12. Dreaming?

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Your head was pounding when you woke up. Everything around you seemed too bright and was blurry at first. Once things focus you see Minho and Thomas at your bedside.

You sit up abruptly, confused.

"Am I alive?" you squeak. Thomas laughs and you already know not to look to Minho for an actual answer.

"Yeah," Thomas says and smiles.

"Good thing too. Maybe Newt will stop his crying," Minho says sadly and stands.

At the mention of Newt, your body jolts and you begin to stand up.

"Help me," you tell Minho. He offers you a hand and you take it, wincing at the pain that filled your body. Your back especially hurt and you suddenly remember why. That's where the Griever had sliced the skin.

You look down to the mattress you were on and sure enough, a trail of crimson where your back had been was stained in the mattress. Thomas and Minho suck in sharp breaths when they see it and the back of your shirt. The bleeding had stopped but the stain wasn't very pretty.

"Uh, I think the med-jacks missed something," Minho says and stables your wobbling form.

"I'm fine," you mutter and try walking on your own. The first couple steps you almost fall but Minho manages to catch you in time. Eventually you get the hang of standing and walking by yourself.

"Y/N, you really should rest..." Thomas suggests to you. You shake your head and tell him you'd be okay, and that you didn't survive an entire night in the Maze to sleep.

Minho shakes his head as you walk out of the med-jacks hut and over to the homestead. Luckily it wasn't far and you make it there slowly.

You knew Newt wasn't going to be in his hammock. You knew exactly where he'd be, and you'd be in the same spot if he were the one gone.

You push open the door to your room and your heart breaks at the sight. A sniffling Newt has his back to the door. You know he heard it creak open, but he didn't turn to see who entered.

He's clutching your pillow and staring at the wall. It hurt you to see Newt so broken up over this.

You walk over to the bed and pull the covers open, sliding yourself in them next to the trembling boy.

"What in the bloody-" Newt starts to yell before he sits up and turns around to see your amused expression.

"Y/N?" He breathes out in complete astonishment and disbelief.

"Hey Newty," you say and smile to him and sit up too so you're on his eye level.

His hand trails along the side of your face slowly and a tear slides down his cheek. He pushes a piece of hair away from your eyes slowly. His fingers touch your hair softly and entwine themselves in it. He laughs a little and smiles back.

"I-I wish you were really here, Y/N," he chuckles.

Shock fills your body and your eyebrows furrow. "Newt...I'm-" you begin to say but he looks at you and speaks quietly.

"You're so beautiful," he whispers. His hand traces the line of your lips and he smiles at you once again. He was in complete awe.

"Newt," you say and grab his hand in yours. You'd stopped it so both your hands rested on your cheek. "Hey, listen to me. I'm here. I'm real."

His eyebrows furrow and he frowns. "But you were in the Maze. It's not possible. It's been two days...you're..." He stops then and looks to the floor with tears in his eyes.

"No, Newt," you sigh. You tilt his chin back up to look at you. Without saying another word, you press your lips against his lightly. He doesn't move his at first, but soon he kisses you back. You taste the salt in the kiss and know it's from his tears.

"I love you, okay? And I'm here. I survived," you say as you pull away. His eyes narrow.

"But Y/N, that doesn't make sense. How could that be true? Wouldn't you be stung or hurt or anything?" He takes your hands in his and makes small circles on the back of yours.

You bite your lip, unsure if you should show him or not. You decide that you needed to; to make sure he knew that he wasn't dreaming or something. You take your hands from his and turn around so your feet dangle off the beds edge. Your back was to Newt now and you hear him gasp.

It's quiet but you feel his trembling fingers lift the fabric of your shirt lightly, looking at the massive mark that the Griever had left. You decided that it was probably best that he didn't see all of it so you turn back around to face him.

"Sh-shouldn't we get you to the med-jacks?" He asks frantically with concern clear in his eyes. You shake your head and tell him you'd already been, and that you were fine. You just needed time to heal.

"Why did no one tell me?" He asks, confused.

"They didn't want to worry you, I guess," you murmur and bite your lip nervously.

"Worry me?? I thought you were dead! Keep me in the dark," he scoffs. "What a bloody dumb idea that was. And what do you mean by they?" He pauses and breathes deeply before asking another question calmly. "How did you get out of the Maze, Y/N?"

You decide it was time to tell him what'd happened. You told him how you'd been attacked by a Griever and would've died if Minho and Thomas hadn't shown up. You told him of how they carried you out out of the Maze and to the med-jacks where you stayed passed out for a day and a half.

His eyes were filled with tears again but you don't get to say anything more before his arms wrap tightly around you and he pulls you to him in a hug. His arms were folded around your shoulders so he didn't put pressure on the scratch. You put your arms around him as well and hold him as tight as you could. It was your turn to cry.

"I love you Newt," you say quietly and he says it back.

In the embrace, all the events from two nights ago came rushing back to you and this makes a sob escape you. You hold Newt tighter and force the images out of your head as best as you could.

Your hand strokes the back of Newts head, calming both of you. Your fingers lace in and out of his soft golden hair. Soon, you were both quiet again.

"Have you gotten any sleep?" You ask him and pull away from the hug. You remembered what Minho and Thomas had said about him being up all night.

He nods and you narrow your eyes at him. He was lying. You could see the dark circles that had formed under his brown eyes and you trace them lightly with your finger.

"Sure you did," you murmur with a hint of sarcasm.

"I tired...I really did. But I kept having nightmares the whole time. They were horrible and so real..." He trails off clearly remembering. "I-I saw you die, Y/N. It was terrible."

You press your lips to his to quiet and calm him. When you pull away you wipe away the couple tears that escaped his eyes. "I'm here now Newt, and I'm not going anywhere, don't worry."

He nods quietly and you place your hand on his cheek. "Now, you need to sleep. I'll be here the whole time, I promise."

He nods and you both lay down again. He wraps his arm protectively around you and you rest your head on his chest that rose and fell silently. He was careful to avoid your back as he held you. You felt his lips press to the top of your head lightly and then heard him whisper "I love you". His breathing became slow and regular, telling you that he was asleep.

You smile to yourself as you doze off, finally in Newts arms again.

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