Chapter 24

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Nikolai's POV:

"Boss it seems your brothers and the Rhodes showed up at the compound the other day. I also heard that they tracked their lovers to the airport on one of the private runways. They believe they fled to Greece since the girl has ties to the Bardo family." my informant finishes telling me as I pour myself another drink. Hmmm the Bardos definitely don't like me so I may have to lure them out into the open.

"Thank you for your help old friend. Go see Carlos for your usual payment then get back to work" I tell her as I try to gather my thoughts.

"Boss he gave all of us 2 weeks paid time off. What would you like me to do?" she asks me as she fidgets in her seat.

"Take a couple days to yourself then fly out to Santorini, Greece and keep a eye on his lovers until a time to take them arises. Carlos call your brother and cousins. You're all going with her. I can't go to Greece without having a target on my back" I tell them while dismissing them. I'm coming for those you love Malachi and you will feel my pain. I relax in my chair as I hear the clicking of heels approaching me. I smirk as my favorite auburn haired whore drops to her knees in front of me. 

"Relieve some of this tension for me Elle. You always know how I like it" I say as she smirks and starts unbuckling my belt. Thank God for good whores I think as she starts relieving my tension.

Malachi's POV:

"Memphis is willing to meet with us and has given all of us permission to enter Greece but not their estate. There's a few things he said he wants to discuss" Soren tells me as all of us board my private jet. Mikhail and the other parents took his jet instead of flying with us almost 2 hours ago. All of us buckle up in our seats as the pilot announces our take off. The twins have been quiet especially Misha. I know he loves Jack more than anyone he's ever been with. Jack is his life and at the moment he's lost. Soren keeps his emotions to himself but I know he's really hurting right now. I hope to God my babies are okay. I mean I know they're safe in the estate but still. They used to feel safe in my arms but now I'm not so sure how they feel. I guess we will find out in 11 hours. I recline my seat back and close my eyes hoping some sleep will clear my mind.

~sometime later~

"Hey! Malachi wake up" I hear someone says as they shake me awake. I open my eyes to Soren's face very close to mine.

"I know we're bros but back up man. Have we landed yet?" I ask as I sit up in my seat and rub the sleep out of my eyes. 

"We're about 10 minutes out. Transportation to our villa is already waiting for us and the parents have already settled in the second villa on our estate" he says as the pilot announces our arrival and he buckles up next to me. I sigh as I feel the plane bounce a little as we land on the private air strip. Fuck it's been a few years since we've been here. The parents visit often but we currently don't have any business here. The Greeks and us have yet to come to an agreement on all fronts so we just agree to visit and behave ourselves. We immediately exit the plane and climb into the waiting SUV's before heading to our estate.

"Memphis is meeting us at the villa. So he should be there about the same time we get there" Soren says as we head down a small road that leads to our estate. Upon entering the estate I notice Memphis leaning against his Range Rover with his arms crossed over his chest. Sighing loudly I step out of the car nodding my head at Memphis as we walk by. I hear him following behind us as we walk into the house and head for my office. Soren makes sure everyone is inside before shutting and locking the door as Sasha pours everyone's drinks. I grab mine then pass a glass to Soren as we all get comfortable around the office. 

"Alright so my sister said something about a video of all you fuckheads cheating. Now I didn't see it cause I believe my sister but I've been thinking about it and I want to see it for myself" Memphis says while sipping his drink. Sasha pulls his phone out, taps away at the screen before passing it over to Memphis. Memphis clicks play on the video and quietly watches it. His eyebrows furrow then he watches it again. Then he does it again before a look of recognition appears in his face.

"Shit I remember this night. I had a fight that night and I met up with you guys afterward. I was in that giant fuck fest too and that wasn't recent. I have a couple videos from that night too" Memphis tells us before giving Sasha his phone back and taking out his to show us what he had.

"I also know that Carlos took that video cause when I did my videos I accidentally got him in the background. And for once he wasn't balls deep in those sluts. He was acting weird all fuckin weekend. I thought maybe he caught something or some shit but now we know what his nasty ass was really up to" Memphis finishes saying as he relaxes in his chair. 

"How my prince?" I hear Misha's deep voice ask Memphis who only responds with a eyeroll.

"Your prince is fine. He definitely wanted my dick when I picked them up from the airport." Memphis tells him earning a possessive growl.

"Calm ya tits man. Casey pointed out that I only like women. But Asia sat up front with me on the ride back with those sexy legs of hers. Mmm I wouldn't mind diving head first in between those luscious legs " he says with a smirk. Sorens head jerks in his direction so fast I thought I heard it crack. Fuckin Bardo always starting shit. We hear the sound of a gun cocking and Memphis throws up his hands in surrender.

"Chill man. As pretty as she is she isn't my type. However I think you should know that she is currently in the clinic on our estate. Casey found her passed on the floor. Also Jack likes to call me big daddy and admires my muscles while he ordered me to carry Asia to the clinic. Anything else they told me you will have to talk to them about it. I left them almost a hour ago to come get you guys. And no they don't you're here" Memphis says as he pulls out his phone

"Soren shoot prick" Misha growls out at Memphis's wild comments.

"Успокойтесь сейчас! Мы здесь, чтобы вернуть их, а не отталкивать их дальше" (Calm down now! We're here to get them back not push them farther away) I snap out at him. He immediately relaxes his posture and lights up a cigarette.

"Good news! Asia is awake and getting her ass chewed out as we speak" Memphis says as he gets up to leave.

"I will help you get them back. I will call you once I find out what's going on with Asia. All of them need you now more than ever" he says as he leaves.

We all look at each other completely confused before shrugging our shoulders and heading to our rooms to rest.

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