10: the fight

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I woke up the next morning feeling like a whole ass truck fell on my head. The dispatch scandal thing was resolved.

The company released a statement saying it was just a coincidence that we were at the airport with them at the same exact time.

"Oh you are awake?" Niki asked and he handed me a water bottle.

"Drink it." He said then went to the bathroom, i am assuming it was to take a shower. There were no plans for today so we were just going to stay indoors.

Maybe we could go swimming in the pool later I drank the water that Niki gave me and got up to get an outfit for today.

I was thinking something a bit comfy. I chose to wear my yellow shorts that were a bit oversized and a white tank top.

I went to take a shower after Niki came out. Unlike most boys, he actually kept things clean. Maybe it was only because he was sharing it with me, but at least he tries.

After doing my vocal lessons that i always did in the shower or while bathing, and doing some thinking i got out. I put on my clothes on and did my hair and taking out my curtain bangs that i always clipped back.

I then went out and sprayed some perfume. Niki was doing what ever on his phone.

"Kyujin? Can i talk to you?" He asked so suddenly and i nodded taking a seat next to him on the bed.

"I have a question, so umm." He took a deep breath.

"What does it mean when your heart beats really fast when you are with a specific girl? When ever you see her you just feel nervous around her." He asked and i stared at him.

Did he have a crush. Why did this make me feel uneasy. It just does not sit right with me.

"Does emo boy have a crush?" I said laughing and he looked embarrassed.

"Ya! Don't laugh!" He took his cap then put it on my head and covered my face with it.

"Ya! I just did my hair you asshole." I took his cap off then took a look in the mirror. My hair looked like i had just had a wild night.

"Look what you did." I said and now it was his turn to laugh.

"I'm going to fucking get you Nishimaru!" With that he starting running away from me. I grabbed a pillow and chased him.

We ran to the living room where a few of the others were sitting.

"Sunoo please help me from this monster!" His voice was high pitch. I managed to knock him down by throwing it at him.

"You have no balance at all." i was going to finished what started.

"Both of you stop!" Haewon and Jungwon shouted from across the room and i froze in place.


"Tell why you decided to chase Niki." Haewon commanded.

"He ruined my hair. Look at it." I exclaimed pointing at my hair I had spent a lot of time. My curtain bangs were all over now.

"Hehe you look like a madwomen." Niki laughed and i wanted to punch him so bad.

"Okay and why did you ruin her hair Niki?" Jungwon asked him and he clicked his tongue in annoyance.

"Ugh all that matters is she tried to murder me so she need to get punished." He said folding his arms.

"Oh you son of a b-."

"Kyujin!" I flinched then faced my head down.

"Just answer the question Niki."

"I decided to tell her one of my deepest secrets and she just laughed at me which made me really annoyed."

"I know what these two need." Jungwon said then whispered some thing in Haewon' s ear.

"You two are going spend the whole day in your room by yourselves and resolve your issues. You better eat now because you will only come out for dinner." Haewon said with an evil grin.

"This is your fault Nishimaru." I got up and made my self instant noodles and ate.


"We will call you when we think you have been punished enough. Bye little kids." They closed the door and most likely locked it too.

I went over to the bed and got under the covers. This is what i will be doing for these six hours at most.

"Come on Kyujin. You can't expect to stay like that the whole time." Niki said and i sat up giving him the most deadliest death glare I could possibly give.

"You have no right to speak to me at this moment." I said and he sighed the came closer putting his hand out for me to take.

"Lets go fix your hair." He said, thats the nicest he has been since I met him. My heart fluttered a bit by how soothing his voice sounded.

I took his hand and he led me to the bathroom where all my products were and sat me down. He picked up my curling iron.

"Should i use this?" He asked and i immediately shook my head.

"I am not risking getting my hair burned." He put it down and just took a brush and started brushing my hair down.

"You look pretty with your side bangs out." Niki says brushing my curtain bangs so that they are actually noticeable.

"There you go, now you look as pretty as always." I went back to the bed after sharing a thank you with him.

Little Nijin moment
Or whatever their ship name is bc i honestly do not know🤔

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