8: hyperactive

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It was the next day and we had just woken up with Jungwon sitting in the chair that was next to the bed and me in the bed.

"I hope these kids dont slice each others throats." Jungwon said and i hummed in response.

"Must be hard being the leader when you are like the youngest. Do they even listen to you?" I asked and he sighed.

"It is hard and they barely listen. But you can see that they do try to consider my position as their leader in the group. It's not that bad." He answered and he sat next to me in bed.

"Lets go down stairs, the others are probably waiting for us." I said and went downstairs but only one person was there and it was Niki.

"Morning guys. The others are not awake yet, it's just us for now." He went back to making himself a coffee. Well two coffees.

"Don't tell me you are drinking both of those yourself. Oh Niki what did i tell you about to much caffeine." Jungwon sighed looking disappointed.

"Don't worry my dearest leader. The other is for Kyujin." He said walking away but i stopped him.

"Don't give her that!" I shouted taking it away from him and he lifted a brow looking at me like i was some crazy person.

"She becomes really hyper with caffeine even if it is just one cup." Niki then took the cup in his hand smirking.

"I would like to see our dearest maknae hyper." He said walking away.

"Don't say i did not warn you! You don't know what you are getting yourself into." But he still just continued walking towards their room.

"He never listens does he?" Jungwon sighed then shook his head slowly.



It was about midday and everyone was awake and freshend. We were discussing the plans of today.

"Since its not let's go by the beach and maybe we can get some ice-cream while being there." Jiwoo and everyone agreed.

"Yess i can wear my favourite swim suit!" Kyujin started jumping and clapping loudly. Okay that was my fault.

I should have listened to Haewon when she told me that Kyujin would be hyper that usual and she was right. She has been laughing crazy this whole morning.

"Told ya." Haewon whispered in my ear as if she had just read my mind. I walked to the room that i shared and changed into my swim shorts.

Kyujin shortly came in. "Emo boy actually has abs." She said staring at my bare body and my torso. She then giggled and went to the bathroom while i was putting sunscreen on.

She came out wearing a two piece purple swim suit that had colorful butterflies. Except the upper part was not on,well it was on so her chest wasn't bare...what i mean is she was supporting it with her hands.

"Can you please zip this up for me!" She exclaimed running my way and faced her back toward me.

Her bare back showed. My hands were a bit shaky but i managed zipping it up. Kyujin the put her hair in a bun showing her fine jawline.

I took a gulp. She looked attractive in this specific moment.

"Lets meet the others!" She linked our arms together and pulled me to where the others were.

"Come what are you guys waiting For? Let's go!!!" Kyujin ran out while the others ran after her.

The beach was only like five minutes away so it was not that far. We slowed down when the water came in sight.

It was peaceful here, no one knew we were idols unless they were fans. Which there rarely was since we did not have many international fans yet.

"Its feels so good to be free." Sunoo says going into the water along with Kyujin and Jake. The others were just taking a few pictures.

I was staring at Kyujin, she just looked so cute having fun.

"Ya! Emo boy!" I looked at her and she did a big wave. "Come join me!" She said and i did.

We messed around splashing water at each other. We all were just having fun and enjoying life.

I had an idea for a second. "There's a crocodile under you." I shouted pointing at the water.

Kyujin screamed and jumped onto me. With her legs around my torso she clinged onto me for dear life.

"I'm just joking." I whispered into her ear. With that she slowly got off me. And mumbled a little sorry.

"Ooh an ice cream truck! Niki lets go get some!" She ran off.

"How long does this usually last?" I asked Haewon and she laughed.

"A whole day at the most, be glad you didn't give her it at night." She answered and i sighed.

"Ya! Whats taking you so long?" She asked running back to me.

"Oh nothing lets go." She reached her arms out and i looked at her confused.

"Carry me! I want a piggy back ride." She requested with a huge huge grin.

"Umm I don't know..."

"Pretty pleaseee." She pouted and i sighed letting her get on my back. I could feel her hot breath against my neck.

"Wow you smell good." I gave her a thanks the continued walking to the ice cream truck.

"Hey what would you two like." It's great that Jay taught me a bit of English.

"May i have the choco dip please!" Kyujin said with in a cute accent. 

"And for you mister?"

"A strawberry ice cream is fine." I answered then he nodded and i paid him.

"Here you go. You two are such a lovely couple!" He handed us the ice cream.

"We are not a couple but thank you." I said and we left.


Rest in peace to Moonbin❤
He is in a better place now🤧💗
🕊💟Fly high angel💟🕊

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