18. Secret

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The boy leaves and drags the limping other with him. You lay on the forest floor for a couple minutes, trying to gather what strength you had left. Once you can, you drag yourself to a sitting position against the nearest tree.

You curl up into a ball and after a moment you let a sob rack your body. It's the first of many as you try to erase from your memory what just happened. Tears soak your dirty face as you sob in the middle of the Deadheads.

You considered telling Alby, maybe Thomas or Minho, but then surely your attackers would be put in the Slammer or most likely banished. You wanted to deny it but you knew they probably had someone else in on it; someone to kill you or Newt if your attackers were banished.

This only made you cry harder, the frustration forcing more pointless tears out. Your shaking body caused your possibly-broken ribs to ache and go ridged.

After a couple minutes of this, you finally calm down and wipe your tears away, trying to leave no trace. The boys has only hurt your midsection so it wouldn't be too hard to hide it from Newt.

You stand up slowly and push against trees as you walk, leaving one arm slung around your stomach in an effort to help it. It doesn't do much. As you walk towards the Glade, you trip multiple times which leaves you hanging onto the tree that you were using for support.

Finally, after what seemed like ages, you reach the break in the trees and peer out into the silent Glade. The celebrations had stopped and all the Gladers except for a few had went to bed. Alby, Minho and Newt were easily recognizable by the torches light that Minho held.

You straighten out and begin to walk forward, your arm dropping from your side and your breathing restricted. You hoped you looked mostly normal.

As you walk out of the trees Alby spots you and points you out to Newt. They jog over to you and you continue walking.

"Y/N we've been looking everywhere for you," Alby says annoyed. "What we're you doing in the Deadheads?"

"S-sorry," you wheeze. You clear your throat. "I just took a walk during the bonfire and sat down, must've fallen asleep." You force a small laugh and plaster an embarrassed look on your face.

Minho rolls his eyes. "All the places in the Glade to sleep and you chose the middle of a forest."

You shrug which makes your side burn but don't show it. Your eyes tear up involuntarily and you look to the ground quickly to hide it. You make a mental note to not shrug anymore.

"Right," Newt says suspiciously. "Well, thank you both for staying to look for her, you can go to bed now."

Alby and Minho turn the other direction with a 'goodnight' and you look up to Newt with shielded eyes.

"Well come on then," you say and take his hand, leading him back to your room. He narrows his eyes at you, sensing that something's off but follows anyways.

Once you reach your room, you lay down on the bed immediately, relieved to stop walking. Newt sits next to you, stroking your hair.

"You going to tell me what happened?"

You tear up at this but force them back before he sees. "About what?"

"That's what I'm trying to figure out, love. What really happened in the Deadheads?"

"Nothing," you say simply and turn to look at him. "I just...had a bad dream out there was all."

Newts expression relaxes and he nods. He lays down next to you and holds you to him, his arm pressing against your side. The pressure sends pain through your entire being and you bite your lip, glad you were facing the wall.

Once you hear his steady breathing and know he's asleep, you move his arm gently off of you. You look at his breathing form and hate that you had to keep anything from him.

But, it was too keep him safe. And you knew that it was what you had to do.

A/N: Hey guys it's 5 a.m and I stayed up for 3 hours writing these last two chapters so if they suck I'm sorry

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