25. Maybe

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Alby was going to let you work today. It's been two weeks of you wondering around the Glade, bored to death. Most of the time you would annoy Minho or Chuck, though Chuck was glad to have the company. Mostly you were happy to go back to work.

Today you woke up early and got ready, partially excited to be doing something. You ran down and into Frypans kitchen, swiping some bacon and running off to the Track-Hoes. Newt met you with a kiss to the cheek.

"Hello love, ready to work again?"

You nod and grab a shovel. Zart immediately puts you to work making holes for Newt to put seeds into. You're only working for a couple hours when crashing sounds in the Maze. Newt and Zart stand with you; each of you looking to the other for answers.

The whole Glade is curious now, and eventually everyone finds their way to the Maze doors, waiting. More thundering crashing sounds and yelling. What was going on? We're Thomas and Minho okay? Was it Grievers maybe?

The Gladers wait in anticipation for the Runner to arrive and in the meantime listen to the echoing booms and cracks. They were almost ear-splitting, making everyone cringe.

Suddenly, the Runners finally turn the corner and you can hear everyone breathe in a sigh of relief. The curiosity still hung heavy in the air though.

"What bloody happened out there?" Newt exclaims at the boys. They don't respond, both trying to catch their breath. It was obvious that they were running more than the usual today.

"Thomas tripped," Minho tells you as if that's what caused the loud noises.

"Ha ha," Newt replies. "Now what really happened?"

Gally marches up and gets close to Thomas. "What did you do shuck face?"

Thomas, still trying to catch his breath, holds up his hands. Minho separates them and turns to Gally and Newt.

"We might've found a way out of the Maze."

"What?" Alby asks loudly and pushes his way to the front of the thick crowd of boys. Maya takes a place next to you and you bump her shoulder and give her a smile.

"A way out," he repeats. "Somewhere we've never been before."

"Wait, we could be getting out of here?" Maya says with hope thick in her voice. Minho nods at her.

"Yeah," Thomas chimes in. "When we activated something, the Maze walls started falling. It's a mess in there."

The rest of the workday was called off as a Gathering was held and Alby discussed with the Runners about what they'd seen and how they could escape. From the sound of it, it really did seem like an escape.

Everyone was happy about it...except for Gally.

"You don't know what you're doing, Slinthead," Gally points at Thomas accusingly. "You could be getting us all killed!"

The two boys argued until Gally stormed off, angry as ever.

Maya breathes out as she stands next to you again. "Wow," she sighs. "Do you really think it's a way out?"

You stare ahead and nod slowly. "I do."

A/N: Hello! Sorry for the late and short chapter. I've just been incredibly busy and probably won't be able to update as much due to lack of time and ideas, but I'm not done with the story I promise! I'll write soon!

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