Chapter 16

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~3 weeks later~
Malachi's POV:

Things have gotten busy with all of my businesses. Both of my loves have fully moved in with me at the compound. I wanted them with me from the moment I saw them but they weren't 100% ready yet. Both of them decided a couple days after Slaters party to live with me full time and it's amazing. I thought my sweet boy was going to go live with his big brother, Liam but he was reminded that his brother lives in the compound just not in the mansion. I had 2 5 bedroom homes built near the kennels and the vet clinic back when I first got my dogs so I could be close to them. Now they're used for the vet staff, that currently consists of 4 vet techs and 2 other vets besides Liam. Anyways all we had to do was get all of Casey's stuff from her sisters place which sadly wasn't a lot but that's going to change. I'm brought out of my thoughts by someone knocking on my office door.
"Come in" I say loudly
I hear the door opening and someone walking in.
"Boss I have all of the results back from Lincoln's apartment. It would of been done sooner but the lab had some difficulties with a couple of the samples but they finally sorted it out late last night" Soren tells me while handing me the file. I open it and start flipping through the contents.
"How are those pieces of shit holding up?" I ask
"They're still chained up and bleeding from the last time we were down there. We haven't been down there since we roughed them up almost 4 weeks ago" Soren says while lighting his cigarette.
"Oh I thought you guys would've visited them more" I said while reading through the results. "Did you guys bring anyone they're close to?" I ask while lighting a cigarette for myself.
"Yes we have. We left any women and kids out of it as requested" he tells me while pouring us both some whiskey. I lean back in my chain as he passes me a glass and think about what to do. I mean either way someone will lose their life today.
"Who did you bring in?" I ask Soren
"Three of their dads, 2 cousins and 2 uncles. A couple of them work for you legitimate business, the rest either owe you money or participate in the underworld in some way. But none are really making you profits" he says before down the rest of his drink. I sigh then down my drink before standing up and fixing my suit.
"Cover their relatives heads with the bags and have them restrained to chairs in front of them. Make sure all of them are gagged too. I don't need them figuring out who they are yet" I say while grabbing the file and leaving my office. As we walk past one of the living rooms, I see who I want to come with us.
"Sasha, Misha, Atlas and Saxon come with us. We have some pests to take care of" I say with a smirk on my face as I think of everything I want to do to these shit heads.
I let the guys walk down first as Soren tells them how I want things set up. I can hear the guys excited replies as they move our prisoners around. I'm glad my loves are busy with other things for the day so they don't have to witness what's about to happen. Well the walls are soundproof so I know they wouldn't hear anything. But I gotta try to keep my babies as innocent as possible. I finally walk down to the cells to see everyone in position. The guys chained to the wall are still unconscious and all of the guys are wearing gloves.
"svegliarli"(wake them) I say as I pull a extra chair next to my tool table.
The sounds of water splashes followed by screams fill the room and I can't help the smile that spreads across my face. I look at our prisoners who are now soaked and wide awake. They're all dirty, bloody and thin. I can see all of them have at least one part broken on their body.
"Alright we have the results of what each of you fuckers did and I must say you guys are fuckin nasty" I say as I focus on the first sheet.
"Okay Ricky and Travis thought that pissing and shitting on everything was hilarious. So for each offense we will hurt you until we get to our special guests sitting next to me" I say as I gesture towards the unconscious people next to me.
"Non mi interessa chi lo fa, ma inizia rompendo ogni dito sulla mano che teneva i loro piccoli cazzi. Entrambi sono destrorsi."(I dont care who does it but start by breaking each finger on the hand that held their tiny dicks. Both are right handed.) I calmly tell them as I flip to the next page. Their screams echoed off of the walls as my guys roughly broke their fingers. God I love that sound.
"Next up we have Eric, Tyler and Mark. They were responsible for breaking everything in the apartment." I say as they shrink under my harsh gaze. I look over at Atlas and Saxon, giving them a nod.
