Chapter 45

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Casey's POV:

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Casey's POV:

"I don't know about this one. What do you think? I mean does black really look good on me?" I ask the girls hesitantly as I run my fingers through the long black synthetic hair on the new wig Imani picked up.
"Girl it will look perfect with the ice blue lenses or even the ice gray lenses. The dark brown lenses pair well with the blonde bob cut wig and the black wig with blue tips goes with any of the lenses. Josie also got you some black sunglasses and a couple of hats" Imani says while I put the ice blue lenses in.
"Okay if you say so" I sigh out reluctantly
"We do" the three of them say in unison making me side eye them.
"Alright I'm ready to go. Who's going with me?" I ask since we decided one escort per disguise so whoever is looking for me will think there's three different pregnant chicks.
"That would be me" Lori says while holding a tired Layla in her arms.
"We need to go to the grocery store since the cabinets are basically empty" she says while adjusting Layla again
"Memphis is leaving Greece in a few hours so he should be here late tonight or early tomorrow morning. He is also bringing the doctor that initially saw you over there" Josie says walking into the room with Lucas on her heels.
"Thank god! Not that I didn't like your OB Lori, for some reason I like the Greek OB/GYN" I say sheepishly
"Don't worry about it hun I get it" Lori tells me while grabbing her keys.
"Lucas baby. Are you coming with Mommy and Sissy or staying with your aunts" she asks a now wide awake Lucas.
"Here Mommy" he replies in between bites of his Nutella toast.
"Okay baby be good" Lori says while kissing his head as we head out to the garage.
We pile into her Honda Pilot and make the 20 minute drive to our preferred grocery store. Lori parks close to the front for my sake cause this girl isn't waddling a mile from the car to the front door. Nope not happening. We grab a cart each and split up. I take the middle aisles while Lori starts on the outside aisles. A hour later Lori finds me in the ice cream aisle trying to decide if I should get chocolate drumsticks or Klondike bars. Both are yummy so I say fuck it and drop both into the cart next to my three tubs of mint chocolate chip. It was my favorite before pregnancy and has continued to be my favorite. Lori looks in my cart and laughs.
"Casey did you get any real food? Or just junk food and your cravings?" she asks while her and Layla giggle at my items.
"What?! There's stuff for spaghetti, hamburger helper and mac n cheese" I tell her indignantly earning a raised eyebrow from Lori saying 'I know your game don't even try it'
"Okay maybe I got carried away with some things but I blame these two crotch goblins" I say while pointing at my growing belly.
Born of them laugh as Lori tells me to follow them back to the breakfast aisle. Whoops I thought my cart looked weird. Lori quickly grabbed 3 boxes of Honey Nut Cheerios, 2 boxes of Frosted Flakes, 2 boxes of Lucky Charms and 1 box of Fruit Loops. Damn that's a lot of flipping cereal. Then she grabs 4 boxes of assorted oatmeal 4 boxes of pancake mix and 5 bottles of syrup. We do eat a lot of pancakes and waffles.
Oh that sounds so damn good right about now. I think to myself as images of perfectly cooked waffles smothered in butter and syrup stacked high making my mouth water.
The sounds of something being dropped in my cart startles me from my amazing daydream.
"Sorry for startling you but you looked you looked like you were about to rip one of the boxes open and start eating it" Lori says with a smile
"I can't help it at this point" I reply as we start heading to the from to check out. Layla has gotten into a bag of goldfish, totally jealous but that little girl is feisty when someone tries to take her food so Lori just lets her be. I go to pay for mine but Lori beats me to it saying Josie sent her families black card. That's fine I'll just shove a couple hundreds in her purse late when she isn't looking.
The cashier hands her the receipt and both of us head out to the car. Lori buckles Layla in her seat as we load up the car. I feel a prickly sensation on my back like someone is watching me or something. I stand straight and subtly glance behind me. There's a park full of people, a cafe and cars parked alongside the road but no one stands out in particular so I shrug and climb in as Lori puts the carts in the cart corral before getting in herself and starting the car.
We start the trip home not realizing we had multiple sets of eyes watching us.
"Позвоните боссу. Это его женщина, которая только что была в магазине." (Call the boss. That's his woman that was just in the store) a man sitting in a blacked out Range Rover tells his associate.

"Вы уверены? Она не похожа на ту фотографию, которую он нам прислал." (Are you sure? She doesn't look like the picture he sent us) his associate says

"Это она. Возможно, у нее есть парик и контактные линзы разного цвета, но они не скрывают маленькую татуировку на ее запястье. Так что предупредите об этом босса сейчас же."
(It's her. She may have a wig and different color contacts but they didn't cover up the small tattoo on her wrist. So alert the boss about this now) he says while slowly following behind Lori.

Unbeknownst to the girls the Range Rover followed them all the way home, taking note of the address before continuing down another street and heading back to their hotel room.

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