20. Insanity

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How do they have the nerve? You thought. You wanted more than anything to tackle them to the ground, regardless of your injuries, and hurt them like they did to you.

But instead, you give a sweet smile at them, taking a bite of your sandwich. They seem irritated which you cheer silently at.

"Woah, Riley..." Newt asks and leans forward. "What happened to your lip?"

The boy closest to you, Riley, touches his lip and his gaze flickers to you and back to Newt.

"Was fighting last night during the celebration with this shuck face," he points to the other who sat next to him, rigid.

You turn to the boy. "Aww!" you coo. "Maybe the Med-jacks should take a look at that."

You almost see a fire ignite in his eyes and you glare back. Luckily Newt was behind you so he couldn't see.

"So I'm guessing that's how you got yours then, Troy?" Newt motions to the other boys forehead with a slight grin.

The boy nods and looks to you with a blank expression and you return it with a smug look. Riley drops an apple and bends down to pick it up, accidentally ramming into your side.

You cry out involuntarily and Newts glance flickers to you in an instant.

"Sorry," you try to give a weak laugh. "His apple just hit my foot. Startled me."

Newt looks at you suspiciously but nods. Once Riley sits back up you shoot him a glare of daggers. He returns it when Newt doesn't look.

It's quiet for a minute and you take another bite of your sandwich. As you do, a foot slams into your shin and you close your eyes for a moment. You swing yours back, hoping Troy was the one whose shin you injured. When your foot makes contact, the boys face goes white and he goes still. You feel triumphant despite how much you were hurting right now.

By now the other Gladers have left to go back to work and it was just you four. Newt finishes and stands to give Frypan his plate back. As he walks away, Riley elbows you in the ribs and you drop your half eaten sandwich to clutch your side. A whimper escapes your lips and you bite down on the side of your cheek.

Riley leans in so only you can hear and whispers, "Remember what happens if you tell."

Rage fills your heart and you give a cruel laugh. If they were going to kill you or Newt they would've done it last night, you were sure. These boys were cowards.

"Shuck it," you mutter.

You stand, alarming the two boys and they look up to you right as your fist slams into Riley's jaw. Riley tumbles off of his seat and onto the ground while Troy stands with anger flaming in his eyes.

Troy throws a kick at your side and it hits its target. You lean over gasping for breath. Riley gets back up and you stand straight again.

You lean back against the table and throw all your weight into a kick that you aim at Riley's chest. It lands and he hits the ground on his back. Troy comes at you again and you punch him, sending him backwards. You use the time to breathe.

Then you hear Newt behind you. He's screaming your name but you're not listening to his urgent calls.

Riley is standing again and you weren't prepared this time. He punches you in your stomach and you fall, letting him sit on your midsection. The weight makes tears well up in your eyes and some spill out.

A fist hits your face and you feel warm liquid cascade down your cheek. You try to reach up to his angry figure and push him off but the pain of your chest almost paralyzes you.

Riley pushes his hands to your throat and your air cuts off. You had to do something quickly.

You throw whatever force you had left in you at his hurt lip. He recoils at the punch and you yank his hands off your neck.

Air floods back into you but now he was sitting directly on your ribcage; all of his weight leaning on your damaged bones. Black quickly folds over your vision from agony and you let out a small whimper, unable to do anything else.

You know you're close to unconsciousness as Riley's ripped off of you. Gladers stand above you but you only see Newts face through your blurry vision. He looked insane with anger and concern.

Then, it's dark and you let sleep drag you where nothing would hurt you.

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