"Rompi entrambe le braccia e le gambe, distruggi le spalle e poi lavora sulle dita"(Break both arms and legs, didlicate their shoulders and then work on their digits) I tell them before they get to work.
"Capo perché mi fai torturare queste fighe? Uno di loro si piscia sempre addosso"(Boss why do you make me torture these pussies? One of them always pisses themselves) Atlas growls out as he rips a shoulder out of its socket earning a wailing sound from his victim. Oh he isn't gunna go easy now that he's pissed. I just let him go. These fuckers pushed all of our buttons just by fuckin breathing. Sasha is taking great enjoyment breaking all of their fingers and toes while his brother is breaking their legs to a tune he's humming. This is our form of meditation so I know all of us will be more relaxed after this.
I look at Saxon and Soren "pull the hoods off of all of these guys except for the last guy" I tell them as screams and sounds of bones breaking echoed around the room. They pull off the hoods of the very confused family members. Some of them recognized me and started shaking in fear. Good they should be scared. The screams die down and cries of pain are all that we hear. Looking at their family members "you're here cause your family members fucked with the wrong person" I tell them as I light up a smoke.
"I'm getting bored with this guys let's wrap this up" I say while putting the silencer on my gun.
"The next fucker to soil themselves is getting shot in the head" Atlas growls out at the prisoners. As he finishes his warning I hear two shots go off. Sure enough Mark and Tyler couldn't control themselves. Whether they pissed themselves out of fear of cause they had to go we will never know. Oh well shit happens. Misha's fuckin giggling like a damn school girl at the whole situation while his twin just smirks. Saxon and Soren shake their heads in amusement while Atlas starts to pace.
"Alright to the ring leader and his little bitch. I know you two have been together for years. Question... do you know who your father is?" I ask them earning some confused glares.
"Oh this is good. You look at us like we're sick but at least none of us have been fuckin our half brother" I say with a chuckle. Everyone freezes and looks at the two idiots.
"You're lying" Spencer whispers out
"DNA doesn't lie and you two have the same dad. I mean you have his eyes. Fuckin idiots" I grumble out while yanking the hood off of the last man.
"Boys meet Steven Michael Ames. Also known as Mike Jones, Steve Ridley and Nathan Michaels. He has fathered 18 children with 10 different women in several states. Only legally married to one of them until 2 years ago when she divorced him. Spencer you and Nick were born weeks apart. Your moms have known each other for years but never gave any thought about sharing baby daddies" I finish telling the room as their sperm donor pales as most of the men in the room puke their guts out. Atlas gets trigger happy and shoots 2 more people that happened to puke on his shoes.
I look at my guys with a knowing look signaling to get this over with quickly. All of them pull out their guns as I pull mine out.
"Well I'm over this bullshit. Ready guys?" I say without taking my eyes off my targets. I smirk as I gently squeeze the triggers, hitting the two idiots right between the eyes. I hear multiple shots popping off around me. I aim and fire a second time into their limp dicks for the sick shit they've done. Their Soren donor is in tears as he watches the carnage happening around him.
I step towards him "open your mouth" I snarl at him. As he does I put my gun in his mouth and pull the trigger, totally not noticing Atlas right behind him, spraying him with blood and brain matter. We all freeze as we take in his angry appearance.
"What the fuck man" he yells. I throw my hands up in surrender as he yells and empties his clip into my targets. We all chuckle at him as we start to clean up. As we go through each body I hear the twins playing a game, shooting at everything that twitches. Fuckin idiots I swear. We strip the bodies before taking all of the bullets and shell casings out of them. The twins grab something to wrap them in as Saxon and Soren get the van to get them out of here. Thank god I some old factories with incinerators on site. The twins start taking the clothes out back to the burn barrels and begin burning everything. Atlas and myself walk out of the cells to the burn barrel.
"Alright guys strip and toss your clothes into the fire. Tell Saxon and Soren to do the same when they get back" I tell them as I finish tossing everything but my underwear and jewelry into the barrel before walking to the mansion.

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