Chapter 3

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Lincoln's POV:

I can't believe I'm now dating a gorgeous man and sweet girl. When I stormed into the club last night I had only intended to get my spare key to my apartment and the $300 bucks my now ex boyfriend, Spencer owed me. Like always he tried to manipulate me at first. Then when I wouldn't budge he tried to touch me but he lost that right when I caught him having a orgy in his apartment with his so called friends, so I told him to keep his dirty hands to himself. I guess he realized I wasn't falling fir his shit and he finally handed over what he owed me. I was going to walk away when he said that shit about fuckin someone in my bed on the nights I was out racing instead of working like he said he was. Great now I need a new bed. Cheating prick! Before I could snatch him up by his neck, I felt this little soft body run into mine and little arms wrapped around my waist. I relaxed into her arms as she proceeded to tell Spencer she's been pleasuring me since he stopped touching me three months ago. Not sure how she knew that but her acting skills are amazing. That seems to piss him off more. Before he could do anything I notice this curvy light skinned girl rushing over to give this girl a hug before turning around and smacking Spencer hard in his face. I wanted to laugh at his bitch ass but when he went to go after that curvy girl I tensed and tried to hold my girl back but it was too late. My girl had pulled out a knife from god knows where and held it against his below average dick. She told him he could leave with his junk still attached or she could easily give him a sex change surgery for free.  I could feel eyes on us the entire time but didn't try to figure out who it was at the time. I was more concerned about the current situation and how hard it made my dick. I didn't even care if everyone could see me adjusting myself. Spencer immediately threw his hands up in surrender as my girl and her friend are laughing at Spencer scurrying away. My hands don't want to leave this girls body so I keep her close until I hear a deep male voice that made shivers go all the way down my body, making me harder and my asshole relax at the thought of being filled. God this man brings out my needy whore and he needs to handle it soon. 

The man in front of me is a God and I would love to do dirty things to him. Better yet he can make me his personal whore and I'll enjoy every second of it. He says something to my girl that I didn't catch at all. He holds his hand out to shake my hand but winds up pulling me just inches from his sexiness before seductively introducing his dominant self while caressing my neck. His actions make me shiver again and lean into his touch earning a smirk in return. He wraps a arm around my waist before calling our girl over, that's right our girl, before wrapping his other arm around her waist. 

Malachi then tells us that he wants both of us to be in a relationship with him, to which I give him an enthusiastic yes in response. Then when we agree to only be with each other, my angel drops a bomb on both of us that definitely made us hard. We spent more time together til it was time for our girl to go home. I kissed them both goodnight before heading over to my bike. I lived roughly 10 minutes from the club so I reached my building in no time. I walk up to the second floor, where my apartment is, only to find my front door slightly open.

"What the fuck?" I say to myself as I gently push open the door. My entire apartment was trashed. My tv was smashed and ripped off of the wall mount. My couch was ripped up and knocked over along with the shattered glass coffee table. I glanced inside the kitchen to see the trash was emptied all over the floor with broken dishes everywhere. My fridge was wide open and what items were in there were destroyed or spilled everywhere. 

Looking back into the living room, I noticed one of the walls is covered in various words ranging from threatening to downright disgusting. "WORTHLESS WHORE" seemed to be repeated in several areas with mystery ink. I walked over to the bathroom to find more of the same thing from the living room. They broke my big mirror and clogged up the toilet making it overflow across the bathroom. At this point I'm too scared to step in the bathroom to look further.

I head down the small hallway to my room to see that it's worse than the other rooms. When I fully opened the door I was hit with a nasty fuckin smell. More words were written on my wall above my bed like "UNGRATEFUL" and "SLUT". My clothes were thrown all over the place, all the dresser drawers were ripped out and broken. My drawings were ripped to shreds and my laptop was broken in several pieces on my desk. Someone pissed and shit on everything in my closet, ruining the rest of the clothes not thrown all over the floor. 

I can feel myself getting upset as I notice multiple cum stains all over my bed and my cat, Simba, is hanging dead from my ceiling fan. I already know this was probably Spencer cause he fuckin hated my cat with a passion and the same could be said about Simba. 

Knowing that everything is a loss I move my bed out of the way to reach the hidden panel that has my stash of money, backup laptop and my other important papers. There's also my favorite knives and a couple of guns I kept just for situations like this one. 

After grabbing what I needed I called the only person I know could help me, Malachi. Dialing his number I wait for him to answer but it went to voicemail. So I called him again and he finally picked up on the third ring. "Hello" he said raspy like he was asleep. "Sir please help" I sobbed out as my emotions caught up with me. "Hang on sweet boy I'm on my way" he said before ending the call. I go sit on the floor outside of my former apartment with what's left of my life and wait.

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