Chapter 11

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~the day before Slater's birthday bash~

Casey's POV:

I'm laying on one of the couches, binge watching movies on Disney + when an alert sounds from my phone. I flip it over to see new messages in the group chat between Asia, Tori and myself. They were letting me know that my boyfriend had brought in outside help to get the club ready for tomorrow night and that we really should go dress shopping. Yeah right! Cause my whole personality screams "I love wearing dresses that shows off my goodies 24/7." Hell I can't stand wearing that shit. I had to basically beg Carlos to let me wear shorts instead of the very short skirt that was initially given to me. I remind the girls how I feel about certain clothing items before putting my phone on silent and curled up on the couch. A few moments later I feel myself drift off to sleep.

~3 hours later~

"Hey Miss" nudge nudge
"go away" I whine out as I try to roll away only to land on the floor, groan out in pain.
"god damn it" I growl out in annoyance.
"Serves you right for fuckin ignoring us like that witch" I hear Tori snap out making me crack open my eyes. Once I full open my eyes I see my friends standing over me with annoyed expressions and hands on their hips.
"Get the hell up Casey! We have shit to do and only a few hours to do it. Don't make me call in reinforcements" Tori growls out at me. My eyes widen and I sit up so fast my neck cracks.
"Fine fine let's go. Wait who's paying for this insanity?" I ask as I finally get off the floor.
"Your man duh" Asia says while rolling her eyes.
"Of course he is" I sigh out while heading into the bathroom for quick shower. Twenty minutes later I feel a lot better and toss some clean clothes on before my friends literally yank me out of the room, down the stairs and pushed into the back of Dodge's Charger. I roll down my window my window as we roll past the guys who are laughing at my situation and yell out "Keep laughing assholes. I'll make sure the next time I bake, that you don't get any of it."
They freeze and watch us leave the compound with shocked looks on their faces. Ha! Fuckers! It doesn't take us long to get to the mall as Tori drives like a maniac flipping off old people we pass and honking at the other cars not moving fast enough. I honestly don't know how she still has her license. Tori whips her car into the closest parking space before hopping out with that evil grin on her face. Rolling my eyes I climb out and stand next to Asia who's texting away on her phone. Weird but whatever I'll find out later.
"C'mon daylights a fuckin wasting ladies and this money isn't gunna spend itself" Tori shouts while waving Malachi's card in the air.
"Calm the fuck down crazy pants. Wait how much coffee have you had today?" Asia asks her in between texting.
"Umm I drank my seventh one in the way over to her house" she mumbles out
"Shit Tori you're gunna give yourself a damn heart attack!" Asia shouts out in agitation
"Alright enough! Tori no more caffeine and Asia relax please" I plead as we walk into the mall. Tori spots the first store and drags us inside, kicking off the crazy.
Six stores, 3 hours and one meltdown later we plop down in one of the chairs in the food court with all of our bags.
"Okay I need food you damn slave driver now feed me" I snarl out as I prop my feet up on another chair. Asia has finally set her phone down but has a mean mug on her face.
"What's with the look?" I ask
"Just this fuckin white boy!! He was with your man the night at the club" she says. I give her a look telling her to continue.
"Well he basically claimed me but then ghosted me afterwards. I mean who the fuck does that? He blew up my phone for 3 days straight then nothing I just don't get it" she huffs out trying not to get upset.
"Oh babes I'm sorry. Do you want me to ask Malachi? Wait Soren is his number two so he's probably just busy. I haven't seen much of Malachi or Lincoln so you're not alone. But if he wants to ignore you then you can show him what he's missing. He has some sexy cousins you can make him jealous with" I tell her while wiggling my eyebrows at her.
"Ohhh bet. I'm ready to be petty" she says with a wink just as Tori sets our food and drinks down. She got me my favorite, teriyaki chicken with extra sauce and a coke. Asia wanted her usual, sweet and sour chicken with a sprite and Tori got her favorite, shrimp lo mein with a strawberry lemonade. All of us dig into our food like we haven't ate in weeks when I feel something cold and wet running down my neck. The girls eyes widen before they narrow at the culprit. I take a deep breath before slowly turning around to see who the fuck dumped their drink on me.
Sure enough it was those nasty bitches Malachi suspended along with Carlos.
"Why am I not fuckin surprised?" I say while glaring at the walking petri dishes."
"That's the least you should get for getting us in trouble and messing with our money" Jenna spat at me. Is this bitch serious right now? Cue eye roll.
"Whatever it was bound to happen to the four of you whether I was involved or not. And my man chose to do what was best for his business and you aren't" I yelled back in her face.
I notice Tori and Asia are standing right behind me, waiting for me to make my move. I don't do anything until Jenna decides to smack me hard across my face. Great now I've her cooties all over me. She goes to slap me again but I grip her hand hard and twist hearing it snap as I break it easily. Jenna wails in pain and frustration before trying to hit me with her other hand that I grab, slam it onto the nearest table and stab with one of my knives so she can't move.
"You're fuckin crazy Casey!" she screams out while trying to get loose. I just smirk as I watch my friends destroy the other two tramps, who are currently on the floor crying in pain. Tori broke Laila's nose and Asia gave Michelle a black eye and knocked out a tooth. A lot of rage in that one. I grab our stuff, yanking my knife out roughly of that whore, as the three of us leave the food court and the large crowd behind. We just made it back to Tori's car when the cops surround her car.
"Fuckin snitches! Wait til I see their ratchet asses again" Asia snarls out as they start cuffing us rather aggressively. Asia of course fights back making sure to kick one of the officers in his holy place and taking off in the opposite direction with the cuffs dangling from one of her wrists. Oh lord that's another charge.
One of the cops snatches me roughly, yanking my arms behind my back before slapping cuffs on me and tightening them. Oh please scratch me up I dare you. I think to myself as I smirk at this fresh out of the academy bitch. I can't wait to make my phone call cause these bitches will burn. Is all I think about as they shove us into their cop cars.

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