Chapter 34

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Links POV:
A door opening and being slammed shut made me jump as heavy footsteps come down the stairs. Two of our captors come into view dragging a young woman between them. They rip open the twins cell and throw the young woman on the ground before slamming the door shut and heading back upstairs. The boys rush over to her beat up body, trying to wake her up as they start looking at her injuries.
"That's their mama" Sasha whispers out as they roll her onto her back. I hear Tori gasp next to me as we finally get a look at her face. She has a black eye, cut up lip and bruises covering the rest of her face. We hear a whimper as one of the twins accidentally touches a sore spot. I look closer and finally notice the swollen jaw and hand prints around her neck.
"Sasha I think her jaw might be broken. Please tell them to be careful of that injury" I say as he begins translating. I see the boys nod in understanding as Sasha finishes explaining things to them. The sounds of the boys crying fill the cells. We hear the doors slam open again and several people come down the stairs! I don't recognize any of them but Sasha does and starts yelling things in his native tongue. Tori seems to recognize the older woman and glares at her. Sasha must of said something they didn't like cause three of the men rush into his cage and begin to beat him in between shouting profanities. After a sick crunching noise echos around the room they leave him in a heap on the cell floor. Before I can get a good view of Sasha the door to my cell is opened and two men walk in unchaining me before dragging me out of the basement. Suddenly I feel a pinch on the side of my neck and everything goes black.
When I come to I'm in a large bedroom, chained to a bed naked. Immediately I fear the worse has happened to me but when I realize there's no pain in my back end I relax a little. I look around the room, noticing the wall of whips and other toys. Shit! I'm in some freaky sex room. I hope Malachi gets to us before they can carry out whatever sick plan they've come up with. As I get lost in thoughts of my loves, the bedroom door opens up allowing two men and a woman walk in. One of the men has a video camera and is only wearing a pair of black sweatpants. The second man has a large bottle of lube and a evil smirk on his face. A chill runs down my spine as I notice he's wearing black leather pants, what in the creepy sex dungeon is this? Finally the woman is wearing a red and black teddy with matching stockings and heels. The items in her hands make me freeze in fear. She's holding a tray that has 6 needles and 3 vials of stuff I know I don't want anywhere near me. I watch them move around the room, setting things up before all three circle the bed. Leather pants man says something in what I think is German and the woman grabs the first needle and vial number one. Once filled she turns and moves closer to me. I squirm and try to move out of the way but the chains prevent me from escaping these crazy people.
"Relax cutie. This will help you enjoy what's about to happen" the creepy lady says as she pushes the needle into my neck injecting whatever shit into me. Sweat pants guy turns the video camera on as the effects of the mystery concoction start to kick in and I feel myself harden. No no no!!!! Please no I yell inside my head as I feel mouthes on me. The drugs render me motionless while still giving me a front row seat to my own sexual assault. I feel my eyes tearing up as the woman takes me in her nasty mouth. Sweatpants guy is now naked behind the woman eating her like she's his last meal. Creepy leather pants man is rubbing his hard on through his pants. Gross!! The woman's moans make me feel nauseous as the man starts to fuck her from behind. I start panicking as I feel my orgasm building and I quickly bite my lip to prevent any sounds from being heard. Leather pants guy must notice my efforts and says something to the other two earning moans in response. I see the woman hold her hand out as leather pants pours some lube on her hand without removing her mouth from me. Next thing I know I feel something warm and wet teasing my back entrance as leather pants starts playing with my nipples. Not being able to resist anymore I let out a loud moan as my balls tighten up and I finish in the woman's mouth. I'm still panting when leather pants shoves his nasty dick in my mouth. Not impressive at all. The drugs must of taken full effect cause my body doesn't resist no matter how much I scream no in my head. I hear the couple find their release as someone pinched my nipples making me moan loudly setting off their orgasm down my throat. After that they changed positions and spend the rest of the night taking advantage of my vulnerable state, ignoring the tears running down my cheeks. I hope my loves rescue us soon and that they will still want me after they find out about everything. Finally at some point in the early morning I was dressed and returned to my cell where I sobbed until I passed out.

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