Chapter 12

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Malachi's POV:

"Soren. I want you and Sasha to check in the current shipment so we can go home." I inform my second in command and best friend before walking into my office to relax a little since it shouldn't be long til they're done. My mind drifts to thoughts of my loves and how little I've seen them this week. I mean the last time they had my full attention was the first day they were at the compound. We all see each other in passing and we spent some time the night my sweet boy had his races. I miss them greatly but I know this empire won't run itself. I've also noticed my second in command seems preoccupied as well, probably by his chocolate queen who seems to be keeping him on his toes. I decide to go over some paperwork for one of my restaurants when my phone starts ringing. Not paying attention to the number I answer "yes".
A few seconds later a automated voice says "This is a collect call from... your kitten. Do you accept the charges?"
What the fuck?! Where's her phone?
"Yes I accept the charges" I say and then they connect me.
"Daddy help please. We got in some trouble at the mall and got fuckin arrested. Can you come and get us?" She asks me sounding all upset.
"Of course baby. Who is with you?" I ask
"Asia and Tori are with me. Asia is really upset with Soren by the way so if he comes with you expect a fight in the police station" she tells me as I hear Asia talking shit in the background.
"I'm on my way kitten. Sit tight" I say as that automated voice announces the time limit is up. Once I hear the click of the call ending I jump up, grab my things and head out. I see Soren and Sasha finishing up with the shipment as I head for the door.
"If you're both done then come I need you to come with me. It seems my kitten got in trouble and now I need to go bail her out. Oh and her friends were with her Soren. Whatever is going on you better fix it now" I tell Soren with a knowing look. He nods in understanding as we climb into my truck and leave. I shoot my sweet boy a text letting him know what's going on. He's been spending the day with his brother and best friend. Of course Misha's dumbass has been glued to his little princes side. It's been a struggle to get his ass to focus but I get it.
We pull into the parking lot at the station just as another car whips in next to me, almost knocking my door off. Before I can put a bullet in his head I recognize the little shit "Malachi put your damn gun away!" My sweet Lincoln snaps as he snatches my gun, puts the safety back on and shoves it in my waistband before kissing me hard. God I love his kisses.
"Hey you guys snap out of it. This is a breakout" Jack snaps out. I sigh as I reluctantly pull away from my love.
"Right let's get this over with before the girls burn the station down" Lincoln says as we make our way up the stairs.
As soon as I open the doors I can hear Asia cussing someone out. I hear Soren groan next to me. That's right you're fucked bro. As we get closer I can make out what's being said "Look deputy dipshit we didn't start that shit today. It was those walking STD's!" Asia yelled
"If they started it then why are they in the hospital?" I hear a male ask.
"Cause we finished that shit. That whore swung at me first and I just defended myself. It's not our fault they can't fight. They spend too much time on their knees and backs to get a clue" I hear my kitten snarl out.
"Yeah we were minding our business, trying to enjoy some food when that bitch Jenna poured her drink all over Casey" Tori said while leaving against the wall.
"That's right so back up off of us with that big ass oily forehead of yours" Asia snaps at the officer
"Well you people already have several charges you're being charged with so be quiet unless you want more" a second cop sneers at the girls.
"You people? Really? I know this donut eating idiot did not just say 'you people' fuckin racist" Asia yells while pacing around the cell.
I decide we should make ourselves known and clear my throat loudly catching the attention of every person in the room. A few officers recognize me and pale at my presence. Lincoln immediately runs over to the holding cell, where our baby is, who now has a big grin on her face. I decide to find out the truth in a different language in front of these damn pigs.
"Gattino che ti ha fatto questo?" (Kitten who did this to you?)
"Erano Jenna, Laila e Michelle. ci siamo fermati a mangiare nella food court del centro commerciale quando Jenna mi ha versato addosso tutto il suo drink. Voglio dire, guarda i miei capelli e la camicia. Ora è una cazzata per colpa di quella puttana. Le parole sono state dette e lei mi ha schiaffeggiato, così le ho rotto il polso e le ho pugnalato l'altra mano quando ha cercato di schiaffeggiarmi di nuovo. Ho usato il coltello per tenere la sua mano sporca contro il tavolo in modo che non potesse colpirmi di nuovo. Non ho visto come i miei amici sono stati coinvolti nella rissa. Ho appena visto queste puttane sul pavimento. Abbiamo preso le nostre cose e abbiamo lasciato il centro commerciale. Eravamo appena tornati alla macchina di Tori quando fummo circondati da poliziotti che ci arrestarono in modo aggressivo. Vedi i segni rossi? Viene da quei fottuti polsini stretti" (It was Jenna, Laila and Michelle. we stopped to eat in the food court at the mall when Jenna poured her entire drink on me. I mean look at my hair and shirt. It's now fucked up because of that whore. Words were said and she fuckin smacked me so I broke her wrist and stabbed her other hand when she tried to smack me again. I used my knife to hold her dirty hand against the table so she couldn't smack me again. I didn't see how my friends got involved in the fight. I just saw thise bitches on the floor. We grabbed our things and left the mall. We had barely made made it back to Tori's car when we were surrounded by cops who aggressively arrested us. You see the red marks? That's from those tight fuckin cuffs) she snaps out.
I look her over and my kitten is a mess and she has some marks on her wrist. That's it I'm burning the fuckin building down with everyone in it.
"I swear to all that's fuckin holy I'll burn this fucker down with everyone in it if they aren't released now" I growl out loudly in anger. A couple officers jump up to get them out when I hear my kitten say "Papà, penso che alcuni di questi poliziotti siano stati spinti a farlo da quelle puttane. Mi sono appena reso conto di dove li ho visti e sono già stati al club. Credo che qualcuno abbia organizzato un addio al celibato qualche mese fa."(Daddy I think some of these cops were put up to this by those whores. I just realized where I've seen them and they've been at the club before. I think someone had a bachelor party a few months back)
I look at the officers and I remember 4 of them. That's fine I'll deal with them later. I can hear Asia and Soren arguing. Well I should say he's trying to talk to her and she's giving him shit. I tried to tell him he was fucked before we got here. They walk past us with Asia giving him hell and he's just walking behind her looking like he lost his favorite toy.
"Thanks boss I'll see you at the party tomorrow night. Tori I need a ride please. Soren back the fuck up man" Asia says as she walks off. Everyone is chuckling at them as Lincoln walks to me with Casey in his arms. Liam is practically glued to Tori and they both leave right behind us and take Asia home. "I'll drive boss so you guys can relax in the back" Soren says while we all pile into my truck.

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