Chapter 35

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Sasha's POV:

It broke my heart listening to Link cry himself to sleep in between apologizing for being bad. Whatever they did to him must of been traumatizing for him to act like that. I glance over at the twins cage watching them protectively cuddle their mama in their sleep. Tori slept through everything. How she can sleep comfortably while we're being held prisoner is beyond me. I hear movement and look over at the twins cell again only to see the most beautiful blue eyes staring at me. Fuck me she's beautiful. I now know who they get their eyes from.

 I now know who they get their eyes from

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"Привет. Меня зовут Саша. Вы, должно быть, Карина. Твои мальчики волновались за тебя." (Hello. My name is Sasha. You must be Karina. Your boys were worried about you) I say with a small smile. She smiles as best as she can with her injuries before quietly replying "Да, меня зовут Карина Мишкина. Я здесь семь лет. Меня забрали однажды, когда я возвращался домой с рынка." (Yes my name is Karina Mishkin. I've been here for seven years. I was taken one dsy when I was coming home from the market)
"Не волнуйтесь, моя семья скоро приедет за нами, и я позабочусь, чтобы вы трое пошли с нами." (Don't worry my family is coming for us soon and I'll make sure you three come with us) I tell her just as the basement door opens and a couple guards with food and bottled water walk to each cell. And when I say food I mean stale bread and half a apple. Tori wakes up and starts eating her food. Karina gently wakes up the boys before passing them the food. Link is still out of it and didn't move a muscle when they tossed that food in the cell. Once the guards left I tossed my apple half over to Karina and told her to eat up. She nodded as she slowly started to eat, wincing in between bites. Shit I forgot about her injuries. I saw Tori get as close as possible to Links cell and and start checking him for injuries.
"Sasha what did they do to him? Other than restraint marks I can't see anything" Tori asks me while giving me a worried glance.
"Tori if there aren't any physical injuries then there's psychological or sexual. Considering they had him until a hour ago and how he cried himself to sleep, my guess is they did a combination of sexual and psychological" I tell her before drinking some of the water.
"Oh god! How are we going to get out of here before they take him again" she asks me as she starts to freak out.
"Tori calm down. By now the guys would of been able to track your toe ring and probably are executing a rescue mission right now" I calmly tell her as she tries to quickly wipe her tears away.
"Саша, они будут использовать его, пока он не сломается, или они не ссорятся с ним и не убьют его. Чего вы не видите, так это того, что еще около дюжины заключенных подвергаются такому же насилию. Они делали это со мной все время, когда впервые привели меня сюда. Они прекратили избиения, когда я забеременела мальчиками, но не все остальное." (Sasha they're going to keep using him until he breaks or they get bired with him and kill him. What you don't see is theres about a dozen more prisoners being subjected to the same abuse. They used to do it to me all of the time when they first brought me here. They stopped the beatings once I became pregnant with the boys but not the other stuff) Karina mumbles out with a sad look on her face. When I get out of here I'm burning this shithole to the fuckin ground. I tell myself as I feel myself getting sleepy. Great they probably drugged the damn water I think as I slip into darkness.

Malachi's POV:

After making my kitten cum two more times before she fell asleep, I quickly dress in a clean all black suit and strap as many weapons to my body as possible before leaving the room. I find Soren with the parents and a group of our men.
"I'm coming with you guys. This was our mess and it's fallen in your hands." Uncle Mikhail says firmly as he kisses his wife goodbye m. I nod in response as I hear multiple phones going off including mine. As I go to open the message, Soren stops me. I look around the room and see looks of sympathy, a couple people got sick and started sobbing. I even hear Jack yelling and crying hysterically. I steel myself and open up the message. There's a video clip from a unknown number so I open it. Nothing could prepare me for what I saw. My sweet boy being drugged, beat up and sexually assaulted. His sobs and unwilling moans finally become too much and I lean over to empty my stomach before yelling in anger. I grab the nearest object and break it. After that it was a blurry haze of rage and destruction. I felt a pinch on my neck just as I went to pull my guns out and collapsed with tears in my eyes as I lose consciousness.

Soren's POV:

Darting my best friend was a split decision I made for the safety of everyone. By now my woman is huddled next to Jack and Misha with angry tears falling down her beautiful face. I instruct the men to disarm and restrain Malachi so we don't have Psycho come out on the plane before walking over to my baby kissing her forehead while wrapping my arms around her.
"Baby I need you to go get Casey's phone and hide it until we get back. We have to leave now as we have a long flight Md time is not on our side. Misha is left in charge until we come back. I love you!" I tell her before kissing her one last time. She nods and heads to Casey's room to check on her a I inform Misha of his current orders. Mikhail and the rest of the men file into the SUVs before rushing off to the closest airstrip that thankfully Casey's family owns. As we board the plane and take our seats, I pray that we get to everyone in time.

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