Chapter 44

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~a few weeks later~

Malachi's POV:

"Soren! Report!" I snarl out in agitation as it's been damn near impossible to find my kitten before she has our babies. Two weeks ago we moved into our new home back in the States. It feels good to be back. Now I just need both of my loves next to me.
"Boss our sources tell us that she isn't in Europe, Asia, Africa or South America. That leaves Canada, Australia and the US. We also figured out that Memphis definitely helped her leave, totally not surprising at all. He is still overseas in Greece, helping his family rebuild their estate with triple the amount of security. They don't want to take the chance of this happening again. We've found all of the former staff that were involved with Nikolai and removed them. Well I should say all but one, Colette. She's vanished since the attack in Greece. Our tech guys are running facial recognition software round the clock to find her. They've cleared Africa and Asia. They just started searching Europe and Russia a hour ago so we will see." Soren finishes telling me as I roll a joint and light it up so I can take the edge off. I really want to remove the threat to eliminate the threat before getting our woman back. I take a hit then look at Soren to continue his report.
"The pack is doing well in their new home. Liam informed me that they really enjoy the sprinklers and exercise course we set up for them. Jack and Asia are doing well at 24 weeks and 21 weeks. Boss both are pissed that Casey is gone. As close as she was to Lori and Asia, they have no clue as to where she would have gone. Link has made progress with his physical therapist and will be using a cane soon. How are his night terrors Boss?" Soren asks me as he scrolls through his emails. I sit there and think about my sweet boy waking me up with his screams and pleas as he fights off his attackers. It broke my heart having to sedate him when he started hurting himself. I don't care if he hurts me but I worry about him hurting himself or Casey. His nightmares started a few days after Casey left. I got the best trauma therapist for him right before we moved back to the states who lives in the staff wing of the mansion. I take another hit before saying "he's getting better. Last night he cried a little before curling into a ball and falling back to sleep. After he settled down I was able to hold him for a few hours until the sun came up. If he's not with one of his therapist's he's watching movies and playing video games with our preggars people" I say as the maids roll our breakfast into my office.
"That's good. He will get there Boss. Just give him time to heal and everything will be okay" Soren says before digging into his French toast. I sigh as I pour myself a very large cup of coffee and grab a chocolate muffin for now. I can't bring myself to eat more right now. I'll eat heavy later on. Halfway through my second muffin Sasha rushes in making Soren jump knocking over his drink "what the fuck Sasha?!" Soren tells as he tries to clean up the mess. Sasha mumbles a quick sorry before turning to me.
"Boss Casey is in the US. Somewhere on the west coast but we haven't narrowed down a specific location just yet." Sasha rushes out making Soren freeze his movements as he watches my reaction.
"Do we have anyone over on the west coast willing to help us?" I ask as the excitement of finding my kitten grows.
"Yes we have a dozen over there working on some deals for us" Soren says while finishing the clean up.
"Good. Send 2 to Washington even though I don't think she's there, 2 to Oregon, 2 to Northern California, 2 to Southern California, 2 to Nevada and 2 to Arizona. I want to be updated regularly no matter what" I command as Sasha runs back out of the room, I'm guessing to get back to his little family. Yes that's right he and Karina are together. Their time of imprisonment brought them closer together than I've ever seen in any of Sasha's relationships. Her boys have become his own and the parents made a big fuss over them and have enjoyed spoiling them.
"I swear I've never seen him that happy or energetic about anything except maybe when he blew up that shithead principals new car Junior year of high school" Soren says while pouring himself a new drink.
"That was pretty fuckin savage. The principal couldn't do anything even if he knew who did it" I say with a chuckle. I settle down and start to get lost in my head when Soren claps his hand on my shoulder saying "Don't worry Boss we will find her and bring her home soon. I promise you that"
I hum a reply as he leaves the office, probably to check on his woman. I decide to go check on my sweet boy since he should be finishing up his PT for the day.

~meanwhile on the West Coast~

Casey's POV:

I'm woken up from my deep sleep by the need to throw up. I rush into the bathroom just in time to drop to my knees in front of the toilet and empty my stomach of last nights dinner. God these babies are wearing me out. I've been sick more days than I can count this week and honestly I'm over it. I thought the sickness would have stopped by now but no it stopped for a few days before coming back full force 2 weeks ago. I hear light footsteps outside my room before I see Lori just outside the bathroom.
"It happened again?" she asked earning a nod.
"Don't worry I'll help you. I had it this bad when I was pregnant with the twins. Ginger ale and crackers were my saving grace. Hopefully the sickness will stop soon" she says while flushing the toilet and handing me my toothbrush covered in toothpaste. She left the bathroom coming back a few minutes later with a clean shirt.
"Thank you. You're a life saver. What time is it anyway?" I ask while changing shirts not caring if she saw anything.
"It's 3am. I'm a light sleeper so when you ran into the bathroom I woke up" she replies while helping me back to bed. We are off today from both places so I plan on sleeping most of the day. I barely hear her leave as sleep takes over and I'm left in darkness.

~several hours later~

The sound of children laughing and running through the house is what I hear when I come to again. I look over to see the sun is already up and I'm hungry so I head into the bathroom to pee before heading to the kitchen. I smell something delicious on the stove as
I see the twins having a food fight with Lori and Imani while Josie stands at the stove trying to avoid getting hit. Josie notices me first and quickly makes me a plate with a cup of tea to help settle my stomach.
"Good afternoon everyone!" I say cheerfully making the food fight cease.
"Morning Casey" Imani says as she grabs Layla and carries her to a bathroom to get cleaned up.
"Hey girl. Feeling any better?" Lori asks while wrestling Lucas away from his ammo and herding him to the other bathroom for his big boy shower.
"For now I feel good. Josie have you heard from Memphis or Octavia?" I ask before taking a bite of food .
"Actually he called a little bit ago saying he will be leaving Greece in 4 days. He is still being watched by your man's associates so he has to be careful. He also said that you need to be careful when out in public. Malachi has men searching all over the world for you, so maybe wear a disguise or limit your time in public" she says while turning off the stove.
Great! Just great! I thought he'd give up but I guess someone has knocked a little bit of sense back into his thick skull. Just thinking about him makes me wanna roll my eyes.
"Well I guess we need to go get some hair dye to change my hair color. Imani can you get me some blue contacts please?" I ask her as she walks back in the room with a clean Layla in her arms.
"Yeah sure. They have overnight delivery if you order before 2pm" Imani says after setting Layla down so she could go play.
"Maybe one of us should go for you since we aren't sure if any of his minions are out there" Josie says as Lucas rushes past all of us to go find his sister among us laugh at both of them.
"Sounds good to me. Pick out a few different colors and maybe a couple of wigs to throw them off" I say as I finish up my food hoping my new disguise work until I'm ready to deal with my loves.

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