Chapter 15

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~several hours later~
Casey's POV:

I roll over trying to get comfortable again cause I feel like I'm in a oven. But I just end up tossing and turning until I hear someone chuckling at me. I lift my head up to see Malachi next to me on his laptop, smiling at me.
"Hey kitten did you sleep well?" he asks me as I free myself from Lincoln's grasp.
"Yes I did daddy. What are you doing?" I ask him. He sighs as he logs out and puts his stuff away.
"Just some paperwork for my legitimate businesses" he says while pulling me into his lap. I hum in response as he wraps his arms around me. We relax in each other's embrace as we listen to the soft snores of Lincoln next to us. My stomach decides to make this loud sound, making Lincoln's eyes snap open and cause me to blush. Daddy chuckles at me.
"Are my babies hungry?" he asks rhetorically
"Definitely daddy. Can we order some pizza?" I ask him as Lincoln gets out of bed and walks into the bathroom.
"We sure can baby. Go get cleaned up once Lincoln comes out then we will go downstairs. I believe we have a full house my loves." he tells me as we both get out of bed.
"I'd like some wings please" Lincoln mumbles out as he walks out of the bathroom, kisses me then climbs into Daddy's lap. I guess someone is feeling needy today. I rush into the bathroom while my men talk quietly in each other's arms and clean myself up. Once I'm out, Daddy stands up with Lincoln in his arms and grabs my hand before walking out of our room. We make our way past the kitchen and into one of the living rooms, I will never get over the multiple living room thing, and plops us all down on one of the couches. Daddy pulls out his phone and starts to order food while I scroll through Netflix trying to find something to watch. I decide to put on Stranger Things for now.
"Okay my loves I've ordered 20 pizzas, 10 orders of wings and 6 orders of fries. We have drinks here. It should be here in a hour" he finishes telling us.
"Thank fuck" Azriel says as he walks into the room with little Mei Mei right behind him. Both of them look like they had a wild night. Azriel pulls her to him and both of them drop into one of the big chairs.
The next to come in were Saxon and Tina, both in similar condition of the other couple.
"They ordered food cuz. It will be here in a hour" Azriel mumbles out not taking his eyes off his little woman.
"Good" was the only reply Saxon gave before pulling Tina with him to the other couch. Misha and Jack walked in next. Well I should say Misha carried Jack in the room, all wrapped up in a blanket, and sat down in the other big chair. Misha was covered in hickeys so I can only imagine what Jack looks like under that blanket. I snort at the thought making my men smile. Tori and Asia sluggishly walk into the room with their men right behind them with smirks on their faces. My girls sit down on the other side of Jack and Misha, Asia making a pained face as she sat down. I look at Soren as he wraps his arms around her and ask him "cosa le hai fatto?" (what did you do to her?)
"si stava comportando come una mocciosa, quindi ha ricevuto una punizione che è diventata una ricompensa"(she was acting like a brat so she received a punishment that became a reward) he replied as he kissed the side of her head.
"quindi fondamentalmente arrabbiato hai risolto i tuoi problemi e siete insieme?" (so you basically angry fucked your issues out and are together?) I ask him
"Abbastanza" (Pretty much) is the last thing he says before she climbs onto his lap.
"I know you bitches were talking about me but I'm too tired to fuck with any of you" Asia whispers out as she closes her eyes. I chuckle at her crazy ass as Soren smiles at her. A little bit later Atlas and Red stroll in wearing hoodies and sweats. I think Red was wearing his hoodie cause she looked like she was wearing a dress.
"Hey you two! We ordered food and it should be here soon" I tell them a little too cheerful
"How in the fuck are you in such a chipper mood after last night?" Jack snarls out followed by Asia mumbling "what he said"
"Asia you know Casey almost never gets hungover" Tori says while playing on her phone. Slater walks in with Suki on his back when we all hear the front door open and close with loud familiar male voices echoing throughout the house. All of us look up to see Sasha walking into the room with a very disheveled Stryker and Saint.
"I found these fuckin idiots naked in one of the VIP rooms and they weren't alone" Sasha tells us as he plops down next to Lincoln. Malachi lifts his eyebrow in a questioning manner telling him to go on.
"They had 4 of the girls with them naked as well. Used condoms and empty bottles of lube were everywhere. So I took it upon myself to toss a bucket of cold water on all of them. It was quite a sight. However they still haven't washed away the funk from last night" he finishes telling us with a look of disgust.
"Don't even think about sitting on my furniture! Go shower and get changed before coming back down here. Also on top of paying those girls, you will pay for the clean up and restocking of that room. The same goes for anyone else who used the rooms. Understood?" Malachi snaps at everyone
"Da boss" and a couple of yes's were heard around the room. Finally the doorbell goes off signaling that the food had arrived.
"Alright everyone get up. Some of you go grab the food and the rest of you go grab the plates. Ladies let's get the drinks" I say as I climb off of his lap. Everyone gets up and does as they're told. The two idiots finally grace us with their freshly showered selves as all of us decide to sit at the table and immediately find their seats. The food and drinks are placed on the table and everyone digs in. We spend the rest of the night laughing at each other in between eating good food. We really are a big dysfunctional family.

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