Chapter 25

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Casey's POV 

(during Memphis's visit with Malachi)

All of us just finished scolding Asia when Dr. Cassandra walks in with a ultrasound machine.

"Hey everyone! I just wanted to check on you and the baby. So Asia lay back for me and lift up your shirt so I can take a look" Dr. Cassandra says while turning on the machine and squirting that cold gel on her tummy. I relax into Links arms as she runs the doppler around her tummy before pausing.  

"There's why you were bleeding. You have 2 babies in there. They both look good too. And it looks like they're fraternal" she says while taking some pictures before turning it off. Jack is starting to doze off so we decide to head out for now. We hug Asia before promising to come back around dinner. She just waves us off before playing on her phone. I shoot a text to Memphis letting him know that Asia is awake and okay before pocketing my phone again. I walk behind Link, who is holding Jack up as we make the 10 minute walk back to our cottage. Not gunna lie I'm ready for a nap. Link quickly opens the door walking Jack to his room while I go to the kitchen to get a snack and a drink. I notice the kitchen has been freshly cleaned. Ah Memphis must of texted someone while we were in the clinic to clean everything up. I grab a bottle of orange juice and a lamb gyro before going back down the hall to our room. I strip down to my panties and stretch out on our bed waiting for Link to come back. I still can't believe I'm pregnant. It makes me miss Malachi more. I know now that that video is questionable but my heart hurts knowing he did that with those women. I know it was before me but no one wants to see the person you love fuckin someone else. Doing the same stuff to you that they've done to them. I shouldn't be upset but it made me sick seeing those damn whores all over my man. I want to call him so bad but every time I go to dial his number the images of that video flash through my mind. I close my eyes and rub my non existent bump as I try to relax when I hear the bedroom door open then close. Hearing the door lock makes me internally grin. I feel the bed dip as Link climbs in next to me. I feel him run his fingers gently along my skin. 

"Angel how are you feeling?" he asks me as he places little kisses all over my neck before sliding down to my breasts.

"I'm okay just tired baby. What about you?" I whisper out as he gently kisses my lips.

"I'm happy. Excited about you having a baby and as much as I know he hurt us. I miss our man" he sighs out as he wraps his arms around me.

"I miss him too. I thought he would of came after us by now but he hasn't" I say as he rubs circles on my tummy.

"I'm sure he misses us and we will see him again soon angel. At some point we need to go back though" he says as I feel myself give into the exhaustion and fall asleep.

Malachi's POV:

After catching up on more sleep and taking a hot shower, all of us felt better. Soren is doing laps in the pool while the twins are smoking weed and playing video games. Those idiots will never change. I'm currently in my home office going through my emails for all the businesses. Fuck! I need a vacation after all of this shit is fixed. As I'm finishing up a email my phone goes off and I freeze. Opening it up I see a few messages. The first one is from Azriel letting me know that they've found everyone involved with the bullshit in our legitimate businesses. Slater fired about 40 people before pressing charges on them for multiple offenses. They are apparently going to shut down the company for 3 weeks to go over everything with a fine toothed comb before they fill those positions again. I move to my next message and see it's from Atlas. 

ATLAS: Boss we got Carlos and 2 of his associates locked up in the cells. How do you want us to proceed?

Me: Who are his associates?

ATLAS: Just 2 whores that used to work at the club

Hmmmm I wonder where the third whore is at. I think to myself as I text him back.

Me: Separate all 3 of them. Starve Carlos and let the boys smack him around for a couple hours a day. For those whores, have them tested for everything. If they have something treatable then get them ready for the next auction. If it's bad then kill them. I want Carlos alive until I come back.

ATLAS: Understood Boss

Not worried about any of the other messages I pocket my phone. Unable to focus anymore I send a quick email to Azriel to pay everyone during the closure to keep everyone happy before closing out of everything and shutting the computer down.

Leaving the office I almost slam into Soren who looks freshly showered with his wet hair. He is looking at something on his phone. 

"Everything okay?" I ask

"Yeah boss sorry I didn't see you there. I got a text from Memphis saying he was able to set up a special dinner with the family and our loves. Our parents will also be present. He has sworn everyone to secrecy about us attending" he says while tapping away on his phone.

"Good I'm glad Bardo is good for something" I tell him as we walk to find the twins which honestly won't be too hard. 

We walk to the game room where those idiots have been for hours. Looking down we notice smoke coming out the bottom of the door.

"Fucking hell. How much did they smoke?" Soren says as he yanks the doors open. The sight in front of us has us both laughing. Both of them have their Ray Bans on, joints in their mouths and food all over the place. For some reason both are down to their boxers talking shit to each other in between puffs. Soren and I enter the room further just taking in this damn craziness.

"Boss these aren't just weed baggies. We had some extra shrooms left over that they should of gotten rid of cause it wasn't our stuff. We didn't know what was in it. I guess they kept it. Dumb fucks" Soren tells me while showing me the empty baggies. 

Sighing loudly about these idiots I pull my gun and start firing at the flat screen making all of them jump cussing me out in the process. Soren grabs both pitchers of water dumping each of them on the brothers making them even more mad.

"Какого хрена Сорен?! Босс?!" ( What the fuck Soren?! Boss?!) Sasha screams out at us. I just raised my brow at them until they calm themselves.

"Both of you need to get your shit together. We have dinner tonight with our loves. Now sober up fuckers" I snarl out at them.

"See my prince?" Misha asks me hopefully

"Yes Misha. Now this is a big dinner with us, the parents, our loves and Casey's extended family. All of us have a little over a hour to get cleaned up. Let's meet by the front door in 45 minutes since we have to drive over to their estate" I tell them before heading upstairs to get ready.

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