Chapter 8

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Casey's POV:

After Daddy handed me over to Lincoln, he grumbled some more before smacking Misha in the back of his head. "Блядь! Я сказал, что сожалею, босс." (Fuck! I said I was sorry boss) Misha snarled while rubbing the back of his head. "Тебе повезло, что мои любимые здесь, иначе я бы тебя пристрелил. Двоюродный брат или нет, я тебя трахну!" (You're lucky my loves are here or I would of fuckin shot you. Cousin or not I'll fuck you up!) Daddy snaps out as he pulls ingredients out of the fridge to make us something to eat. Misha throws his hands up in surrender before sitting next to Jack at the table. The guys start talking amongst themselves. Ya know their stupid boy talk making me sigh to myself in boredom while I think about everything that's happened in the last 24 hours. I turn around in Lincoln's lap so that my back is against his chest just as a familiar hand sets a plate of food is placed in front of me. "Here Kitten eat" Daddy says before kissing me then kissing Lincoln. I turn sideways in Lincolns lap so I can see him and Daddy before taking a couple bites. Then I decide to feed Lincoln, then Daddy, then me and before I know it the plates empty and our tummy's aren't growling anymore. "Thank you Angel. That was delicious and I'm happy you shared with us" Lincoln says before kissing all over my face. I couldn't help the giggles that escaped me. One of the maids clears the dishes away as my boyfriends rub circles on my tummy and thighs. 

Everyone is relaxed and currently laughing at Jack who's pouting at Misha when my family walks in the room with Sasha not too far behind them. I jump up and race into Carries arms, nearly knocking us both over. "Hey sissy calm down. Your truck is fixable. The guys have already started the repairs" she says while playing with my hair. I finally pull away from her and make my over to O's open arms for one of her awesome hugs. I don't get to enjoy it too long as I'm suddenly yanked out of her arms by her big brother, Memphis, who gives me one of his famous bear hugs. "Είναι σωστή αδερφή. Το έχω υπό έλεγχο και νομίζω ότι οι άντρες σου σχεδιάζουν να φροντίσουν τα σκατά που το έκαναν αυτό" (She's right sister. I've got it under control and I think your men plan on taking care of the shits that did this) he says before putting me back on my feet. 

I feel a presence behind me and there's no denying who it is. My body automatically reacts as I step back against his body enjoying his warmth. Daddy wraps his big arms around my waist as I feel him placing kisses down my neck helping me relax. "I got you kitten. Everything will be taken care of shortly" he whispers in my ear before gently biting it. I clench my thighs at the weird sensations before turning around in his arms, raising my arms up a little. He immediately picks me up, wrapping my legs around his waist as I wrap my arms around his neck. I can't help taking in his smell of cigarettes, whiskey and whatever manly cologne he wears as I stick my face in his neck. I feel us move and sit down on one of the couches as everyone breaks off into their little conversations. Lincoln is on his back up laptop ordering a brand new wardrobe with one of Daddy's black cards while talking cars with Jack and the twins are speaking in their native tongue about something.

I hear a phone going off nearby before Sasha's deep voice rings out through the room in Russian. He hangs up then says "Босс, они поймали бармена и его группу придурков. Они будут здесь примерно через 15 минут" (Boss they caught the bartender and his group of shitheads. They'll be here in about 15 minutes) he tells Daddy. 

Damn sneaky Russians. 

Sighing loudly, Daddy stands up, places me back on the couch before saying "Хорошо отведите их в камеры и завяжите им глаза с повязками. Собери мои вещи, и я скоро спущусь." (Good take them to the cells and tie them up with blindfolds. Set up my stuff and I'll be down shortly)

 I know he's about to handle business but I want Daddy to stay with me so I automatically put my pout on my face. All he does is chuckle at me making me pout more. "Don't look at me like that kitten. Daddy has to go take care of some pests for a few hours. Be good and stay put" he tells me in his firm voice. Before I can protest I feel familiar hands pick me up and put me on some ones lap. " I've got our girl, Malachi. Go do what you need to do we will be here" Lincoln tells our boyfriend as everyone starts to leave the room.  

"Misha put your dick away we have work to do!" Malachi growls out at Misha making Jack jump and Misha glare back "ублюдок, блокирующий член!" (Cockblocking fucker!) Misha grumbles out in his native tongue  before kissing Jack and following his twin outside.

I grab the remote, sign into my Netflix account and restart watching The Walking Dead for a second time as I curl into his side. "Don't worry Angel. He'll be back soon. Do you work tonight?" Link asks me. "I'm supposed to but I don't feel like it. Plus I think Daddy wants us to stay here" I quietly reply "Well he's the boss anyways so lets just relax until he comes back" he says while pulling me in tighter "Okay I need to text Tori and Asia real quick" I tell him as I send a message in our group chat letting them know I wasn't coming in and what happened before laying across Links lap returning my attention to the show. 

~meanwhile in the basement~

  Malachi's POV:

I light up a cigarette as I listen to the screams and sounds of bones breaking as Atlas delivers another punch to one of those pussy fucks. There's seven men in total. Six henchmen and one stupid ring leader. I had Soren pull all of the information on the bartender and his friends, discovering they've been scamming people for years. Well they've messed with the wrong man this time. I look down at a couple of the files and recognize a few of the names so I dig further into their file only to find out their parents work for me in a couple of my companies. I smirk at the idea of fuckin up their lives before they lose them. I send out a few messages to my "legitimate" employees about those particular people to pull their work files before putting my phone away.

I stand up from my seat signaling Atlas to stop and walk over to my sweet boys ex "Look what we have here guys. A bunch of thieves, liars and whores" I say while blowing smoke in their faces. I look at each of them, tied up bloody and scared. 

"Эти трое обмочились, Босс. Куча киски" (These three pissed themselves, Boss. Bunch of pussies) Atlas snarls out while avoiding the growing puddle on the floor. 

"Мм да есть. Саша, найди мне кого-нибудь, кто что-то для них значит, и приведи сюда. Не делай им больно." (Mm yes they have. Sasha find me anyone that means something to them and bring them here. Don't hurt them.) I say calmly 

"Да, начальник" (Yes, boss) he responds before leaving the room. 

I can feel a couple of the brave ones glaring at me. Trying to intimidate me. Ha they wish!

"For those of you trying to kill me with your eyes should stop before I rip your eyes out with my bare fuckin hands!" I shout at them

"Ах, черт возьми, Босс, еще один обмочился" (Ah fuck Boss, another one pissed themselves) Soren growled out in disgust

"Вы с Атласом ломаете что-то на каждом из них, как напоминание о том, кто я. Не позволяйте им спать. Ни еды, ни воды. Дайте мне знать, когда придут результаты ДНК-лаборатории по образцам, взятым из квартиры моих милых мальчиков, и тогда я решу их судьбу." (You and Atlas break something on each of them as a reminder of who I am. Don't let them sleep. No food or water. Let me know when the DNA lab results come back on the samples taken from my sweet boys apartment and then I'll decide their fate) I tell them as I put my cigarette out and leave.

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