Chapter 42

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Links POV:

"Okay everything is looking good. All of your test results came back normal. Keep up with the physical therapy and therapy with your counselor. If you encounter any issues you know where to find me" Doc says with a smile before leaving the room. Asia passes me some clean clothes while Soren and Misha help me over to the en-suite bathroom. I'm still a little unsteady on my legs so the guys are going to stand by to help if needed. Doc made sure I had a shower chair some I definitely using it for the time being. I wash my hair first then my body, making sure to be gentle down south. Doc told me I'm physically healed and I believe him but at times I'm a little tender. The other part of me just wants to scrub myself raw down there to get rid of those fuckers nasty touches but doing so would hurt my newly healed body. Deciding I'm clean enough I shut off the shower, grab the clean towel and start drying myself off. I wrap the towel around my waist before Misha picks me up and with Soren's help I get dressed and ready to go. Jack is sitting next to Asia with a large plate of cheese fries. While he's inhaling the food, Asia is looking at him in disgust and covering her nose. Misha notices this and scoops Jack up leading the way out. Asia breathes a sigh of relief as Soren starts pushing me out. Honestly I wish my loves were here and Malachi was pushing me back to our room but I haven't seen or heard from him since I yelled at him to fix his fuck up. It's a little upsetting but I also know he has a big mess to clean up and as a mafia don he can't have messes. I hope he fixes everything soon and brings our woman back.
"I know what you're thinking and don't worry, Malachi is going to set things right so he can bring Casey home" Soren tells me quietly as Asia hums in agreement.
"I hope so. We need each other more than he realizes and is apart is becoming unbearable" I whisper out trying not to get upset.
They take me to a room across from our old room cause it really doesn't feel right without all of us here. Even though I just got up a couple hours ago I feel myself getting sleepy and decide to take a nap.
"Guys I need to lay down. I don't know how I could be this tired and I just got up" I sigh out as Soren helps me get in bed.
"Don't worry about it. Your body isn't used to all this just yet" Asia says
"Yeah I guess you're right" I yawn out as I pull the blanket over my body.
"Don't worry. Just get some sleep and we will come get you at dinner time" Asia says as they leave the room.

~sometime later~

Ugh!! I don't wanna move yet but my stomach and bladders are forcing me to leave my warm cocoon. I throw the blanket off and stretch before heading into the en-suite  to empty my bladder. My legs are still shaky but better than earlier so I step into slides and head downstairs. I made it into the kitchen finding Jack and Misha already in there.
"Both your dicks better be away I want to fuckin eat and not puke" I snap out as I cover my eyes hoping these horny shits are decent.
"Dick. Away. Promise" Misha says in his broken English and I relax a little.
"Yeah Link. I had some cravings. We literally walked in here 2 seconds before you. Chill out" Jack says as Misha feeds him another spoonful of whatever crazy concoction is in a bowl.
"Thank God. And I was checking considering your history for fuckin in community living areas" I say as I make my way to the fridge.
I quickly grab a couple premade sandwiches and a bottled water before taking a seat across from my friends. All of us quietly eat our food until it's all gone.
"Where's Asia and Soren?" I ask them as I throw the trash away.
"Still in their room. Both of them are exhausted and your man hasn't left the basement much since you yelled at him" Jack says with a sad smile. Sighing loudly I bypass responding to that particular piece of information. I miss him more than I care to admit but he fucked up and has to fix things with our woman wherever she disappeared to this time. I just hope he fixes things before our babies are born.
"I'm bored and over all of this shit. Nothing against Greece but I'd like to go home" Jack states as Soren and Asia walk in looking freshly showered but still tired.
We all say our hello's as Jack puts on reruns of Teen Mom as the newcomers grab some food before finding their seats. Twenty minutes later we hear a loud bang of a door smacking against the wall as heavy footsteps come our way. I glance up to see Atlas, Sasha and Malachi with angry looks on their faces. All three are covered in blood from torturing whoever is downstairs. Malachi's eyes looked tired and bloodshot as he looks directly at me before leaving the room without a word. Soren is talking quietly with his cousin Atlas and Sasha finished cleaning himself up before plopping down next to his twin. I decide to focus on the current episode playing. I hope Malachi comes back down and holds me. I mean I'm mad at him but I need him. God now I get why our girl left. Soon the next episode comes on then the next until my eyes are too heavy to stay open and I fall asleep.

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