3. Fight

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The Gladers had started a bonfire. You watched in amazement as the large pile of logs and sticks went up in flames against the night sky. With a fire like this every month, you wondered how they hadn't burned the Glade down yet.

You look around the circle of boys and see Newt on the other side of the fire. He was looking intensely into the fire with his arms crossed, probably deep in thought.

Chuck is sitting on the ground around the bonfire, and Thomas was talking to the boy you had seen earlier that day with astonishingly good hair despite the conditions. Thomas saw you staring and waves you over.

When you reach the two Gladers, the boy with the nice hair nods to you. His arms are folded and he, like a lot of the other Gladers around here, is well built and muscular.

"Hey newbie I-" the boy tries to talk but Thomas cuts him off.

"That's Minho, and he has enough ego and sass for everyone." Thomas laughs and you both look to Minho.

He shrugs and nods in agreement. You shake your head and roll your eyes. "Nice to meet you Minho." He winks at you and before you can say anything, someone is calling you over. You turn around to see Newt waving to you.

You tell Minho and Thomas that you'll talk to them later and trot over to Newt. He's beaming at you with excited eyes.

"It's almost time for the fight," Newt says. Your eyebrows furrow.

"Fight?" You ask and look around you. It was true, all the Gladers had excitement painted on their faces and they were conversing with one another about something.

"Yeah it's-" Newt starts but he's interrupted by grunts and the sound of someone hitting the ground. You turn around to see two Gladers in a sandpit and they're each trying to push the other down.

You stand by Newt and watch, trying to identify who the Gladers were. Not that you knew many people here anyways.

To your surprise, it was Minho and Gally. You shout a couple words along with the other cheering boys. You encourage Minho, as you weren't very fond of Gally after today.

Minho is pushing against Gally, and Gally is doing the same to Minho. The tension between the two builds and then Minho moves out of the way, making Gally collapse. You hear laughs and shouts as Gally gets a mouthful of sand. Then, Gallys eyes light up, a certain fire burning in them.

The crowd is then silent as you all watch Gally spring back up, charging an unsuspecting Minho. The boys bodies slam together and Gally uses his momentum and weight to pin Minho to the ground.

Then, shouts arise around you and the atmosphere grows thick. You watch as Minho grunts with frustration and strain, and finally taps out. Gally stands and jumps, throwing a fist into the air, signifying his victory. Minho walks away, clutching his shoulder. He meets Thomas at the edge of the circle.

The crowd is silent for a moment before Gally speaks up.

"Who's next?" Gally questions. No one volunteers. You look around as Gally strolls the edge of the circle, waiting. You stare down at your toes, hoping he wouldn't notice you.

As you're looking at your feet, you see two more stop in front of you. Slowly you look up and dread fills your eyes. Gally stood in front of you, amusement dancing is his eyes.

Oh no...

"What about you Greenie? You up to a fight?"

The crowd of boys around you erupts into cheers of "Yeah!"

"Uh, I'd rather not." You bite the inside of your cheek nervously.

"And whys that, Greenie? You're not going to fight me because of what, 'cause youre a girl?" Gally asks, taunting you. He holds open his arms, waiting. Something deep inside of you feels like it was burning. You were angry. He thought he could step all over you, make a fool out of you.

The crowd starts chanting, "Green-ie! Green-ie!"

Your heart begins to pound and panic sits by anger.

You step forward.

"Wait," a voice next to you says and a hand clasps your arm. You turn to see Newt, looking between an annoyed Gally and you.

"Y-you don't have to do this, you know." Newt almost sounded like he was pleading. He knew you couldn't beat Gally; you knew it too. But you wouldn't sit here as the other Gladers laughed at you. They'd always remember you as the girl who was too wimpy to even try.

"It's alright," you tell him. "Its just Gally, I'll be okay." You throw a glance over to Gally and see that he was a little upset by that last remark. Good.

Newt releases your arm and you advance forward. You meet Gally in the middle and he tells you the rules. Try to stay inside the circle, and don't cause any real harm.

It's almost impossible to hear him because of the deafening shouts around you, but you think Gally told you "Good luck".

Then, you begin.

Gally is on top of you at once, and the air is knocked out of your lungs. You're laying on the ground and you wonder how you'd already gotten there. Gally's trying to pin you, but you keep moving and turning so he couldn't get a firm grip.

You turn around so you're on your stomach and squirm out from beneath Gally. You claw and climb your way to your feet and are slightly surprised to see Gally already standing again. You shake your head and wait for the next move.

You see it. He glances at your legs and you know he's going for them next. When Gally does move, you're ready. You take one step to the side at the same time as he launches himself forward. Once again, Gally gets to taste what sand is like.

The crowd laughs at this and you smile, but keep your eyes on Gally. He stands up slowly, brushing himself off and turns around to face you.

Boy, if you thought he was mad before...

Gally now looked furious. He was embarrassed that a girl had outsmarted him. You were actually afraid now, you realized as panic and fear stuck to your heart again. Gally wasn't messing around anymore.

"Gally..." You try to say but trail off. He wasn't listening. He had tunnel vision and you were at the end of it. He races forward, spit flying from his mouth and pushes you down. He sits on your stomach, his knees on each side of you.

Intense pain strikes your cheek and spreads down your entire jaw. Did he...did he just punch you? Was this allowed? Your eyes fill with tears and you try to push them back, not wanting to cry in front of a bunch of boys. You look above you at the other Gladers, but impossibly, no one had seen the hit. Gally smirks.

You try pushing him off you but he was too strong.

"You gonna cry, Greenie?" Gally taunts you. The other Gladers laugh and you clench your teeth.

"Get. Off. Me." You snarl. He laughs and moves to the side, releasing you. You spring to your feet and glare at him with fiery eyes.

You start to step forward, unknowing of what you were going to do next. Gally was still on the ground, smirking at you. He was toying with you, laughing at you.

He swings a leg out and knocks your legs out from beneath you. You were falling; that's the last thing you remember before the light coming from lit torches and bonfire fades away, and everything is dark.

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