Chapter 28

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Casey's POV:


"Boss open up its urgent" Soren says outside of our door. I sit up and nudge Malachi in his chest. Link is laying on top of him with his head resting on daddy's waist. We went at it for hours before all of us passed out. I look at the clock that now says it's 5pm. Wow we really did waste the day away inside of each other.
"C'mon boss something's happened at the compound and it's bad" Soren says frantically from the other side of the door. This time I smack his chest hard causing him to jump up before I tell him to come in very thankful we put some kind of clothes after that last round. Malachi groans as he slides out from under Link and over to Soren who's standing in the doorway with an alarmed look on his face. I ignore it and head over to the closet to get changed. I can hear the loud angry voice of Malachi almost as if he was right next to me. Something serious must of happened. Once dressed I go back into the room to see Link wide awake and sitting up as our man hurries to get his suit on.
"Daddy what's going on?" I quietly ask him
"Kitten someone bombed the compound early this morning. As much as it hurts to be away from you both, it's really not safe" he sighs out while tucking his dress shirt into his slacks.
"We understand Daddy" I say as Link nods in agreement.
"While we're apart I want both of you to look for a new home for us and our family. Make sure there's room for our friends and our babies plus room for our future babies" Malachi tells us as he throws his jacket on and kisses both of us hard before dropping to his knees to kiss my little belly.
"I'll text you when we land and call you at bedtime. Send me or Soren the new homes as you find them. I'm leaving the twins here for extra protection. I love you so much" he says with a final round of kisses as Asia kisses Soren goodbye too. Malachi says something to the twins before leaving the cottage and Greece for now.
"Alright people we need to find a new home so let's get started" I tell everyone as we watch our men leave for the airstrip.
Sasha opens up his laptop and we start looking at real estate within 45 minutes to the city.

~meanwhile at the airstrip~

Malachi's POV:

Soren slams the car into park as both of us jump out and head into the plane. The flight attendants quickly close the door before buckling up for takeoff. Soren takes his seat next to me frantically texting on his phone as more of the situation is relayed to us.
"How bad is it?" Any casualties?" I ask as some messages start to flood my phone.
"Bad boss. The mansion is completely destroyed. We lost 8 non mafia staff, 6 men were injured badly, 10 more men survived with cuts and bruises, 2 were crushed to death and 4 are covered in 3rd degree burns. The doctors don't think they will make it." Soren tells me solemnly.
"Any good news in this fuckin nightmare?" I sigh out as the pilot announces our take off.
"The pack is fine. They were no where near the mansion when this happened. The vet staff were able to help the injured before the rest of our medical team could get there" he says
"Give all of them a generous bonus after all of this gets cleaned up. Then send them on vacations in rotations of two at a time" I say as our plane starts to level off and we get the clear to move around the cabin.
"Boss we still have some people unaccounted for so Saxon & Liam are going to take a couple of the dogs to search for people" Soren tells me while pouring. Both of us a strong drink.
"Good. When we get back we need to start packing up everything that wasn't blown up and inventory what was lost. It's time to move to a new home" I say while I sip my drink. I sat there thinking who would of been able to plant the bombs in in my compound when it clicks.
"Soren, what staff from the main house never came back to work?" I ask him
"Hold on let me check the doors keycard scans" he says while rapidly tapping on his phone
"It seems 5 haven't returned yet. Marco, Henry, Colette, Dan and Amelia. I know Henry is still visiting his grandkids in London. He emailed me 3 days ago informing me he would return next week. Amelia has decided to move in with her daughter Anya who lives in Germany. The other 3 have completely vanished off the face of the earth. I'll ask our tech guys to dig deeper into their backgrounds. I do know that Colette has been around for 20 years. Marco has been with us for 10 years and Dan only 7 months. I'll get back to you boss" Soren finishes telling me as he focuses on the task at hand. Sighing loudly I relax back in my chair as my phone starts to go off with the messages from my loves. It seems they've already found some new homes.

~Back in Greece~

Unknown POV:

"Boss Malachi and his men left to come back to what's left of their compound. How would you like us to proceed?" I ask him
"Take them. Kill anyone that gets in your way and take them to the secondary location until I arrive" he tells me
"Yes sir. They're all clueless and once they go to bed we will move in" I reply
"Just get it done!" he snaps before hanging up
I look at the men Nikolai sent over here letting them know what needs to be done.
"Okay everyone take a break and meet back here at 9pm" I say as Dan opens the car door for me.
"Thank you Dan" I say with a grin
"Anything for you Colette" he tells me when a smirk. I can't wait for all of this to be over with so we can go our separate ways. I just wanted to be with my love but sadly they took him from me.
"Marco take us back to the house. I need a nap before this shit show starts" I sigh out as I relax in my seat.

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