Chapter 26

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Link's POV:

We're woken up a couple hours later to Jack banging on our door telling us to get ready for a big family dinner that starts in a hour. Something about some special friends of the family are in town and Casey's grandparents wanted us to meet them. Both of us slowly get out of bed not really worried about meeting anyone and head into the bathroom to get cleaned up. I finish getting ready first and head out to the living room to wait on the other two. I can't help but wonder what Malachi is doing . If he misses us or has completely moved on. Resting my head on the back of the couch, I close my eyes while listening to Jack rummaging through the fridge for his pre-dinner snack. My best friend is something else. The noise he was making stops, thank God, so I guess he's now stuffing his face. I eventually hear my angel's footsteps coming into the room before her light body curls into my lap. She decided to where a navy blue romper with black sandals. I threw on a pair of black jeans, grey V-neck shirt and my black chuck Taylors. Jack is wearing a pink tshirt, white maternity shorts and white vans.

Memphis walks in the cottage with Asia not far behind him in a purple tshirt dress and silver gladiator sandals.

"Hey everyone! Are you about ready to head out?" Memphis asks as Asia heads into the bathroom.

"Yeah we're ready. Just waiting on Jack to finish stuffing his suckhole" I say with a smirk.

"Kiss my ass shithead" Jack shouts from the kitchen making us chuckle at his crazy ass.

"Okay I'm finished fuckers. Let's go!" Jack says while looping his arm through Asia's arm and heading out the front door. Memphis holds the door for them as I stand up with Casey still in my arms. Her grip around my neck tightens letting me know she wasn't letting go anytime soon. So I make sure her legs are firmly wrapped around my waist as we follow our friends to the main villa.

