Chapter 21

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Lincoln's POV:

So far Greece is beautiful. We have been here for almost a month and so far none of our men have tried to find us or anything. Casey's family has been very welcoming after her adoptive grandparents scolded her on the first night but from what I understand this is a common occurrence. The last couple of weeks Casey has been sick. At first we thought it was the flu cause she had a fever but after she collapsed last night we decided to call the doctor. Jack has also been acting weird. He's eating things I know he hates, he naps often and we noticed he's gained some weight. It's so damn bizarre honestly.
"Angel we have to head over to the clinic with Jack soon" I yell over my shoulder as I hear her brush her teeth again.
"Coming babe. Hold on" she whispers out. I decide to check on Jack and leave our room.
"Jack are you ready yet?" I ask as I open his door. What I see is a big mess. Clothes are everywhere and Jacks laying on his bed trying to button his skinny jeans with no success.
"Link nothing fits me any more and everything is just fucked up" he wails loudly.
Oh lord not again. This is the other weird shit we've noticed. Jack has always been emotional but it has amplified over the weeks.
Sighing loudly "Jack borrow a pair of my sweats it's okay" I tell him while trying to calm him down.
"Okay but I'm still cute and badass right?" he asks as he wipes his face with one of his sleeves.
"Definitely! Now hurry up you and Casey have to be at the clinic in 20 minutes" I say while passing him a pair of my sweats. 10 minutes later he steps out dressed and ready to go. We head out of the room, finding Casey coming out of Asia's room.
"She's still asleep. I left her water and pain meds but I know she's not going to feel good once she's up." Casey whispers out as we finally leave the cottage. Asia's new behavior is getting shitfaced every night and stumbling into the cottage all hours of the night. We just let her go for now. Casey's cousins keep a eye on her when she's out killing her liver. We make it with 5 minutes to spare cause Casey started feeling dizzy minutes into our walk and I had to stop so I could carry her the rest of the way. Casey checks both of them in and we go sit down in the waiting room. Several minutes later both of them are called and the three of us walk back to the room. There's two beds with a privacy curtain in between. Apparently all of the rooms are set up like this. Weird but okay. The nurse takes both of their vitals and asks them for a urine sample, which they each take turns doing so. The nurse then tells them to get naked and put on the ugly gowns laying on the beds. I pull the curtain to give both of them privacy as they do what they're told. I keep a eye on both of them since they haven't been feeling well with Jack complaining about the ugly gown. Lord help me with my best friend. About 15 minutes later someone knocks on the door before the doctor steps in. Casey says a few words to her in Greek before the lady speaks "Hello. My name is Cassandra and I'll be your doctor. First thing first are both of you sexually active?" Both mumble out 'yeah' before she moves on.
"Casey when was your last period?" she asks my Angel. Casey looks confused then freezes.
"Over 2 months ago. I should of had it 2 weeks ago but it never came. I thought stress had delayed it but now I guess it's something different" she says quietly as the doctor nods and writes the information down.
"We'll just from your urine samples we know that both of you have high HCG levels" Dr. Cassandra says
"Hold up! I'm a man! I don't have periods. For fucks sake I have a dick!" Jack shouts hysterically. Lord help us with this man.
"That may be so but male pregnancies although very rare, are still possible. Do you know if you were a twin or triplet?" she says calmly.
He stills before saying "I was a triplet. But halfway through my mom's pregnancy, our sister vanished. Only my brother and myself were born"
"That explains a lot actually. Jack it's possible that you absorbed your twin in the womb and no one thought to run the proper tests. If what I think happened, happened then you were born with female insides male outsides. Meaning you have a uterus and ovaries on the inside and a penis on the outside" she says while writing notes in the chart.
"But I have balls too so how does this all work?" Jack asks looking confused and shocked all at the same time.
"Let's do a ultrasound and get some answers okay" she says as she rolls the machine next to his bed, lifts up his gown since he kept his boxers on and squirts some gel on his stomach. She moves the doppler around while looking at the screen.
"Okay Jack from what I can see you have at least one ovary on your right side. I can't see the left too well. Now let's see what's in your uterus" she says while clicking somethings on the screen. She moves the doppler around his stomach before stopping.
"Look there's your baby. You look to be about 14 weeks  along so in about 6 weeks you can find out the gender. That would put your due date sometime in November" she tells him while taking a few pics before turning the machine off and wiping his tummy off.
"I'll give both of you lists of foods that are safe as well as scripts for prenatal vitamins. Now Casey let's look you. I don't think you are as far along as Jack so we need to use the internal wand" she says as she rolls a condom onto the wand with some lube before gently inserting the wand inside of her. My eyes are locked on the screen as she clicks and takes notes as she goes.
"Well it looks like your close to 8 weeks along. Your due date is early January and as of now I only see one baby. I want both of you back here in 4 weeks unless something happens and you need to see me sooner. Congratulations!" she says as she leaves the room. I wrap my Angel in my arms and kiss her with all the love that I have.
We pull apart "We're having a baby. I love you Angel" I tell her.
"I love you too. You know it could be his baby or yours" she whispers back with a hurt look on her face.
"I know baby but no matter who fathered that baby it's mine just as much as it is yours or his" I tell her as she steps away to get dressed.
Knowing my best friend I step around the curtain "Jack it's going to be okay. All of us are here for you and the baby I promise" I tell him as I hug him too. I hope to God our men sort their shit out cause it's not just about us anymore.

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