, "So now what? Stefan's trying to use Elena as a rebound and Damon's trying to get back at Stefan?"

Caroline shrugged, "Well, I heard that Katherine ended up choosing Damon and that drove Stefan mad. He did all these horrible things to try and break them up. He manipulated Katherine and filled her head with all these lies until finally it worked and she turned against Damon."

"Well, that sounds like Damon's side of the story." Bonnie pointed out. "But that doesn't explain why they've chosen Elena."

"Apparently she looks like her."

"Like Katherine?" Elena asked, Caroline nodding in response.

"Nope! This is too weird." Quinn whined, burying her head in Elena's hair. "Why'd it have to be my girlfriend who attracts all the weirdos?"

"Hey!" Elena laughed indignantly. "You should be thankful, that's why I'm with you, weirdo."

Quinn quickly shoved Elena off her lap, causing the brunette to slid off the couch and land on her butt on the floor.

All four girls immediately burst out into laughter, pushing the worries and stresses of the new guys out of their minds for the night.

All four girls immediately burst out into laughter, pushing the worries and stresses of the new guys out of their minds for the night

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