27. Together we'll fight

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Your ears were filled with the sound of pounding footsteps and heavy breathing. You'd all been running for what seemed like hours, but was probably ten minutes. Minho and Thomas were holding up the best, as expected. The rest of you were about to tip over with exhaustion.

Suddenly Minho stops at a turn and causes the rest of the line of Gladers to come to an abrupt halt. He puts a finger to his lips and looks Thomas in the eye, making some odd sign with his fingers. Thomas seems to understand and turns to you and Newt, who was making his way up to you.

"Griever," he breathes out. A couple boys had heard and passed the word down to curious ears. The entire group is silent as a clicking and whirring sound begins.

Your heart begins to accelerate and it was almost as if you were banished again. Alone in the Maze to fight a creature you knew nothing about. You shut your eyes tightly and try to forget the bad memory.

Minho leans down slowly and gently picks up a rock a little smaller than the size of his palm. He cautiously holds his other hand up to tell the Gladers to wait for his signal. Then the boy cocks back his arm and thrusts the rock down another stone hallway. The Griever lets out an unearthly screech and propels its partly metal body towards the sound.

Minho waves the crowd forward and out of the Grievers sight quickly.

Maya was running behind you now, and you assume that Newt had fallen back because of his limp. She gives you a scared smile when you look her in the eyes and you both know what she was thinking. Were you really going to make it out of the Maze?

Running and more running. This was a time you were really wishing that you had taken the time to get into shape in the Glade. You were definitely going to be feeling this tomorrow; if there was a tomorrow.

Maybe it wasn't such a bad thing the Grievers were constantly screaming. Minho knew where to turn when a Griever made its presence known. Avoiding them got slightly easier.

You tried to concentrate on the pathway you were taking. Left turn, right. Left, left, right, left, right, right, straight.

It seemed that even Minho and Thomas were getting winded now. They could join the club. Heavy breaths and smothered coughs behind you seemed to agree with your thought. You could've sworn you'd been through the entire Maze by now when Minho stopped. You nearly bump into him when he doesn't move.

You peek ahead of him to see the hold up. A Griever maybe? Wrong turn?

But no, it was an open wall. No bottom, no pathway. A sheer drop off. This was The Cliff. The way out.

Butterflies fill your stomach and you begin to move towards it when horrible shrieking fills your ears and your heart falls to your feet. A Griever.

All the Gladers ready their spears as there was no getting out of this. It was too close. The air becomes thick with fear as the horrible creature comes into view and towers over the group. Then, another from behind the Gladers comes sliding around the corner. It was as if the Creators themselves were sending Grievers to put an end to the hope everyone had greedily stashed in their hearts.

Alby lets out a loud cry, as if to compete with the massive creatures, and rushes forward. Others follow with the same yell. This had become a war, and you were going to fight in it.

The Griever lets out a shout as the Gladers push their spears to it. You were all combatted with needles and sharp knifes, sending boys to their death with every minute the creature was still existing.

Half of the group was fighting the Griever between The Cliff and you, and the other half was taking on the second monster. If another Griever decided to join the party, your odds weren't going to look too great.

"Maya! Get Chuck and you to the Cliff! Thomas go with them," Minho shouts over his shoulder as his spear stabs at the Grievers underside. Maya and Thomas immediately obey and practically drag the curly haired boy to The Cliff. You watch as Thomas gives them instructions on what to do. Suddenly, they jump and you almost drop your spear.

You watch with amazement as they suddenly vanish into midair. There was some sort of portal or door there. The way out.

Something metal strikes you on the cheek and you only push harder on your spear that seemed to be embedded in the Grievers slimy skin. Nothing was killing these things.

Thomas was ushering people out and you felt the impact of less hands to fight the Grievers. You all needed to get out now, or the war was already lost.

With a final shout you and Minho shove the Griever backwards and make a break for Thomas who was shouting. You take a quick look behind you to see Newt still fighting, slowly making his way towards The Cliff. He was the last one.

Your entire world shifts as you spin around and run for him. There was no way you were leaving him to fight by himself.

You promised to do this together, and that was exactly what you were determined to do.

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