Chapter 6

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Malachi's POV:

We pull up to the front gates at the compound, only slowing down long enough for the gate to open, before pulling up to the house. I shut the car off and look over at my sweet boy. Poor thing is put cold. Tonight's events must of really wore him out. I was so lost in thought that I didn't notice the unknown car parked off to the side until I noticed some guy walking over to the car. I quickly and quietly get out of the car with my kitten still holding onto me for dear life as I step in front of the passenger side door.  The young guy stops moving before crossing his arms over his chest in frustration. 

"Look Mr. Mafia I'm not trying to start anything. I just want to make sure he was okay" he says with a sigh. Trying not to laugh I look down at my kitten who was awake and smiling against my neck "Micina, ho bisogno che tu mi lasci andare così posso far uscire Lincoln dalla macchina" (Kitten I need you to let me go so I can get Lincoln out of the car) I say to her in Italian. She reluctantly releases her hold on me letting out small whines as she fully steps away from me. God she's so damn cute and completely mine. I open the door slowly unbuckling my sweet boy before lifting him out of my car. Lincoln's friend gently shuts the door as I start walking to the front door with my kitten skipping along in front of me. Oh lord this girl I think to myself as we make it inside and up the stairs to my room. I lay my sweet boy in my bed and pull the covers up after his friend Jack takes his sneakers off before tossing them by the door.

"Well I can see he's in good hands. I will say the mandatory best friend speech. You hurt Lincoln and I'll rip off your baby maker and beat you with it. There now is it possible to get something to eat and sleep? This has been exhausting" Jack rambles out

"Yes you're more than welcome here. I'll have someone help you get settled" I tell him with a wink. I text Misha to meet me in the living room. "Let's go downstairs awhile. I need to make sure my kitten doesn't get into anything" I say as we enter the closest living room where the twins and my kitten are already waiting with some of the pack. They're unaware we are there as my kitten continues to pet Alpha while Sheba and Zeke stand watch. It wasn't until Misha looked over finally noticing they're not alone.

"Ah boss! So good to see you. You said you needed me." Misha said with his heavy accent. 

"Yes this is Jack. He's best friends with Lincoln. Please help him get comfortable in one of the guest rooms" I tell him before taking a seat next to my little kitten. I look over to see Jack wordlessly eyeing up Misha like a snack.

"Hello мой принц. See something you like?" Misha asks with a smirk. "Oh I definitely do you sexy man. Now feed me and take me to bed before I find someone else to do it" Jack says sassily.

Oh boy I think Misha's met his match with this one. 

"Don't even think about it my prince. You're mine now. I'll feed you then make sure you can't walk right for a week" Misha growls out before yanking Jack out of the room. 

Sasha rolls his eyes ay his brothers antics but immediately goes back to his phone.

Kitten giggled as Alpha stretches across her lap. Good she knows her fuckin Queen already. "I see you've made some more friends kitten." I whisper in her ear. "Yeah they're great daddy, who am I petting though?" she asks "Alpha. She runs the pack. Sheba is the rottweiler sitting by the glass doors and Zeke is the white lab mix sitting by the fireplace. I have 9 dogs in total but not all of them guard the house all at once." I tell her. "Wow I didn't know you liked dogs" she tells me with a grin. 

"Yes I do. They're all different breeds. Like Alpha, Bravo and Delta are actual wolves that I rescued years ago from the forest surrounding one of my safehouses. Demon, Sheba and Sarge are purebred dogs. Zeke, Lita and Cain are mixed breed. But all have been trained by myself and a couple other trusted people." I say as Alpha decides she's done with the affection and leaves the room.

My kitten pouts before curling into my lap. "Don't be upset. That's how Alpha is and I'm surprised she allowed you to get so close so quickly but she's always been able to sense who is evil or not" I say while stroking her hair. I eventually feel her breathing even out and take her upstairs to my room. Lincoln's still out of it as I lay her next to him before stripping down to my boxers and climbing in between them. It feels nice having them in my arms that I feel myself drift off too. 

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