Chapter 22

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Malachi's POV:

I fucked up! I fucked up so bad with my loves. I stupidly let the businesses get in the way of everything that matters. I don't know how I'm going to get them back but when I do they're never my sight. I let the hot water run down my body as I think about the past couple of months. Once the water goes cold I shut it off and step out to dry off. I throw on some sweats and a black tshirt before heading back downstairs. I hear everyone talking and dishes clanging against each other. I guess the moms and aunts decided to cook. They do that when they're upset about something. I enter the dining room to see Soren on his laptop, Saxon on his phone and the twins were playing a video game. I swear somethings never change. Uncle Mikhail is the first to notice me. I walk over and shake his hand as well as the other Uncles before stepping back. Aunt Athena and Aunt Serena engulf me in a group hug while Mama Stella gives me a knowing look.
"I'm sorry Mama Stella. I let my anger and the troubles in the business get the best of me. I haven't been myself since all of this started" I say as I wrap my arms around her little body.
"I know my boy. But now that things with the businesses are fixed you all need to get your loved ones back home." she says as she lets me go and goes back to the kitchen.
"Boss the video that was sent to Casey is a video from your 18th birthday in Vegas. Sasha realized what it was after noticing you didn't have your face tattoos yet" Soren tells me as the women start bringing the food out. I take his phone to watch the video again and cringe at my whorish behavior. But the video is definitely not recent. We all look younger. Then it clicked who could be behind the video.
"Hey you know who isn't in this video but we all know was there, Carlos" I say to no one in particular.
"You right. Carlos there but no drink. We drink and feel funny. Then this happened" Misha said in his broken English.
"That's why all of us acting that way. We were drugged then recorded. Someone's been planning all of this for awhile" Soren tells us as we fill up our plates and eat. Lord knows none of us have had a proper meal in weeks.
"I don't think Carlos is doing this by himself either. He only cares about money and women. Revenge isn't necessarily his thing. Maybe the occasional fight but not this" Sasha says in between bites. He's right. Carlos is just a puppet in all of this. Someone bigger is involved in this mess. But who would want to ruin both sides of the business and our relationships. I began eating my meal when Sasha banged on the table making us jump before he yelled out something I couldn't understand since his mouth was full. He gives us a sorry look before swallowing his food.
"Didn't we have a falling out with Uncle Nikolai years ago" he asks his father making everyone freeze their movements. I look at all my uncles and the looks the aunts are giving them. Oh shit I hope it's not him. Uncle Nikolai was Mikhail's second in command before the fall out years ago. I'm not sure what happened but Mikhail's oldest son Alexis was killed one day by our rivals. We were only kids so we didn't watch the interrogations but they learned we had a rat and that it was Uncle Nikolai. Alexei was supposed to take over for Mikhail that summer but it never happened. Mikhail lashed out in anger and ordered us to handle the situation. So the twins, myself and a few associates took out his family. We usually don't go after women and children but  Mikhail was blinded by rage and betrayal that he went after everyone involved. Uncle Nikolai's wife, Galina sought asylum from her husband after we killed his oldest son, Peter. Apparently he lashed out at her and their three remaining kids. So Mikhail and myself blew up their car with his "family" inside and hid them somewhere safe and has been safe from him all these years.
"Let him keep thinking the worst. I will contact her later about this. Ultimately he will have to die cause of the problems he has caused this family" Mikhail says as he lights up one of his cigars. The women look uneasy about the whole situation but understand this is the only way to stop him.
"Boss we finally tracked the van those four left in and it stopped at the airport. None of them boarded a commercial flight so they must of left on a private flight" Soren tells us.
"Fuck I know where they went and we can't go roaming around there without pissing someone off" I sigh out in frustration.
"Where'd they go son?" Mikhail asks me.
"Greece. Casey is the adopted sister of the Bardo twins.  Her sister Carrie is married to Octavia Bardo. Fuck! The Greeks don't like us but they don't hate us yet." I grumble out as I pour myself a drink.
"Ah Hectors kids and Kostas grandkids. Their father is Italian and Greek too. Their mama is 100% Greek. They're a great family" Uncle Anatoly tells us as his wife, Aunt Athena kisses his cheek before heading back to the other wives.
"Just give them some time. Let us remove the threat before we bring them home" Mikhail tells us as he refills his glass.
"Okay Uncle we will do it your way. I hope this works. I hate that they are so fat from me" I say as I finish off my meal.

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