Jack is talking animatedly with Memphis and Asia about something that has both of them laughing hysterically. I shake my head as I watch everyone moving around the estate and notice some men in suits standing around all over. What the hell? They're new that's for sure and oddly familiar. Seeing as I'm the only the only one to notice the suits I shrug it off for now as we finally reach the main house. I see more more suits as we head to the dining room and am flat out curious. We find our seats and sit down. Of course Casey is still wrapped in my arms but now she is facing the table that has its usual food platters.
The rest of Casey's family walks in with more suits and a few men that I recognize right away.
"Oh fuck! Guys look" I whisper shout to our group as our men make their way around the table towards us.
"I think the fuck not!" Jack screeches out as he jumps out of his chair, walks over to Misha and slaps him hard. Everyone gasps except us and Asia who is telling him to hit him again. That is until Soren's face comes into view.
"Oh you got balls white boy" Asia says rather calmly as she sips her water.
"Don't you touch me you big ugly Russian!!" Jack yells as Misha tries to calm him down to see reason.
"My prince. Listen. Now. Please" Misha's broken English is heard around the room.
"Don't even think bout coming near me Soren, especially with this many knives within my reach" Asia says as she waves one of said knives in the air making Soren stop mid step. Good he's figuring it out.
"Both of you knock it off! Asia you just left the clinic a hour ago. And Jack sit down before you hurt yourself" Casey says as she stares at our man. He looks awful. Showered and in clean clothes but empty eyes is what caught my attention. I feel mine and Casey's heart racing as he gets closer. I wrap my arms tighter around  my Angel as I feel her getting upset.
"Fine you can sit next to me. But keep your sexy man hands to yourself" Jack sighs out as he sits back down next to Asia as Misha sulked into the chair on his other side. I know Jack is going to give in soon especially being pregnant.
Casey gets off my lap and heads towards one of the exits when we hear the loud voice of her grandfather yell out "Μην κάνεις άλλο βήμα παιδί μου" (Don't take another step my child). Having no idea what's being said I just watch the whole thing as she freezes mid step and turns to glare at him.
"Πώς μπορείς να μου πεις να μείνω όταν ξέρεις τι έκαναν?" (How can you tell me to stay when you know what they did?) she says
"Το παιδί μου. Όλοι έχετε υποφέρει αρκετά. Σκεφτείτε όλα τα μωρά που έχετε μαζί σας και οι φίλοι σας. Θα χρειαστούν όλους τους γονείς τους. Ξέρεις πώς είναι να μην έχεις και τους δύο γονείς. Επιπλέον πιστεύω ότι θέλουν να εξηγηθούν. Και θα ακούσετε τι έχουν να πουν" (My child. All of you have suffered enough. Think of all the babies you and your friends are carrying. They will need all of their parents. You know what it feels like not having both parents. Plus I believe they wish to explain themselves. And you will listen to what they have to say) he says with finality in his voice.
She nods then looks at me with a look of hesitation and almost like she's ready to give up the torture. I stand up and go wrap my arms around her. Both of us just stare at our man as he fights himself. I know he wants to wrap his arms around us but understands we need to come to him. After a few moments she lets out a noise of frustration, dramatically stomps over to him and slaps him hard. Gasps echo around the room as all of us watch their moment. Malachi slowly turns his head back towards Casey, both of them breathing heavily. Before anyone else can react she jumps in his arms and slams her lips to his as both of them fight for dominance. I feel my dick twitch at the sight and before I realize what I'm doing my legs start moving towards my loves. Once I'm right next to them I clear my throat making both of them separate.
"Hello my beautiful sweet boy" Malachi says before kissing me just as passionately with Casey gently squished between us. When we finally pull apart all of us grin before looking around the room. Jack is letting Misha feeding him his dinner and Asia is quietly sitting next to Soren who is trying to bribe her with and assortment of her favorite snacks from back home. Smooth move on his part. It looks like it's working as she tears into the bag of Swedish fish.
We walk back to our seats with Malachi not putting our girl down as he sits down dragging her into his lap. Sasha is sitting with Memphis across from us. Memphis looks at Casey and says something in Greek. I didn't have to fully know the language to understand he wanted all pregnancies revealed.
"Go ahead Angel tell him" I tell her with a smile.
"Tell me what?" Malachi asks. Casey clears her throat before whispering in his ear. I watch his face go from calm, to shocked to happy before he looks at me. I nod with a grin.
"Are you serious kitten? You're having our baby" Malachi asks her
"Yes daddy. I'm due in early January" she says while she snacks on some breadsticks.
"Oh my adorable kitten you make me so happy. Sweet boy we're going to be dads" he says excitedly before kissing both of us. I look over at Jack who is dancing in his seat over the food.
"Jack!" I whisper shout at him making him look at me.
'Tell him' I mouth to him and he just nods his head before jumping out of his seat, lifts up his shirt and says " Look what you did to me! You and your glorious dick knocked me up. So congratulations Papa we're having a baby!" Misha freezes as a look of confusion appears on his face.
"But you boy. Not girl my prince" he says as he tries to figure it out.
"No shit! I know I have a dick and balls just like you but that's what the damn doctor told me. I mean look at my little belly ya big dumb Russian" Jack growls out at him. Poor Misha just sat there with a dumb look on his face and I could tell Jack was about to flip.
"Sir help him understand" I whisper to Malachi
"Миша выходит из себя. Ваш принц подарил вам невозможное чудо. Если ты не дорожишь им, ты потеряешь их обоих" (Misha snap out of it. Your prince has given you a impossible miracle. If you don't cherish him you will lose both of them) he firmly tells Misha. Sasha walks over and smacks his twin in the back of his head knowing that Malachi would of done it if our woman wasn't in his lap. Misha immediately starts using his brain and wraps his arms around Jacks waist kissing all over his growing belly before planting a big kiss on his lips.
"Misha love you. Baby and prince. Calm please." he says while picking Jack up and sitting him in his lap before he starts feeding him again. Thank god cause Jacks tantrums were legendary. I don't even want to think about it. Everyone goes back to eating and all is right with the world until Jack opens his mouth.
"Asia don't you have something to tell your man" Jack tells her with a look.
She sighs dramatically before saying "Jack you're lucky both of us are pregnant or id fuck you up in front of everyone here" Soren freezes before looking at Asia with a loving look.
"Babe are you really?" Soren asks quietly but we all heard it.
"Yeah white boy. You knocked me up" Asia replies calmly
Soren drops the bag of sour patches and slams his lips to hers showing how much he loves her. Now with all of the good news out in the open everyone goes back to their meals and conversations. I'm happy that all of us are back with our men. Memphis came to each of us and explained the video and how it's a old video from years ago that the guys were unaware was being made. Casey remembers his Vegas fight and that calms everyone down. We decide to stay until Friday before heading to bed for the night. Malachi lies in between us as all of us fall asleep.

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